a moment with the Gardener…

“Now the LORD God had planted a garden in the east, in Eden;” {Genesis 2:8}

“This is to my Father’s glory, that you bear much fruit, showing yourselves to be my disciples.” {John 15:8}

“But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness and self-control. Against such things there is no law…. Since we live by the Spirit, let us keep in step with the Spirit.” {Galatians 5:22-23, 25}
Enjoy some time with the Gardener today; may his good seed find a generous and willing soil within your heart. Shalom!

28 Responses to a moment with the Gardener…

  1. I spent time praying for you today, friend. Thank you for this timely word. I enjoy your videos. When I read your posts now I hear your voice in my head! lol

    Be blessed today.

  2. Warmest Greetings Elaine, this was perfect for me today. The Lord has used you to bring me a message today,

    Blessings a plenty to you,


  3. What a grace filled, abundant reminder to think on ALL the beauty GOD created and HIS Loving intent for our lives as well.
    Typical of gardens however,there are bugs… and just as your video ended, I glanced up and noticed a roach on my ceiling! Ah, life in Florida.
    Another reminder to be vigilant!
    Blessings and Healing be yours today.
    Love in the Lamb~

  4. How could anyone more amazing bring such a Word from our God?? You inspire me to LIVE LIFE to it's Fullest!!!

  5. I love that the rain was falling during the video. Each drop softening the soil – preparing it to be turned and tilled. Thank you friend for such vivid word pictures of our Father's love. You make me want to spend hours in the dirt of His workings.

    Praying for you.

  6. Thank you so much for your encouraging words! I do enjoy your little videos. Have a wonderful day…God bless!

  7. Those were beautiful words from a beautiful child of God. Thank you for sharing your wisdom and heart today. I pray that He is producing good fruit in the soil of my heart so I will bless Him.

    Thank you again, Elaine.

    Blessings, Joan

  8. Always love hearing from your heart, as it is the heart of God. And love seeing your precious face and listening to your voice.

    Praying you are feeling well and praising God that He is the most magnificent and perfect Gardener and that in His manifold wisdom, before the foundation of the world He knew and He planned and each day He waters the soil of our hearts and lives bringing forth His masterpieces.

    May God continue to encourage your heart as you encourage ours. 🙂

    Much love in Christ,

  9. Elaine,
    You are such precious gift. Your words overflow with the Holy Spirit and your love for Jesus.

    I'm praying for you and hoping that you feel as good as you look.

    Love and prayers,

  10. Elaine, the Lord's been breaking up some clods while doing some planting in my heart the past day or so. Not easy, but I'm trying to keep in step with Him.

    You are such a blessing. Praying for you and loving you across the miles!

  11. Blessed be the day that the Lord hath made, let us rejoice and be glad in it! That he put Elaine in our lives to bring us his truth! Love ya! Karen

  12. Oh Elaine! You touch my heart with your beautiful word pictures of our Lord gardening in Eden and in our hearts!

    I have been studying and sharing God's wisdom and the word pictures from Psalm 1 on my blog this month…I too have been talking and praying about the image of God as gardener…planting trees near rivers of water and how our roots can soak in His amazing strength and grace.

    God must be wanting us to go to the waters and soil he desires for us so that we may bear his fruit. I have found so many of us talking about prayer and God as gardener this last week…a message from God…thank you for sharing your self and your wise words with us today! You blessed my heart, Elaine!!!


    Mary Joy

  13. And one of His delights is you. And one of the delights He gives me is you ministering His Word to me. Like Cindy I so enjoy the videos. A voice with the face — feels like family. Love and holy hugs today!!

  14. i needed this word today and i thank you so much for it!

    i too, love to think of my precious God planting that garden. I pray that my heart is full of rich soil just ready for the seed to take root!

  15. Elaine,
    You are a treasure. Thank you for this video, for thinking of us your readers and friends, for urging us on…..to sit with Jesus ourselves and to feel what you feel and know what you know. Too much for words really.

    Blessings and peace be yours

  16. Dear Elaine,
    I know that now more than ever God is sending you His love and encouragement in tangible ways – through people who care, and we your blog friends are certainly among them.

    Your blog posts these past weeks have certainly spoken deeply to us. I am aware that there is much you choose not to share with us, but indeed, the spiritual fruit of what you are going through is evident in you spoken and written words.

    God is delighted, and your inner beauty radiates and shines forth.

    It is truly an honor for me to be sharing your journey with you.

    Keeping you close,

  17. What a beautiful video Elaine! You look great! I thought it was humerous you are talking about God planting a garden and we are witnessing the watering on video. God is going to make your garden grow Elaine. I think He was smiling as He watered you in the video. How incredibly sweet and powerful. Keep walking Elaine. Your garden is going to b stunning. He will bring others to see what He has grown. Joy! This is big girl! Blessings, B

  18. So good to "see" you this morning! What a blessing! Thank you for sharing your heart… and your journey. Much love!

  19. I'm really bummed! I can't get it to "roll"! I'll keep trying — apparently it something on my end.

  20. Trust your Sunday was wonderful Praying for you this evening. I am gleaning so much from your posts and know that Jesus is interceding on your behalf!

  21. my Bible study (Community Bible Study) just started Genesis a couple months ago. in all the times i've read Gen. 1 & 2 i never noticed that God 'planted a garden in Eden.' amazing revelation! it's seems so intimate and personal that He would come down and tend us and sow into the soil. thank you for this. love!

  22. You are such a beautiful friend. I love you Elaine and I'm praying for you as you continue to stand firm in the LORD.

    Beautiful message!

  23. beautiful thoughts…you continue to bless me so much…even in the midst of trials, the Lord is using you and your beautiful testimony! Praying for you, dear one.

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