“When you come to the door, kiss me on the cheek so that I know I am safe.”
So wrote my daughter on a slip of paper last week. She placed the note in the hallway, next to her bedroom door, so I would see it on my way to bed. At first glance, I thought these might be lyrics from a new Taylor Swift song that my daughter scribbled down. Upon further examination, I realized that these were Amelia’s sentiments, not Taylor’s. That, in fact, my daughter wanted me to kiss her on the cheek a final time before my own tucking in time. In doing so, she knew she’d be safe.
I suppose she reasoned that I would make it back to her bedroom before she fell asleep, but even if I didn’t, just knowing that I was coming and that she was going to be checked on and tucked in one final time was enough to rock sweet Amelia to sleep.
Momma will come to me. Momma will check on me. Momma will touch me. I am safe. I can rest.
There’s something about a parent’s love that soothes the unrest of the night . . . that moves in to overshadow the darkness and to replace distrust with certainty. Knowing that momma is on the move and making her final round quells the simmering fear of the unknown—the shadows of slumber that slip in and out of dreams, challenging reasonable thoughts.
I am not so unlike my daughter. Sometimes, I, too, need the reassurance of my Father in my darkness. Sometimes, the shadows loom largely on my bedroom wall, and my imagination gets the best of me. Sometimes, tomorrow seems like a long time in coming and a gentle touch on my cheek from a loving parent goes a long way toward soothing the fretful ache within.
“Daddy, Father, God, when you come to my door, kiss me on the cheek so that I know I am safe.”
Safe to sleep. Safe to let go of what I cannot control and to, instead, rest beneath the safety of the night Watchman who has me covered from every angle.
A simple prayer to pray. A simple trust to offer. A simple childlike faith that believes the nighttime is the right time to count on a Father’s love. As always . . .
Peace for the journey,
What prayer keeps you safe in the night?
I so needed this today. I am so weighed down by the election looming on the horizon and what it means for our country and our freedoms that it is difficult for me to sleep. This post reminds me that while I still need to pray for our country, I need to rest in my Heavenly Father after praying. Thank you and Amelia for reminding me.
This world we’re living in does little to quell the ache within. It’s so important we keep our eyes fixed on Jesus, knowing that with him, we have a home . . . we find our rest! Hope to see you next Saturday, Betty.
This one touches me –made me think of how I would listen for my own mother to come to bed at night so I know the house was safe:)
Oh, the sounds of night that save us! Me too, Terri. Just hearing my parents walk the night shift did so much to help me through.
I am so reminded of the many times I called out to my own parents in the night, to assure me that they were there, and that God loved all of us. This was precious!
My parents wore a path from the downstairs to the upstairs, Sonja. And my sister quickly tired of my begging her to come in and check under the bed! Little did I believe that Jesus was already doing so.
Oh, this is such a sweet story! That “night Watchman” has calmed my troubled mind so many times.
I love the concept of the night Watchman! It has brought me comfort on many a sleepless nights/seasons.
Sobbing here in Ohio Elaine! Oh how I needed that this afternoon. Preparing for my Bible Study tonight – a study on the Book of Malachi. Having a rough couple weeks and the theme over and over again through recent sermons, study, etc. has been that “God’s got this. He has never let us go.”
Your sweet Amelia has got it all right, all we have to do is ask, and God will be there! Sweet dreams little one (and us big ones too!)
Much love my friend!!
Are you leading the study, Lori? It can (at times) be exceedingly challenging to facilitate a group study. I’m experiencing some of this myself with the group I’m leading. I feel so drained most days. There are times when I want to back away from all of this and just hide. It’s in those times that I pull myself up to the lap of Jesus and bury my head in his capable shoulders. I get this, sister. Prayers are with you!
Yes, I am leading it. Which is a little awkward because it is at the church that we no longer attend. However, the ladies asked if I would still lead the study. They are already talking about the next study, and I am not sure that I want to lead it. It would be nice to just “go” to a study and not have to prepare for teaching a study!
Lately I feel more times than not, like “backing away from it all and hiding”. The pressures of life seem overwhelming for me lately. Prayers would be appreciated!
Such a sweet note, and what confidence your little girl has in you. A kiss will make sure everything is okay, even when she’s asleep. Just knowing you will come and kiss her gives her the assurance she needs.
And what a faith message it is for you and for us as well.
Through the love of God our Savior, all will be well
Free and changeless is His favor, all, all is well…
Shalom my friend
From one side of the world to the other, “The eyes of the Lord range throughout the earth to strengthen the hearts of those who are fully committed to him.” What a beautiful thought to think about our Father tucking us both in tonight in separate parts of the world! Love you, friend. Your book is on the way!
Too, too precious. Where do you put such sweet notes for safe-keeping????
I laminate a lot of them, Rebecca, and put them in the kids’ memory books.
This was such a sweet story Elaine. I loved it. My dad worked for a newspaper and often got home quite late. I can remember sooo many times hearing him come in and walk around checking the house, and knowing that I then could sleep deeply because he was home and we were safe. I loved KNOWING our Heavenly Father watches over us through the night and keeps us safe. The picture of your daughter sleeping btw is just adorable! HUGS
That picture is about 5 years old. I originally put it with a post I wrote, reflecting on the loss of Steven Curtis Chapman’s daughter. This is a favorite of mine.
