Monthly Archives: September 2009

Making Sense of Mustard Seeds

“Again he said, ‘What shall we say the kingdom of God is like, or what parable shall we use to describe it? It is like a mustard seed, which is the smallest seed you plant in the ground. Yet when planted, it grows and becomes the largest of all garden plants, with such big branches that the birds of the air can perch in its shade.’” (Mark 4:30-32).

I’m not sure how it all fits together; all the stuff of my Sunday.

Sick children;
Laundry rotation;
Clorox wipes;
Temperature taking;
Non-stop Sponge Bob.
A Wal-Mart run for meds.
Throw-up clean up;
Make-up homework;
Bible-study prep work…

Some prayers;
A Scripture;
A Kingdom;
A mustard seed;
Some birds.

A blog post.

But something tells me they fit; Someone compels me to make them fit … at least to ponder their collective wisdom and then to scrawl a few thoughts in between runs for cool washcloths and requests for more attention. And here’s what I’m thinking tonight…

They are God’s kingdom, these two young ones I’ve been given in my later years. I never imagined them on the front side of my motherhood. Their two older brothers were enough to fill my maternal longings. Then again, I never imagined starting over in a new marriage. But I did start over. And by God’s grace and only through a loving provision I cannot begin to merit or adequately explain, I was granted the privilege of having two additional children.

I’ve not always done it right; in fact, many times I’ve gotten it wrong. All of us have some battle scars to prove it. But even in the mistakes, I’ve always been mindful of the sacred responsibility to do it. To parent in the light and shadows of a greater cause … a kingdom cause. If I don’t, someone else will, and what God wants growing in my garden is a planting filled with the mustard seeds of a heavenly kingdom, not the weeds of a worldly domain.

The world grows weeds … useless, unimaginative, ugly to the eye, and difficult to erase.

All I have to do is look out my bedroom window to a neighboring lot and see the effects of a worldly neglect. But when I look inward to reflect on what’s growing inside these four walls, to the young ones who are within reach and are well-tended to this day, I see the effects of a Godly intention. A sowing that exceeds any amount of energy expended on the cultivation.

I see God’s kingdom—two children growing faster than my heart can handle. There is nothing useless, unimaginative, and ugly about them. Instead theirs is a beauty that, when beheld, no one wants to erase, for in their eyes … on their faces and beneath their skin, there radiates the glow of heaven. A golden hue reminiscent of a golden road that links them directly back to the inapproachable light of a glorious God.

God’s kingdom is like them; tiny mustard seeds growing alongside their brothers and sisters in Christ to develop into a garden without boundaries. A garden that multiplies over time to become the sought-after perch and shade for the birds of the air.

We are there too, being cultivated and grafted into a kingdom without end. A golden carpet of splendor rolled out for all of humanity as the pathway home to the King. As you consider your “plant”—your part in God’s kingdom this week—be reminded that your beauty is needed. The light you carry within added to the light I carry within becomes an illumination that beckons weary travelers to pause from frantic flight and to, instead, find rest within our branches.

God has fashioned us to be his perch and shade to a world in need of a safe place to land. In doing so, his kingdom advances. One seed at a time; one heart at a time; one prayer at a time; one cold compress and one temperature-taking at a time; one Scripture at time. One blog post at a time.

That is how my Sunday fits together … a day fast approaching its end. It’s been messy and cluttered and filled with ranging emotions, yet when all is cast at the feet of the King, all becomes material he can work with. He’s done it for me; he’ll do it for you as well.

Blessings this week as you fan into flame your candle and expand your branches to become God’s extension of rest to a people who need the truth behind their sacred worth. We are all the useful, imaginative, beautiful, and unerasable work of his hands.

Walk your inheritance well. As always…

peace for the journey,

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“By faith he made his home in the promised land like a stranger in a foreign country; he lived in tents, as did Isaac and Jacob, who were heirs with him of the same promise. For he was looking forward to the city with foundations, whose architect and builder is God.” (Hebrews 11:9-10).

I’ve been thinking about home this morning; not this one, the one where I currently lay my head at night, but that one … the one I’m headed toward.

In many ways, I’m already there. My heart resides with God. The older I get, the stronger my clarification in the matter that this life is but a walk-thru and, accordingly, about my need to keep the tent pegs pliable—moveable and sitting on “go” for the road up ahead.

