Four and a half years worth of Bible study makes for some memories. Memories that include a whole lot of…
Tuesday nights.
Most importantly, memories that seed with a whole lot a Jesus. He, alone, is the one reason that keeps most of us coming back for more, study after study, year after year.
We’ve completed eleven different studies since my family’s arrival here almost five years ago. I knew before I arrived that God had clearly called me to facilitate the process. A couple of years prior, I had a head on collision with the power and transforming work of God’s Word. He profoundly interrupted my life with the truth of Scripture, and my hunger was palpable.
When I learned that we would be making another pastoral move, my heart welled with anticipation for the possibility of bringing God’s truth to others in a more tangible way. My zeal was well matched by a group of women who were hungry for the same. Together, we have laughed and cried and prayed our way through some difficult seasons. We’ve come to know and love Beth Moore, Nancy Leigh DeMoss, Jennifer Rothschild, and most recently, our precious Alicia Britt Chole.
I introduced Alicia to our group several weeks ago via her book Anonymous: Jesus’ Hidden Years and Yours. To say this study has been transformational in our lives, both corporately and individually, is to say too little, yet somehow tonight I struggle to find the right words. Alicia has given us the permission to celebrate our hidden years … to respect them, to embrace them, and to understand their sacred worth as it pertains to our intimacy with Jesus Christ.
I am forever marked by the truth of her study and by the time that I spent walking it with over fifty women. Jesus has been the overriding focus of our hearts these past seven weeks, and I finish this time with a rich fullness and deep thankfulness for all of my God-ordained seasons. Whether in the bloom of Spring, the heat of Summer, the stripping of Fall, or the barren of Winter, all seasons with the Father are served as the main course and are to be partaken of accordingly.
We have partaken, and our season of study has come to a close. Tuesday nights are free and clear for the fellowship hall of Pine Forest UMC … at least for a couple of months. We’ll be back. Friends and Jesus have a way of creating a hunger for more of the same. I, for one, can’t wait to reconvene with my sisters in January.

I love these women. As a pastor’s wife, it can sometimes be difficult to find your “home” in a place you never even imagined your feet would pause. These women have made it their mission to invite me into theirs. They are home for me, and even though we’ve closed shop temporarily, when January rolls around and the scent of Tuesday nights once again fills the air, I’ll be ready to break some holy bread around the table with my family. I won’t worry about them being available. They will be.
For they have learned, even as I have learned, that God is simply and profoundly…
too good to be neglected. He is worth our time and our best efforts at attending to the process of our sacred becoming.
So Tuesday night gals, I want you to know that I love you and that I would have missed a great deal had the Bishop not decided to send Preacher Billy and his family to you! You have shown me a side of heaven that is rarely glimpsed on this side of eternity. I carry you all in my heart, even as I know that you hold me close in yours. Doing life with Jesus alongside the likes of you has been one of the richest blessings my life has known.

Let us keep on doing it, and all the more, for as long as we pilgrim this road together. Until we meet again, whether here or there…
Now, bloggie friends, I want to share a pitifully captured video from a portion of our final study with you. This visual is not great (we are still living in the age of a non-digital camcorder…my wish lish for Christmas has just increased) but I wanted you to at least hear my voice–no mocking of the southern accent please. Not because I have anything overly profound to say, but simply because it gives you a more complete picture of the writer of this blog. Please disregard my husband’s attempts at “fading” in and out, and pay close attention to my friend, Michelle, who is a professional interpreter for the deaf. At the end of her song, it fades, but then returns for a brief final look of my incredible Tuesday night gals. We made the tape for Alicia and is much better quality when viewing it as a DVD. Anyway, enough apologies. Enjoy the song.
Elaine, my heart leaped as I read this post. You don’t know how it resonated with me (well, maybe you do a little since we have corresponded.)
This book is going on my “wish list” for when I am able to make the next Amazon order. Thank you my friend, for how you are sowing into the lives of others.
Oh Elaine; it was nice to get to hear your southern voice! I’m originally from New York but I think I lost most of my accent since I’ve been gone for so many years (others may disagree though).
I love the Bible studies of Beth Moore, Jennifer Rothschild and Nancy Leigh DeMoss. Each one of those ladies have been keynote speakers at my church too. I’ve not heard of the study “Anonymous” but will have to check into that one. I also love the music of Chris Tomlin and Michelle was so skilled and graceful to watch.
I especially loved hearing your heart as you prayed. And you also reminded me to not focus so much on this world but to have an eternal focus. How important that is as life can be hard.
We have been all blessed to have you and Billy come in to our lives. You are a spiritual, leader, speaker and friend. Thank you for all you mean to me. Blessings for your Journey!
