an invitation to more…

“‘See the former things have taken place and new things I declare; before they spring into being I announce them to you.’” (Isaiah 42:9).

I want to be here today.

A blank computer screen and “yet to be realized” words cannot keep me from this discipline … this penciling of ideas until they fill and gather to become a completed work. It would be easy to skip the moment; to walk away from the “emptiness” and fill my time with another activity. But even then, I’m not sure what that “filler” would be; how it would go; if it would matter. There’s nothing pressing on my agenda this evening.

Just moments—time given to me from God as an investment toward something.

How and where I choose to invest them is a decision worth contemplating, but even then, too much contemplation results in very little being accomplished. I’ve logged a lot of hours into my contemplations only to arrive at the end of some of them with little to show for my measured moments of deliberation. I don’t want this to be one of those times. Instead, I want to ponder alongside of you; think and consider some of God’s words with some of God’s people who best understand this God who measures all of our moments and considers each one of them as worthy and precious in his sight.

And in this current moment that belongs to me (and to you if you’re reading this), my thoughts are drawn back to an important biblical truth spoken through the prophet Isaiah to an obstinate people. A chosen people who had yet to realize the depth and meaning behind his words as they were spoken in real time. Approximately one hundred and twenty years would pass before this obstinate people would recall the divine wisdom and strength behind Isaiah’s prophetic voice.

At that time, they would need his words as they languished in exile in a foreign land. Words that reminded them about the “new things” God had promised back then in a season when their sin wasn’t looking for anything “new” but only for more room to grow and flourish.

When life walks without the immediate and visible consequences of sin, sin can sometimes seem reasonable. It did for God’s children, and after ample warning regarding their blatant disregard for God and his ways, their sin landed them in an unknown country with some unfamiliar gods and an understanding that forced them to grapple with their “what’s next?” and “how did we get ourselves into this mess?”.

God graciously unwrapped their confusion with the truth of his Word … his many words as spoken over a century earlier through his prophet Isaiah; the Israelites didn’t pay much attention to his words then, but I imagine that they clung to them in their current state of desperation:

“‘See the former things have taken place and new things I declare; before they spring into being I announce them to you.’”

Who couldn’t use a little bit of God’s “new” in the midst of a formidable exile? A promise laced with a divine truth that declares a future before the future arrives? That there is coming a return from exile and a replanting in the land of Promise that has been designed and orchestrated by God and spoken by him in the annals of time long before their appearance on the road ahead?

What encouragement could we glean from knowing that no matter how our lives breathe in this current moment, there is a good word from a good God spoken on behalf of a good future we’ve yet to realize? That for all of the former things that have taken place in our history, God has written his “new” into our tomorrows—into the “next” moments that happen beyond this one. That there is something he has declared beyond the visioning of our eyes and the hearing of his voice that, once unfolded, will speak the witness of his majesty and his incomparable love for a people who deserve far less.

God’s Word is full of such announcements to his people:


Beautiful proclamations contained and spilled forth within the pages of holy writ. Declarations made public by the heart of God via the pen of a few obedient saints who believed beyond the “reasonable and the seen” in order to scribe the voice of the unseen One whose reason extends beyond the logical to include the likes of you and me.

God prescribes his “new” for us—the usual suspects who’ve grown quite accustomed to the cloaking of an “old” way of doing life with him. Could it be that we’ve become a bit “crusty” in our approach to living out this “thing” we call our lives? Are you already imagining that tomorrow will unfold in similar stride to your today … your yesterday? Is there any measure of faith within your heart to believe God for more? To take him at his Word and to trust him regarding the declarations he has already made on your behalf and for his glory?

Is your belief in God couched in the reasonable, or is there a flicker of something more … a stronger inclination in your heart that leads you to believe in the unreasonable, unexplainable yet fully attainable mandates laid out for you in Scripture?

Our God can be trusted with our contemplations along these lines. For everything we believe to be true about our lives and their unfolding, there is more to the story. With God, there is always more to the story. There are things and moments he has imagined on our behalf that exceed understanding. To live with less, to settle for a life that simply “walks it out” in isolation rather than walking it out with God, is to forsake the inheritance that comes to us as children of the King.

