“When the men of Judah came to the place that overlooks the desert and looked toward the vast army, they saw only dead bodies lying on the ground; no one had escaped.” (2 Chronicles 20:24).
My spirit is moved today in a strong direction—a navigational pull that leads me into the midst of a story belonging to my spiritual ancestors. They are your ancestors as well, for (as believers in Jesus Christ) we are the spiritual seed of Abraham. Those long ago and faraway events tucked into ancient history and laid out for us on the pages of Scripture belong to us. They are commended to us for our good care and careful consideration. Theirs are the ancient paths (Jer. 6:16) given to us as a road map for our current walkabouts in faith.
I find strength in their witness, and today my thoughts are anchored within a Judean soil, alongside a king named Jehoshaphat, and in the midst of a people named Israel. Collectively, they faced a real threat by a real enemy in a real place during a real point and time in history. Their response to that threat has me thinking… even more so, has me doing.
1. When the enemy came knocking, they immediately took their concern to the one place, the One God who had promised them consideration along these lines:
Spoken by the king… “If calamity comes upon us, whether the sword of judgment, or plague or famine, we will stand in your presence before this temple, that bears your Name and will cry out to you in our distress, and you will hear us and save us.” (2 Chronicles 20: 9)
2. The corporate gathering of Israelites waited in anticipation of God’s Spirit to move; when He did, He lighted upon one of them and spoke this message over them:
“Listen King Jehoshaphat and all who live in Judah and Jerusalem! This is what the LORD says to you: ‘Do not be afraid or discouraged because of this vast army. For the battle is not yours, but God’s. Tomorrow march down against them…. Take up your positions; stand firm and see the deliverance the LORD will give you, O Judah and Jerusalem. Do not be afraid; do not be discouraged. Go out to face them tomorrow, and the LORD will be with you.’” (2 Chronicles 20:15, 17).
3. The Israelites received the message as their own, and when tomorrow came, they obeyed God’s directives, worshipping as they went:
“Early in the morning they left for the Desert. … As they began to sing and praise, the LORD set ambushes against the men of Ammon and Moab and Mount Seir who were invading Judah, and they were defeated. (2 Chronicles 20:20,22)
Note that in the midst of their praise and worship and unbeknownst to them, God moved on their behalf.
4. God’s people took their position at the overlook and witnessed his faithfulness in manifold measure:
“When the men of Judah came to the place that overlooks the desert and looked toward the vast army, they saw only dead bodies lying on the ground; no one had escaped.” (2 Chronicles 20:24).
These are the makings of a good walkabout in faith, don’t you think? When the threat came…
They prayed;
They listened;
They worshipped;
They obeyed;
They took up their positions;
They witnessed the deliverance of their God.
And in the midst of all their “theys”, God was working to procure an ending in keeping with his God-ness. This is corporate, spiritual victory at its best; responses from both ends of the equation—ours’ and God’s—working together to solidify and set in concrete a heart truth. Not merely a head truth, but a truth that exponentially increases as we courageously allow it some feet and a voice so that it can make its way from the pages of a book onto the pavement of real understanding.
Theirs is a faith I want to live.

Accordingly, I have stood before the Lord in his temple (1 Cor. 6:16). I have listened to his directives, and I have worshipped. I am taking him at his word, and now begins my ascent to the overlook. I don’t imagine the climb will be easy. Mountain terrain always hosts its fair share of rocks, edges, misshapen branches, and pebbles that like to get wedged into the soles of our feet. Sometimes the air around us betrays us as we make that ascent, forcing the issue of our every breath. Sometimes our companions as well; not every mountain ascent is created for every mountain climber. Sometimes our journeys are meant to walk in isolation.
But of this one thing I am certain of today, for I have known it to be true in my yesterday…
When we arrive at the overlook of God’s intention, the view will be breathtaking. Why? Because our good and gracious Father has gone ahead of us to secure for us a victory that will far outweigh any difficulty required of us while making personal pilgrimage toward eternal Promise.
I am counting on the upcoming view from my overlook; in many ways, I’ve had an advance glance at it today. What a joy to know Jesus and to know that he can be trusted with my all! He just keeps multiplying his goodness and grace into my world. May you know and hold a similar understanding in your hearts this day. You are good pilgrims with which to share my journey. Thank you for spending some of your time with me. I count it a privilege. I love you each one. As always…
Peace for the journey,

PS: I will be MIA most of the week, but will try and check in with you as I can. Shalom.
How wonderful it is to be reminded of those who have gone before us on difficult journeys. We can always learn more about the faithfulness of God by how He has already proven Himself.
I will continue to lift you up before the throne of Grace as you travel on your own journey and as you remain obedient to the Lord in sharing His goodness through it.