This is sooo precious to me because I have a sign in my prayer room downstairs that says: KISS ME GOODNIGHT
When I shut off the lights around the house I go to the prayer room and ask God to kiss me goodnite – then I kiss HIM goodnite too!
Love you my friend!
Choosing JOY, Stephanie
Psalm 126
Love it, Stephanie! Good to hear from you today. I’ve been missing you.
A 100% certifiable ‘chip off the block’. Jane and I just laughed, recalling the numerous trips up the stairs on any given night to tuck and re-tuck our little Faith Elaine. The ritual was to be flawlessly carried out or we’d never have gone to bed ourselves. When I look at Amelia, I know her momma is going to be around a long, long, time-forever in fact. And that is good for us all.
Sniff, sniff. Love you daddy!
Elaine, this was so extremely touching to my spirit tonight as I sit here in my pajamas getting ready to head to bed before long! I can remember when I was about your daughter’s age Mama would come to my bed and listen to me ”say my prayers” and then give me a kiss on the cheek. Nothing like it! As a grownup and Mother myself, I remember many nights being afraid but knowing I was the Mama now and had to be strong! My husband worked the afternoon shift for most of the 32 years he worked for a trucking company 70 miles away so didn’t get home until 2:00 am many nights. We live out in the country and didn’t have AC for many years so in the summer we slept with the windows open. There would be nights when I would hear loud cars with loud music and loud people parked out on our country roads and I would be frightened not knowing who it was or what they were up to. Other nights our dogs would bark and bark and bark at something ….or someONE??. That would scare me. Sometimes it was the howling of the coyotes that frightened me. But I knew that I was the protector of my babies and I knew that God was the protector of me and them! Many nights I prayed like this: ” Lord please send your angels to surround us and keep any harm away from us. Put one at each window, each door, have one cover the roof and put several all around the perimeter of our farm. Help me to rest in the fact that we are not really alone out here…that You are with us and will take care of us. Thank you Jesus! Amen.”
May God bless you and give you a good restful sleep tonight!
Night breezes are meant to be enjoyed, not feared. So glad for the watchful eyes of the Father who allows us to rest under his watch. Like you, Marilyn, I’ve spent a lot of nights worrying about the noises outside, and we never sleep with the windows open. I need to keep as careful a watch of my heart as I do my home.
Beautiful moment! Thank you for sharing it!
And thank you for being here, Sheri!
Love this post, Elaine. I remember how much comfort I got from giving my mom a kiss at bedtime. If I forgot, I felt so uneasy. Love the thought of our Father giving us a kiss at bedtime, too. Had never thought of that before, but it’s an image that will stick with me now. Sweet dreams!
Imagery helps me, Cheryl, and anytime I replace a scary thought with a God-thought, well, that’s a bonus for my faith.
Wow, this touched me deeply, really needed this. Thanks so much for sharing. Your daughter is very precious, just like her mom. I love you.
I’m so glad, Denise. I know you’ve been through a lot lately, remaining faithful throughout. I admire your courage, your strength, and God’s working grace in your life.
How precious! There is so much comfort in knowing that one stronger/bigger/greater than us is caring for us and watching over us, whether it is an earthly parent or a heavenly one.
I’m always amazed at the many ways my children lead me to the heart of the Father! God knew I would need them to take me there.
Ok, this put the tears that were already forming today out into the open! lol What a precious sentiment and how applicable to us as adults in our relationship with our heavenly father.
Well now I’m crying because you’re crying . . . who knew a little note would have such a reach?!
After the morning news, I sometimes begin to wonder how many wonderful American families are left out there, and then you give us Amelia’s sweet note. Rest assured, your daughter goes to bed knowing she’s loved and that her Mom checks on her and asks God to protect her from all harm.
You are a precious woman, Faith Elaine Olsen, and so many of us ask God to protect you from all harm as well.
Do you think we could get our own show like “Honey Boo-boo”? Just kidding. Thanks, Brenda, for being here and being part of my life. You’re part of the family too!
A precious, precious post!! Thank you for sharing with us. Such a blessing to read!!
Thanks for the share on fb, Kathie. I appreciate your support.
I always listened for my dad to lock the doors every evening. Then, he and Mother would look in on us before going to bed. What a comfort it is now to know that my Father continues to watch over me at night.
That sweet Amelia…she melts my heart!
She melts my heart, too! And . . . she’s also the source behind a great many prayer;)!
That is the sweetest thing. Moved me to tears. He made us to need one another and gave us one another. That was one of just many more loving gifts our Father has given to us. Wanting to give you a big REAL hug but I guess a cyber one will have to do. ((((hugs))))
There is nothing like the love of a watchful mother to set a child at ease. Our little girl is so tuned into her mother and where you are. For this season in life I hope you will continue to celebrate the tight hold our Amelia has on you. Thanks for the consistent example of your faith that draws our whole family close to God – here at home and online you are a faithful follower of Christ!
Love you,