I cannot see far down the path, but I can see enough to know that there is coming a day when I will sit with Father God, look back over all of this mess I’ve called my life, and label it done. Completed. Perfected and well-lived. In this immediate season of my crazy mixed-up life, I can’t imagine that moment of final clarity, but I can trust God to make all of my “current” count toward a better good, a greater plan, his kingdom gain.

I want to be on the move with God; not mired down in the frailty of my flesh which is content on keeping me comfortable. I want a heart and life that boasts the faith of a pilgrim journey—a stepping forth and stepping on so as to keep in step with a forward God. Sure, I’ve got a past that follows me and therefore invites me to an occasional backward glance, but the closer I get to home, the lesser my desire for an over-the-shoulder, looking-behind lingering.

I’m not into “stalled” living, friends. There was a time when I found some immediate gratification in my compliance to stay stuck, but not anymore. Perhaps age has something to do with it; statistics say I’m at the half-way point of my pilgrimage—my journey home that began 43 years ago. I’m not one to put a lot of weight into statistics; I’ve witnessed the fragility of life first-hand, and I no longer hold any assumptions in the matter.

The measure of time I’ve been granted on this earth matters little to me. What matters the most is that I walk my time forward, with God and with few possessions to weigh me down. Like the ancients of old, I want to live with the perspective that no matter how good things look here … feel here … seem here, things are going to be better there. Thus, I keep my bags packed, my boots on, and the tent pegs of my heart loosened for the next time when God says “move”.

In many ways, I’m hearing his summons along these lines. One or two big “moves”; a multitude of smaller “moves”, but all “moves” intended to keep me on the move with God’s plans for my life. One of the minor forward “moves” was making some changes to my blog. I resisted the “move”; I’m not one for change along these lines.

When I began blogging eighteen months ago, I had no inclination of moving past a few posts to whet my appetite. I quickly came to the realization that blogging (at least for me) was more than a casual journey into cyberland. Blogging has become the venue for me to creatively express the thoughts of my heart. Accordingly, I don’t take my “canvas” lightly. If I’m going to “paint” my heart, I want the brushstrokes to land in a beautiful place—a home that reflects the penchant of my longing.

For a while now, I’ve quietly sat on the sidelines, admiring George & Ashley’s work at Believe me when I tell you that I’ve “searched” long and wide for just the right designers. Many of them weren’t a good “fit” for me because I’m a bit of a “designer” myself, therefore not easily pleased. But there was something unique about the Weis’ work. Something that clicked with me and allowed me the freedom to trust them with my canvas. Together, we talked and worked and shuffled around some ideas until we came up with this… a new look for peace for the journey.

The message will remain the same. Peace never loses its cutting edge. The author? Well, I’d love a make-over of my own, but alas it’s still the same elaine you’ve come to know. The canvas, however, is fresh and marks the beginning of a new chapter in my journey of faith. A faith that is pushing me forward and pulling me ever closer to the place of God’s intention.


My suitcase is well tagged, don’t you think? (Thanks, George, for thinking of it; I didn’t really catch the magnitude/analogy of it all until I saw the final product.)

The prayer of my heart for the future worth of this canvas exceeds the money spent on a new design. God will determine the worth in the end, both of my words and my heart. How I pray to always be found on the road with him, moving forward and with the Great Commission as my guiding strength.

Thank you for indulging my thoughts this day. If it wasn’t for you, my faithful readers, my words read in isolation. C.S. Lewis once said, “We read to know we’re not alone.” By you being here, and by my being there … with you at your cyber address … we share in the great fellowship of believers realizing that, in fact, the road home is crowded with kindred pilgrims. Let’s continue the walk with our Lord and with one another. What a privilege to carry my suitcase alongside all of you! As always…

peace for the journey,

PS: Please take the time to visit George & Ashley over at their website, They do beautiful work and have the servants’ hearts to go with! They are “come alongside you” kind of folk–two people who are content to work behind to scenes to bring about positive changes and progress for God’s kingdom gain. I am the better person for having had our paths cross at this season in my journey. Thanks, again, Weis family, for your integrity in the process and for allowing God to hold the pen of your creativity. Blessings and then some…

PSS: Some of you have let me know that you aren’t able to clearly “see” all the elements in your web browser. Ashley has sent me this link for you to update your Internet Explorer. She thinks this is where the problem lies: click here. Hope this helps.

a quick update…

Hey friends…

As you can tell, the blog is undergoing a make-over with a few more additions to come over the next few days. I will also be switching the domain address to a address and will keep you posted as details arrive. I can’t wait to tell you about the fabulous designers!