It's such an encouragement to come here and visit…and such a blessing to be able to listen to your video message. Thank you for sharing your journey!
Lifting you up right now Elaine!
Your ascent to the overlook began long ago… this is the walking out of it… keep walking friend…
Hugs and blessings!
When my mother went for her last treatment, they threw confetti, gave her a bottle of non-alcoholic wine and sang and hugged her. Hold on for that glorious day when you can walk out of there for the last time:))
She also met wonderful nurses and people and her time was not wasted.
Wow…just a teary WOW.
Wise words to us. We do need to prepare ourselves now through prayer and Bible study so that when the valleys come–and they will–we will be fortifed by Him!!
Praying for you this week!
I sit here in a puddle of tears after reading part and watching video…. I'm in a scared place right now… crawling up in the Father's lap seeking his love and comfort… I know He will get me through it. I trust HIM. It's just scary. Thank You Jesus, Father God.
Oh my Elaine, may I say that you are glorifying God in your walk? How many others might complain and ask 'why Lord?' in the midst of similar circumstances. But it seems like God has trusted you with this season of cancer to encourage others and share the love of Christ. It touched my heart that you even mentioned the 16 year old girls who were shadowing the nurses to discover what they would like to do with their lives. I'm sure you were a blessing and probably a surprise to them in so many ways.
My friend you are such a blessing. Please know that you are being prayed for each day. You are also encouraging us to be prepared for our valley times. God's Word is true. He empowers us as we trust in Him.
Love you,
Your faith in the Lord and your encouraging words are salve to my tired soul. I am gladly joining you in climbing up to the overlook…
My prayers are with you, Elaine. God is doing a great work through you.
Living for Him, Joan
What heartfelt and beautiful words that I so needed to hear today! Praying for you as you climb every mountain!
Dearest Sister, Thank you for this, for your encouragement to each of us and I take you hand and go to the overlook as well. May His rest and glory fall on you this week.
Hugs, Noreen
p.s. I've never heard of "swamp people"but will keep an eye out for it.
Dear Anonymous…
How I pray your heart tendered by the truth of God's Word and by his willingness to fight the battle for you. Posture your heart beneath his watchful gaze this evening and cast every care into his hands. Speak his own words of holy writ back to him, reminding him of his promises to you!
Prayers headed in your direction.
Theirs is a faith I want to live.
And Elaine, YOUR faith is one I want to live also!!
Gosh…no matter where you are at, in the natural or in the spirit, you continue to minister words of HOPE and LIFE to us all.
I'll ponder on your words again and take heed to what you exhorted us to do.
Love you sister♥
Blessings Elaine…
So inspiring!
"Theirs is a faith I want to live."
Me, too! and let me say that you certainly are and witnessing to us all and also those directly affected by this and around you that you may not even know!
Come let us ascend to the place of the Lord!
It is a treasure to see you speak to us. It is such a blessing to still be able to sit at His feet and learn as you teach us from His Word! We will continue to lift you to His throne!
You minister so much PEACE for the journey. Thank you,
I really enjoyed your video message sis. You amaze me more and more. I am so proud of the way you are handling this journey of your life. You make my heart smile, thank you. I am praying for you, and loving you.
Oh, the victory as your ascent takes you to that overlook! You're spiritually ready for this workout, my friend.
We have an overlook in our county. I have taken many pictures of that view. As breathtaking as it is, I have no doubt that your overlook will be far more beautiful.
Long-distance hugs being sent your way…
Love you.
As always I find myself rushing to read your post when I see that you have written as it always soo blesses my heart. You are such an encouragement. I love that you are doing the videos. It is wonderful to see you and hear your voice and words that just come straight from your spirit. How fortunate are those who sit in the chemo lounge with you. How blessed those young girls no doubt were. When I was going to my many doc. office visits and while in the hospital for my mastectomy's I felt the Lord impressed upon my heart to look around and notice the others there struggling with their own battles and lift them in prayer while I sat and waited. (soo much waiting, haha) I listened to Him and did just that. And what a blessing to me it turned out to be. You are soo right of course as well. How important it is to strengthen ourselves with His Word and growth in Him while we can to prepare us for the valley's and trials that are sure to come. How else could we ever make it through. I will be praying for you these next few days as you fight the battle within your body from the chemo. But praise God, those days will pass, and you will come out on the other side that much closer to be being done with it all. MUCH LOVE to you, Debbie
Love seeing you and hearing your voice. He has won the battle. Victory is His. He has gone before you in all things and surrounded you with His army of angels.
May He hold you close these next couple of days as the chemo works through you. May He, in His graciousness and mercy, alleviate the nausea and fatigue and strengthen you.
Praying for you and walking beside you.
