In honor of the New Year, I’ve selected the following Bible verse(s) to serve as my anchor verse for the next fifty-two weeks:
Over the last few years, I’ve made this my practice. Not out of obligation. Not because others are doing it. Not because I think I’m super-spiritual. Rather, I’ve chosen an anchor verse because I need a touch stone of remembrance for the daily practicing of my faith… especially on those days when the earth beneath my feet begins to tremble. On those occasions, I need a “go to” word from the Word.
I’ve also found it helpful to have a tangible reminder of my “go to” word engraved upon a bracelet. It keeps me attached to higher thoughts and keeps me chained to the Gospel and to the Gospel-Giver. And so, my gift to myself this Christmas, designed by Lisa Leonard. A scripture and a simple phrase that God impressed upon my heart in early October.
Movement wins. You can read my previous thoughts about this phrase by clicking on this link. Soberly, I take this one on, and I’ll wear it in the upcoming year. I want the reminder, friends. I need the reminder to keep moving, keep pressing forward in order to “take hold of that for which Christ Jesus took hold of me.”
Progression is a key to spiritual development. Without movement, our hearts remain as is. Without movement, our hearts weaken. Without movement, our hearts stay stuck, and over time, move backward to a lesser place of understanding. Without movement, we’ve missed the point of our purpose on this earth—to know God and then, out of that knowing, to lead others to know the same.
Movement is God’s desire for all of us. On the front side of a new year, we cannot foresee the moments that will fill our calendars in 2012. We can, however, make a commitment to move our faith forward as each one of them arrives.
I want to keep pace with Jesus this year. To go where he goes. To do what he says. To love as he loves. To give as he gives.
Going, doing, loving, and giving. Movement. With Jesus at the lead, movement wins.

Keep moving, friends. Your best days are ahead of you. I look forward to moving alongside you in 2012. As always…
Peace for the journey,
PS: How is God challenging you to move your faith forward in this season? What “word” is he speaking to your heart?
Love it!
I picked a WORD this year, JOY.
And for my birthday present to myself, I got a Vintage Pearl bracelet with the word Eucharisteo on it, reminding me in all things to be thankful and joyful!
Happy New year to you!
Graciousness is "my" word: having or showing kindness, courtesy, charm; merciful; compassionate; Archaic having pleasing qualities; attractive.
I want to live like Jesus – graciously. And for that, I'll need to "borrow" and incorporate YOUR word!
Grace is my word for the new year…hope to study on all that it is and can be in my life! So blessed to be walking alongside you on your journey…thanks for sharing your heart as always!
Elaine – I LOVE the idea of having your verse on a bracelet. then it's RIGHT THERE. My verse for the year is Luke 2:20: The Child continued to grow and become strong, increasing in wisdom; and the grace of God was upon Him.
Blessings to you.
Hi Elaine,
What an inspiring post, it really reverberates in my heart. This will definitely be a year of movement in Christ for me. In Him we live and move and have our being.
May the Lord lift you on wings like eagles. May you run and not grow weary, may you walk and not faint. Blessings to you!
I have a vision for this year, and I've been looking for a Word to summarize it…a verse. I just found it on another blog! Sums my vision up perfectly. Now I need one of those bracelets too! 🙂 Beautiful way to remember!
I look forward to moving alongside you this year, too, Elaine. The bracelet is such a great way to keep your word for the year on the forefront of your mind. I've been thinking about a word for this year, and I think mine is focus. That should help with movement, too, huh?
Blessings to you in 2012!
I just read a couple of blogs, one from a breast cancer survivor, the other from a breast surgeon. Both were choosing three words to guide them in the coming year. I like your idea better, of keeping meaningful scripture close to you. Blessings this year, friend.
Amen, Keep moving…great advice! I posted my verse for 2012 too… the 'word' God is speaking to me- "I will go in the strength of the Lord"
A worthy goal to have for the new year-movement. Thanks for the reminder. I tend to get stuck and stay there a long time. I need to get unstuck and move ahead this new year. My word for the new year is trust so I'm trusting God to show me how and where to move. Happy New Year! Peggy
I like your practice of choosing a scripture verse to hold on to. I don't do resolutions any more or choose words to focus on…I wouldn't remember them if I did. 🙂 But I have committed to a stronger prayer life and a determination to give my desire for control to the one who really! has control. I'll have to recommit to that one about once an hour I'm sure but maybe with practice will come a real letting go. blessings, marlene
This is a great idea, Elaine. Thank you for the inspiration! Coming alongside you, too!
I'm still searching God's word for direction regarding MY word. I keep coming across a particular word, so that may be it. I'll keep you posted.
I hope you're feeling much better and your voice has returned. I've missed our phone conversations!
Love you…
My word for this year is "endure" and the verse is James 5:10,11
“…continue in My word…"
John 8:31
believing on Him, The eternal Word of God…He will point the way, calm the tongue and storms, guide us in our times of need…
continuing … going forward … by His lead 😉
yes, His Word is my comfort, support, promise, everything.
Linking back…
Love this post and your bracelet idea. I always ask God to lay a word or verse on my heart that will give me focus. This year I was rather surprised at His choice. My word is "follow" and I believe that will entail some discipline on my part. I think the months ahead will be an interesting journey with Him as we pursue this together.
blessings my friend
I'm just a mess with this kind of thing this year. I don't have a word, but God has given me a picture (started thinking about this at the urging of Mary DeMuth) and I'm kind of sitting there for a while. I love this anchor of yours, though, sweet lady. Beautiful jewelry too–adds new meaning to wearing it on your brow, no?
Missing you today. Wishing life would move slower. Sending love.
God is spurring me on toward continued memorization of scripture and high flying by the seat of my pants in faith. Any fear of heights will be challenged in a whole new way in 2012.
My word is FAITHFUL. My anchor verse(s): Proverbs 3:1-4
Check out my blog for my post about it.
Love you…
What a great verse for your 2012~ I'm still praying for mine. Every time I think of you, I will pause to pray this verse for you. Much love.
I've chose to concentrate on being not afraid this year of where or what God leads me to:)
Just lost my comment, or at least I think I did. Very frustrating, but oh, well.
Love to you this day, for your own gifts of encouragement. God continues to use you in so many ways and I'm forever grateful for all the good things you do!
I think my comment didn't post, thanks for the encouragement Elaine, I need it. Blessings.
Oops, I'm katiegfromtennessee
I love that thought…"Your best days are ahead of you" How tremendously hopeful and true! My word for this year is "peace" I want the peace of Christ more and more and in the hearts of those close to me. Thank you for the encouraging word. Lori
Hi I just decided today my verse is, discipline. I haven't chosen a verse yet but I shall! Love your choice, too!
Thank you for this posting! I've had a verse that has carried me through the past few years; I didn't know it was called an anchor verse. I've chosen my verse for this year!
[…] word from the Word when other words fail . . . when my heart and soul lose focus. Last year’s anchor was rooted in Phil. 3:12-14 and the phrase “movement wins.” I cannot begin to chronicle for you […]