I want to live better this week; to give God my moments and to allow him to write them with the truth of my sacred birthright. I don’t want to live as a pauper begging for scraps. I want to dine at the table of rich meats and finest linen and look into my Father’s eyes knowing that this banquet was prepared as a declaration from his heart, long before it ever came into being.

Two thousand years ago on an Easter morning in Jerusalem, Christ’s invitation for “more” sprang into being. It began with a cross; it ended with a resurrection. And it continues this day as a living witness to God’s very good and glorious declaration that we were meant for more than our current understanding of less. God’s story was written with us in mind.

Even now it springs into being. Perceive it; believe it, and then receive it as you sit with your Father this week in holy contemplation. There are some “blank screens” and some moments waiting to be written by his hand and with his truth. As always…

post signature

PS: I’d like to hear from you … what “new” and “more” do you need to believe God for this week? God has already “announced” some good things in advance on your behalf. Spend time in his Word researching those things, writing them down, and carrying them close to your heart as you walk your inheritance in faith. We journey together, friends, and these few moments before the screen tonight are my way of investing in your lives for God’s kingdom good. I love you each one. Shalom.

23 Responses to an invitation to more…

  1. Elaine, I need to rest in what God has for me each day. I try to start my days out with that mindset but many times end up frustrated when I don't accomplish as much as I would have liked. I know in my head that the delays and interruptions are part of His plan, but I need to learn how to better accept it in my spirit and just rest in His plans for me. Hope that made sense… 🙂

  2. Looking forward to coming back and sharing the new and more He gives me this week!

    Thank you for taking your time that is precious to share and love on all of us!

  3. I needed this.

    I work in a surrounding that is supposedly a Christian environment, yet filled with unbelievers or drifters from God's word. Being a "light" for Christ in my environment and having the strength to stay true to what I believe is my constant prayer. the only way i can do that is to draw close to my Lord and rest in His grace and love daily.

    Thanks for your constant encouragement.

  4. Beautiful post, sweet friend. Much to ponder about. I look at the list of words that you posted. I think return is on my heart today. My sweet and precious uncle returned home yesterday to be with His heavenly Father. He is no longer in any pain. He is running down those streets of gold,visting with loved ones,and having a wonderful time. He leaves a family that will miss him dearly…he was 89 years young.

    Love you bunches!

  5. "Holy boldness" is the repeating word for awhile now, and "surrender." It's never enough–each time I think I've given Him as much as I can, He asks for more of me and it is quite a journey.

    This really spoke to me:
    "With God, there is always more to the story. There are things and moments he has imagined on our behalf that exceed understanding."

    I've experienced just this!!! Yet, I choose to forget the incredible peace and joy that comes from trusting Him for that next thing…(sigh)

    I'll keep chewing on this. Thanks, dear sister.

  6. Thank you for the encouragement. Funny how God leads our steps to just what we need to hear.

    For me, restoration is the word God is speaking. It's a word He spoke to me 3 years ago when everything was falling apart. It's a word He has continued to remind me of throughout this long journey. And today, He speaks it again, reminding me of His promise to make all things new.

    Thank you for speaking His truth.

  7. Elaine – As our church is under blatant spiritual attack from satan, I need to revel in the promises of His Word. I am believing that GOd is about to some Mighty things in our church! We are uniting together in prayer and holding fast to His Word.

  8. "I want to live better this week; to give God my moments and to allow him to write them with the truth of my sacred birthright. I don’t want to live as a pauper begging for scraps. I want to dine at the table of rich meats and finest linen and look into my Father’s eyes knowing that this banquet was prepared as a declaration from his heart, long before it ever came into being.

    This is my prayer, Elaine. To be completely honest, I am very uncertain about the "new" and "more" in my life right now.

    The "new" is learning to deal with an empty nest. The "more" is a work-in-progress. I know that there's more that God wants me to do. I know He has a plan and a purpose for my life after my boys have left the nest. I just don't know what it is, yet.

    Trusting God to show me the way…

    Thanks for this post…perfect timing.


  9. Always blessed by you Elaine and the nuggets of wisdom the LORD gives you to share with us my friend.

    I look forward to a long talk one day in person.

    This I will take to prayer, the Word and my journal:

    "PS: I'd like to hear from you … what "new" and "more" do you need to believe God for this week? God has already "announced" some good things in advance on your behalf."