Much love in Christ,
Oh Elaine, I want to tell you that you are beautiful, inside and out, and I praise the Lord that He has made you that way. I want to do that, like you said, to ascend to the overlook, and to see my deliverance. I esteem you highly in Christ as my Sister. I am thinking of you often and praying for you.
Love in HIM, ((HUGS)), blessings always,
Elaine – many hope to glorify God in their times of suffering – but you my friend are doing it with such grace. The video was such touching and your heart for the people you met along the way is a blessing! You are a precious sight and a gift to all of us. I am so thankful God allowed us to cross paths and that you met my dear sweet friend Stacy walking this journey only 4 weeks ahead of you. Know that I am lifting you up daily before our King and trusting Great and WONDERFUL things to come!
Our dad was diagnosed again today with lung cancer – last year he was first diagnosed with stage IV throat and mouth cancer. We are waiting for what the biopsy showed today and the PETscan tomorrow will tell us. I have walked intimately through this journey once before and know the valley can seem daunting – can't imagine it without our LORD before us. Praying my parents will come to know Him too and His peace, joy and hope will be theirs as it is ours!
Love and blessings,
In your last paragraph you used the word "privilege". And that is what it is…this entire journey…it is a privilege to walk the path that God has set before his people, whether that path be one of good times and joy or whether it be one of pain and suffering.
May you be blessed with the encouragement and strength that only God can give.
I'm thinking of you often.
I love those verses in Chronicles — that the battle is not ours, and we need to just take up our positions. I'm so glad God is strengthening you, Eliane, to keep taking up your position, and I pray that I will always be ready to do the same.
May God carry you through the coming days when the chemo hits hard. Praying for you!
Interesting that you would post this scripture about the battle being the Lords and that we need to stand back and see the deliverance of the Lord.
I prayer deliverance for you from this cancer today from my kitchen table while listening to a minister pray a pray of healing deliverance for Cancer. you are never far from my spirit. I appreciate the fact that you've chosen to bring us along on your journey. Thank you for allowing us to see and hear and experience the 'good the bad and the ugly' with you.
The video made me cry – my spirit was quickened and I just sat in total silence after you were finished. The Lord is good all the time – He is faithful – He is the I AM over our yesterdays and the I Am of our today – as well as the I AM of our tomorrow. I too know what awaits me at the overlook – The VICTORY has already been won. Just walk – it will be OK.
loved this power talk, Elaine. I needed it. Truthfully, God is using you big time – through all of this…but you already know that.
hugs to you and the family
patrina <")>><
warrior bride in boots
Sacred intersections, yes, dear Elaine…that's what this is all about.
We're sharing your life with you, and learning from what you're learning…and applying it to our own unique set of circumstances.
Looking forward to climbing my own overlook…
Keeping you close,
This is an amazing, faith-inspiring passage of Scripture…one I also have taken a hard look at during a time of great trial. God faithfully went before me and graciously walked with me to my overlook…He worked in a mighty way through a family situation and showed me a glimpse of His awesome power. You are so right…it was BREATHTAKING!
Elaine, I know you are probably writing this journal because you think it is good for you, but I hope you realize how much each and every one of us needs YOU and the diary of your faith walk in our lives.
May the Lord bless you and keep you today and always and even as we pray that, we know the He is and He will!
I'm praying for you my sweet friend. You are so special to me. I am amazed at how God is usually you in such a difficult time. It's because you are willing and available to Him.
As God encourages you, we are encouraged. I'm so thankful you are sharing your deliverance.
Hi Elaine, I am praying for you today and as you take your ascent to a high and holy place, an overlook where God's glory is already being revealed to you and through you. Be strong in the Lord and in His mighty power. I pray your heart and mind will rest peacefully in Him as He does the work of healing in your body through this treatment. Praying for your sweet family, too!
So precious to see you today my friend…and what a word to my heart.
Along with the challenges I've been facing, mom fell down the stairs on Sunday and yesterday I spent 10 hours at Emergency with dad. The ambulance attendants felt he had had a mini-stroke, in additional to all his other medical concerns. I finally arrived home around 1am this morning.
We face different struggles, but the Lord cares and sees them all.
My heart was encouraged by a similar faith in some lepers today as I read Luke 17. Verse 14 said, "And as they went, they were cleansed of their leprosy." As they went. The healing came with their first step of obedience and faith.
I also read in John 11 today about the raising of Lazarus. Christ gave such a beautiful example of praising and thanking His Father before the answer came. Then, as Lazarus responded to Jesus invitation to "come out", Christ says, "Unwrap him and let him go!". That just spoke so deeply to me. I feel like I have been "buried" in some concerns recently, and held in bondage by some "graveclothes". Jesus is saying, "Unwrap her and let her go!" Praying I will break free from the binding that has held me entombed.
Thanks for your prayers and love for me. Continuing in prayer for you as well my friend.