On another note, I wanted to let you know the winner of the Bebo Norman CD: #16 LauraLee Shaw from Selah, Pause, and Ponder. Congrats LauraLee!

A final thought for your Wednesday:

“My son, preserve sound judgment and discernment, do not let them out of your sight;
they will be life for you, an ornament to grace your neck.
Then you will go on your way in safety, and your foot will not stumble;
when you lie down, you will not be afraid;
when you lie down, your sleep will be sweet.
Have no fear of sudden disaster or of the ruin that overtakes the wicked,
for the LORD will be your confidence and will keep your feet from being snared.” (Proverbs 3:21-26).

Whatever you have to do today to preserve sound judgment and discernment, do it. Wrap them around your neck; do not let them out of your sight. We live in a fallen world, and the enemy’s prowl has never been more vicious; more vigilant; more firm and more diligent.

But neither has our God’s. He, too, is on the prowl (from a higher and better vantage point). His vigilance and diligence on our behalf exceed the enemy’s attempts at the same. The LORD, our confidence, comes behind us and goes before us. Our responsibility, today, is to secure ourselves firmly in between these sacred Bookends.

Do not let your confidence slip; instead, fix your eyes on Confidence and find God’s peace. As always…

peace for the journey,

whispers of home

whispers of home

“The heavens declare the glory of God; the skies proclaim the work of his hands. Day after day they pour forth speech; night after night they display knowledge.” (Psalm 19:1).

“Look at that, mommy. I think God made it beautiful just for us.”

Those were my daughter’s words as we exited Wal-Mart not long ago. I’ve learned to keep my camera in my purse for moments such as these … times when God shows up and shows off just because he’s … well … God.

The pictures don’t do our beholding any measure of justice. The pinks were rich and deep and amply encased in the sky above us. Even before my daughter put thoughts to her vision, my thoughts stirred in the same direction.

Sometimes God paints a vivid explanation point to his presence; sometimes we take notice. Not all will give credit to the painter, but many will, knowing that such extravagance speaks a language beyond human understanding. Each and every day we’re presented with the handiwork of our Creator. His language is rich with a beauty that cannot be replicated in full. Words that…

Bloom a flower.
Paint a sky.
Stir an ocean.
Spark a fire.
Blow a breeze.
Bend a tree.
Wet the earth.
Ice the ponds.
Strip the trees.
Scorch the desert.
Dew the mornings.

Indeed, creation speaks a language all its own; in doing so, you and I are given the invitation to take notice. To see beyond the constraints of a civilized tongue and to accept God’s summons to converse at a deeper level. A holier level where our words are few and his are on display adding chapter and verse to our limited vocabulary.

Sometimes it takes the brilliance of a night sky to capture our interest, our notice and our acknowledgement. Sometimes it takes the heart of child who better understands her Father’s intention behind a vivid painting and who isn’t afraid to voice her praise along those lines. Sometimes it takes a trip to Wal-Mart where the contrary nature of such an expedition speaks in stark opposition to what is waiting for its customers beyond its doors.

Regardless of the methods God uses to get our attention, he intends to do so. He is worthy of our notice and is pleased with our acknowledgement regarding his creative genius—his goodness because of his “God-ness”.

This week will be filled with such occasions for each one of us. Times when God will pour forth his language via his creation. He will tailor make an invitation to suit our contrasting lifestyles and busyness. Most likely, it will be unexpected and unforeseen. But God will speak; there is nothing unexpected in his promises to do so. The unreliable factor regarding the “hearing” lies with us. Therefore, let us not miss the grace of God as it arrives; instead, let us open our ears, our eyes, our hearts and our minds, to believe and receive God’s language of invitation this week.

God is making something beautiful just for us. Notice him and find your praise.

The whispers of home are calling your name. As always…

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PS: I will post the winner of the Bebo CD with my next post; happy Labor Day!

a night Visitor…

“One night Eli, whose eyes were becoming so weak that he could barely see, was lying down in his usual place. The lamp of God had not yet gone out, and Samuel was lying down in the temple of the LORD, where the ark of God was. Then the LORD called Samuel.” (1 Samuel 3:2-4).

I’m not a good sleeper, but last night I slept … good. The night colored darker than usual, the sound machine gently lulled my slumber, the overhead ceiling fan operated at full throttle, and there were no boys above me to creak the witness of their presence. I went to bed earlier than usual, tucking myself in with some truth from God’s Word and some audible prayers for the saints.