Oh Elaine, what a precious delight this was this morning. Knowing Sign Language, I LOVED this!!! The way she signed about God being our breath of life was what captivated me the most – WOW! It's also interesting to see the very small variations of words signed from place to place. Every "community" of deaf people have some signs particular to their area.
So loved hearing your voice again…huge smile on my face as tears welled up in my eyes. Miss you my friend.
Have a great day.
Love, prayers & hugs.
I dare say there is nothing obscure, sequestered or anonymous about your mission. It may be a quiet, sometimes daunting road you travel, but it definitely has grooves and signposts that are easily recognizable. God has trod there.
Wish I could have joined your study group (I love endings that include food!).
You’ve enriched so many lives, one can but wonder what the next leg of the journey entails ….
Dear Elaine,
Who knows if we will ever meet here on earth, but to have a glimpse of you with your precious Tuesday Night ladies… what a gift.
Now, as I read and absorb your thought-provoking posts, I will do so with your adorable southern accent. It enamors me to you even more!
I have purchased Anonymous… and it waits patiently to be read… sooner then later… after reading this post!
Blessings, sister! I am so glad that I don’t have to wait until mid-January to hear your heart’s ponderings.
what a precious group you have! That book sounds really interesting, too! I will have to check it out!
blessings~ mariel
I sure enjoyed the video. I absolutely adore your voice ~ it reminds me of my friend from Texas and how I miss her.
Alicia Chole is one of my favorites ~ I have had the pleasure of meeting her at a couple of retreats and when she spoke at our church ~ she is so filled with Jesus.
Thank you for sharing your heart with us and this video ~ wish I could join your church family.
Bless you, Cindy
Before I even begin I will let you know that I could write a book here…I will contain myself.
I don’t know that I have ever read a post that made me cry…but this did. It is right where i am right now. I will get this book…and I have to agree with you on The Patriarchs…it hit me more than any other and I taught it twice…and could have taught it again.
I have been so missing my girls. Missing the life of the family of God dinning together on the word. Missing the pulse of fire through me as I open His word and encourage my sisters to love their God more deeply. I feel a little lost right now…that was a great stabilizer in my life.
I love hearing your voice and the southern did not hit me until you said the word “talk”…then I got a little grin on my face.I love sharing the evening with you and your girls…and I loved the song. Talk about bring you to your knees.
It was powerfully done by Chris Tomlin and the signer.
Thanks for sharing this….I have to say you reminded me a little of myself–especially after you told your hubby to turn off the video and then made another comment.;) I see the lively in you.
How precious. This room is so full of love ~ I can’t stand it!
I love your accent and now will hear your words as intended. When I go home to Oklahoma, mine gets pretty close to that within about half an hour… so, once again, we realize we’re sisters who met this year. 🙂
How wonderful to put a voice to a word…to a face. “Pitifully captured?..” I have to disagree with you here…it captured my heart…your friend Michelle is really gifted…brings the words to life in such a graceful manner…amazing song…
as for your accent..mmmm…I always pictured you with a “New England” accent–is that what that “Murder She Wrote” actress has?…oh well…
now you sound just like Beth…do all Bible study teachers come with a southern accent?
Thanks for sharing this, Elaine…finishing up my “To Live Is Christ” before I complete Alicia’s book…
Love, Sita
What a blessing to meet you, even if it is one-sided. I live in Texas. What’s wrong with your accent? 😉
What a beautiful person you are, Elaine. I just ordered the book, already own the CD. Chris Tomlin is my favorite worship artist because he puts his main emphasis on lifting up the name of Jesus.
Glad you posted this.
Thank you Elaine for being obedient and leading other women to the heart of God and helping them to fall in love with His word!
Oh what a treat for me to hear your voice! To see you animated! I adored this post and I am inspired to lead this study in our church!
Thank you for your willingness to share your treasured gifts that God has lavished upon you with us…
Love you,
Hi Elaine,
Wow, what a blessed life you have! Such, wonderful friends, family, and this beautiful Blog, too!
Carolyn K.
You’ve certainly made me want to learn more about “Anonymous.” And the sign language was fabulous! ASL is one of my passions, so it’s always a joy to watch someone who does it so well.
Precious Elaine,
I can’t express how my heart has been encouraged hearing of God’s tender work through Anonymous. Peace to you my friend, in every step of your journey.
alicia britt chole
Girl, I just knew that’s how you’d sound! Love me a Southern accent, but then I have one, too. :o)
Thank you for sharing Anonymous with me, so that I, in turn, could share it with others. SO powerful, SO life-changing.