I'm humbled to receive this of badly needed encouragement from someone whose journey has taken her places that are far more serious than my own…still I desperately needed this word to climb with expectancy and hope to the "overlook of God’s intention". That's where I'm going to set my sights as I crawl out of what has felt like "sinking sand" this past few days.
I think of you so often and pray for you. Thank you for sharing your journey… it shows God's faithfulness. That He can bring us through it. Much love.
What a blessing to find your site. Not sure how I found you on facebook, etc., but feel very fortunate that I did. Your courage and faith are obvious, admirable, infections and contagious! My prayer is that the Lord will bless you and use you through your life and work far beyond anything you could hope for or imagine! ~donkimrey
i love that passage, and i know you'll ascend to your overlook worshipping your God all the way. thank you for ministering to us as you go up, testifying of God's faithfulness in the face of battle. love you!
Blessings Elaine,
I commented earlier on this post but I thought I at least signed my name but had not…and I went as anonymous because I was not signed in… so today, as I listened once again to your video and ascended with my prayer for you to the throne for another day, I know that He hears.
I am so blessed as you share your videos even through tears in my eyes, I am encouraged. I just wanted you to know in the midst of your MIA, you are still being lifted in prayer after reading Stacy (His Way Not Mine) and Debbie's comment, I realize what an honor it is to know you and glean from your wisdom and God's strength in you. That is why today I wrote on "Peace for the Journey" and shared you, because you definitely show His peace all over you and around you. I'm praying that the time of celebration is nearing and you have felt the prayers; that you can enJOY another weekend with your loving family and/or friends and that all the weary side effects are subdued and His Grace surrounds you.
You are a dear humble blessing!
Thinking of you today as I read Stacy's WOO HOO for today and her prayer request for tomorrow. Thank you for encouraging us all to be prepared and pray without ceasing humbly before Our Lord!
Peace in my journey from yours,
I am signed in this time and I signed my name…PTL
Elaine – LOVED your comment over at my G&T blog. You crack me up. I see why we have such a connection-our families are so much alike.
I, too, am a tired mama. Instead of Swamp People in our house, I've been heard to yell at my nine-year-old, "Go smoke on the back deck."
Yeah, I'm tired.
Your word today reminds me of the morning we arose and drove to the edge of the Grand Canyon and waited for the sun to rise. Standing on the edge of the overlook, seeing the Blessings and beauty of our creator…a moment in time I will not soon forget.
And tonight as I sit here I not only reflect on that moment I also stand spiritually on the edge and overlook the blessings God has rained down on us during this past 2 months. Trials-Yes! But blessings all the more and testimony about our God!!
You are amazing and I am forever grateful as to how God is using your life in mine:)
Love to you sister and will be praying this week especially!
Wow, Elaine, you are amazing the way you encourage others. I came over from Peggy's. Praying for your healing, in Jesus name.
Elaine, as always, your words penned from His heart encourage and inspire me! You are a blessing to me!
He is with you every step of this faith walk as you ascend into greater and deeper places within His heart!
I continue to lift you before the Throne of Grace, dear friend!
Love and Hugs!
PS….So excited that you got your Warrior Bride print……It so inspires me, as well!
Hi Sweet friend. I have not been in blog world lately, as my life is in a busy season, however, I think of you often and pray for you daily. SO glad I got a minute to come and visit…. You are amazing Elaine. Truly you are… such an inspiration and encouragement.
You are loved dearly.
Hi Elaine,
This is my first visit and I am touched and encouraged by the Good Word you shared.
Yes, GOD is our deliverer and HE is delighted at our astonished joy as we survey the work of His Hands.
I notice that many of my bloggy friends have joined you on this journey and I will be honored to as well. Meet you at the overlook!
Love in the Lamb~ Jess
you are my hero. you look beautiful and so full of Jesus. much love and many many prayers to you, elaine! i am so blessed by your book and have gleaned much from it.
hugs, mariel
What an inspirational picture to go with a great blog. I did not know that you were undergoing chemo — guess I have been MIA, too. Prayers for you, my friend.
Wow Elaine, my family and I are about to head out to a celebration for a 12 year old boy who today is going to take his last dose of Chemo! His family has invited one and all, anyone who has ever known him or them. We are all excited and I look foreward to the day you do the same. You are so encouraging and I know its because you have been in God's word deeply for so long and trust Him so much. Thank you for the ways you make His word come alive for us and encourage us to seek the treasure for ourselves!! Be blessed! You are in my prayers!!
blessings and prayers, friend.
Love ya!
The book, "Hinds Feet for High Places" immediately comes to mind as I read of your readying, and readiness.
There's power in your witness, Elaine. Those who've stood where you stand, or will stand there one day, can draw strength from your perspective. I know I do.
Thinking of you today; and with much affection.