Sleep was sweet, and then sleep was interrupted. Not by a loud noise or a neighboring dog or even the sound of my husband snoring. No, the culprit behind my “bolt-upright in bed” response was nothing more than the sound of a page turning in my Bible. It lay open by my bed; apparently the breeze created by the ceiling fan forced its movement. In doing so, it forced my notice.

For a few minutes, I became cognizant to the spiritual domain hovering close by. I’m not a mystic, nor do I major on the physical manifestations of the “unseen” dimension that I heartily believe to be at work around us 24/7. But I’ve lived with God long enough and deep enough to realize when he is making a point.

He made one last evening, and before I could forget it, I grabbed the pad of paper and pen that lay bedside and wrote down these words in the dark…

That’s the way our faith is with God. He shows up, pages turn, and the whispers of his grace wake us from our dismal slumber.

As quickly as I was awakened from my slumber, I returned to its embrace. When I awoke this morning, I wondered if my imagination was to blame for my earlier alertness. One quick glance at my notebook told me otherwise. The handwriting was a bit skewed, but the words verified the moment. And this morning, I’m thinking that maybe someone today needs to hear the truth about a “showing up, page turning, whispering grace” kind of God.

Our faith activates his presence. Every time. There is no “maybe” on his part; no “if I feel like it” or “if I’m not busy”. Our God is faithful to arrive upon the scenes of our lives as we are faithful to seek him out. Not just at night (although I think the quiet of evening and the cover of darkness is tailor made for his arrival), but also during the daytime when light is obvious and our senses are most alert to the movement around us.

If God is about anything, he’s about turning the pages of our stories with the idea that a conclusion is fast approaching. We cannot stop his inevitable end to our stories; we can stall the progress toward that end … put up roadblocks and force some heavy editing in the process, but make no mistake. Our books are being written by the very hand of God, and one day soon, ours will shelve alongside the ancients of old where we will spend an eternity, together with them, enraptured by the “read”.

Some of you, today, need for a page to turn in your life. Need the hand of God to reach down from heaven and end the suspense of the preceding paragraphs that have captured your attention for a long season. You desire to move on, to get on with the rest of your story, but you are stuck … mired down in the confusion of some words and with an understanding that refuses to move you on to the next page. Perhaps your strength has waned with the reading, forcing your slumber and your inattentiveness. Perhaps, even your faith has taken a hit.

I understand. I, too, have hosted some seasons of being stuck. I’m afraid I don’t have a ten-step plan or a fifteen-chapter book that will guarantee your success at breaking free from its grip. No, when I walk through times of slumber, times of wishing for the “page to turn” but unable to do so through my own strength, the only thing I know to do is to keep walking … keep refusing the pre-mature end to my story that, apparently, has a chapter or two more to be written.

In those seasons, I simply bring the unfinished product to Jesus, lay it before him, and ask him to move it forward … to move me forward. To reach down from heaven with the whispers of his grace and to blow the pages of my life and the faith of my heart onward.

He’s never disappointed me; he’s always been faithful and deliberate with his showing up. Granted, the progress is sometimes a bit slow for my taste, but even then, I’m willing to concede that my taste and my Father’s are not always equal in their merit. I cannot see the finished product; he can, and so I make a decision to trust him with the pace believing that the end will arrive on time and with the sacred conclusion of my final perfection.

I don’t how this strikes you today; maybe it’s not for you. But for a few of you, those of you whose eyes have grown “weak” and whose perception has grown dim, I want you to know the truth of my late-night encounter with the presence of the living God. When you activate your faith and incline your heart in his direction, he is faithful to reach down from the heavenlies and to turn the pages of your story in perfect keeping with his will.

If you are stuck today, I pray the whispers of God’s grace to be your portion and the witness of his presence to be your comfort. Your story is but one divine breath away from turning its page and moving its words forward into the annals of an everlasting faith. May God grant you the courage and the wisdom to relinquish the pen into his capable hands. As always…

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PS: I didn’t plan on being here today, but then again, I didn’t plan on a night visitor. I don’t know when I’ll be here again; I’m sensing the need to pull away for a few days. Please know that I keep you in my heart throughout the day. You’ve all become a vital and integral part in my faith journey, and I count it a privilege to live in fellowship with you. Enjoy this beautiful day we’ve been given; may the sure and certain presence of our Father find you on the pages of your story this week. Shalom.

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