As my group is in the last half of Patriarchs, we look forward to Esther in January, as well. Sounds like we’ll have some good food for thought and discussion!
Thanks again for putting the whole “package” together for us…what a lovely package it is.
Hugs my friend,
Oh, I wish MORE THEN ever I was there in that audience, and part of your study!!
I can’t only “imagine” what a blessing you were as you did this study with these women. Truly lives were changed, I know…
Your accent is just as cute as you are Elaine, and if you ever want to hear an accent, you need to hear mine!!!
Love you sister, thanks for being that Titus 2 woman for ALL of us.
It’s such a joy and privilege to know and love you…
Keep pressing on♥
What an absolute gift you've shared in this post! It thrilled my heart to see the precious ladies who share with you the study of The Word.
How I loved that song, so beautifully signed by your friend. Incredibly powerful!
I LOVE that we've now heard your voice. Ever since hearing Beth Moore speak for the first time, I haven't been able to read anything she writes without hearing it "her voice." Now that I've heard you speak, I suspect I'll now read your posts and e-mails in "your voice" which only further endears you to my heart. = )
Love & thanks,
Dear Sweet Elaine –
How wonderful to be able to hear your voice! I miss you so much! I’ve been participating in the Beth Moore study on The Psalms of Ascent at our church here in Hawaii and it makes me think of you and how we met – when I joined your group’s study – The Patriarchs. You were such a blessing during our time in Goldsboro and I thank you for your friendship. The Bible passage you quoted at the beginning of your post is my favorite and it was a timely reminder for me. We are facing a period of uncertainty in our lives and may be moving again. Just the thought of moving makes me weary. Please remember us in your prayers and I’ll keep you posted. Thanks again for sharing the video. It was wonderful to see you in action! Give Billy a hug from me.
I loved the pictures of your group of Bible study women! Made me very envious to tell you the truth! I have NEVER been able to be in a GROUP Bible study before in my entire life! Our whole church is only about the size of your group of women! I’m rejoicing that you all have taken advantage of such a great opportunity to get together and study.
I am looking forward to seeing the video whenever I get somewhere that has faster internet than mine! ha Maybe I will have time at work this afternoon. My internet here at home is still dial-up…..they don’t even OFFER cable way out here where I live! So even though I tried several times yesterday it just would never do anything except say “buffering”….whatever that means! ha
Love ya Elaine!
I forgot to tell you – I made bookmarks for our group!
Elaine, thanks for sharing the video. It WAS good to hear your voice!
I am still working on the book…savoring. I am jealous that you have such a sweet group to share your study with–it’s just Him and me in this house. But it has been lovely. Such a precious concept behind this one.
I loved hearing your voice and watching your mannerisms on the video! What a blessing you are to those dear ladies, and I am sure they bless you tremendously too.
Thank you for sharing this, friend!
How blessed you are. Our church is struggling. I plan to start up a Women’s Bible study in January so pray God will draw women’s heart in our church to a ministry as you have grown.
My husband is reading that book now. I plan to read it again. Was there a workbook to go with this? I haven’t been able to locate one. I used part it in our monthy women’s fellowship gathering this week. We were talking about a womens seasons of faith.
I’m rambling. Praying for a womens ministry like yours~
In His Graces~Pamela
Elaine, It’s been a while since I’ve been able to visit your blog. What a treat to watch the video. What a lovely tribute to your Tuesday night ladies Bible Study.
Our Tues. Night ladies are doing Annointed, Transformed, Redeemed. It has been wonderful. Will have to try Anonymous (Maybe next fall). We are also doing Ester in the Spring.
It’s SO NICE to meet you! (You said you came over from Susan’s blog? Isn’t she the GREATEST??)
I wanted to THANK YOU for celebrating Brent’s life with us on his birthday. It was such a blessing to have so many remember him with us. Again, Thank You!
Have a GREAT weekend-
thank u for posting this…it spoke to me…i sign as a hobby and loved her work and praise.
love your voice, too!
enjoy your time of “rest” before your next study…
Elaine, your video is a treasured gift! (We don’t have a digital video recorder yet, either!) Thanks so much for sharing it. What a blessing to be surrounded with such a faithful group of sisters in Christ who love you … and who love the Lord!
By the way, I LOVE you southern accent. (But, maybe I am biased, since I have one myself! 🙂
love your blog….”The Patriarch” by whom is it by and where can I find it
As you know, I too am a Bible teacher, though currently on an unplanned (and can I just say undesired?) hiatus. Your post made me miss my group all the more! What a privilege indeed to plumb the depths of God’s precious Word with a group of Godly women! Love all the pics, especially the group one.
And to hear/see you? What a treat!