    I love you.

  10. Elaine:

    I love this passage and God had brought it to me again this past week several times over. I loved your list of God's announcements to His people – what a great way to think of them. It made me ponder all the areas of my life where God is doing a 'new thing'.

    I want to be careful that I don't desire the 'blessings' more than the BELOVED GIVER [HIMSELF] of those BLESSINGS.

    HE is the ICE CREAM [my favorite food] and all those other things are the sprinkles and toppings that drizzle down and around. But without the ICE CREAM as the foundation – there would be NO treat.

    Beautiful word visual here – as always I will ponder this for days.

    Choosing JOY, Stephanie
    [JESUS – For His Name's Sake]

  11. Ohhh…this is lovely. Thank you for this timely teaching, I really needed it! I'm going to believe God for direction in a future ministry…

    Blessings to you,

  12. I need more of Him and less of me. I need to surrender and submit to His loving care and control of my life. I need my actions to reflect my beliefs. Basically, I need Him. Great post Sister. (((hugs))) and love in our Christ Jesus.

  13. My new and more that i need to believe God for this week?

    Probably it would be that my little boy is going to school tomorrow for the first time. Well, first time at the big school for Kindergarten (he was in a smaller school for 4k last year).

    He is saying he is excited for school right now… but this morning he was upset that tomorrow we have to get up early and he can't just go to the farm when he wants to.

    I am going to have some trouble letting him go, but also worrying for him while he is gone….

    I need to learn to "delight myself in the Lord" even in my worry and give that worry to Him.

    New: Peter going to school and us not having him home with us.

    More: that God will protect him while he is there, and that God will protect me too, from lies while he is gone.

    Thank you for this post…
    Love you,

  14. Elaine… As usual your words make me think and reflect. Since seeing you on video and hearing your voice, I can actually hear you "talking" in my head as I read 🙂

    "God has written his “new” into our tomorrows—into the “next” moments that happen beyond this one. That there is something he has declared beyond the visioning of our eyes and the hearing of his voice that, once unfolded, will speak the witness of his majesty and his incomparable love for a people who deserve far less."

    I love what you said and am looking for His "new" in each succeeding moment!

    God bless you sweet sister!

  15. "When life walks without the immediate and visible consequences of sin, sin can sometimes seem reasonable." Oh, my! You are so right. If there are no consequences for sin, then we begin to assume that sin is not really sin.

    I'm so excited to realize that God has placed some "new things" in my future…..just waiting for me to get there! That is such an encouragement to me! Thank you Elaine!

    Marilyn…in Mississippi

  16. It is always a comfort to my soul to know that God already has the plan, and if I am truly seeking after Him, Thy will, will be done. It's a peace in my heart, but then when I seek my own way, my own agenda's, my own time it's typically when I am more frustrated with myself and with others. Great post today.

  17. I can relate to the "yet to be realized" on the computer screen. My life of late has been empty screens and blank pages begging to be filled. Yet the words haven't come. **heavy sigh**

    When I read this today, my heart raced…

    "I want to live better this week; to give God my moments and to allow him to write them with the truth of my sacred birthright. I don’t want to live as a pauper begging for scraps. I want to dine at the table of rich meats and finest linen and look into my Father’s eyes knowing that this banquet was prepared as a declaration from his heart, long before it ever came into being."

    Live like the daughter of the King – in every moment – right now – for one day soon, my right nows will be my forever!


  18. I am so very, very grateful that the former things pass away; that His grace and mercy is new every morning; and that today is the first day of the rest of our lives.

    I often stand amazed at the blank slate before me. I wonder sometimes if I dream big enough to even fill a corner of it.

    You're giving us an eternal perspective here, Elaine. And if we ever really grasp it (if even we can), we'd be drinking from a fire hose every minute of every day. No doubt this is the abundant life we've been promised!

    Love and blessings,

  19. Greetings Mrs. Elaine:) I do have some new things that I am thinking about…how to be a good parent, baby names, my Kay A study on spiritual warfare, and the study I am going to do this fall, baby showers, and seeing my older sis for thanksgiving! He'll be in all of that!:) Yay!:)

    Blessings to you today Mrs. Elaine:)


  20. Elaine! Wow, I have to say this is one of my favorite posts… challenging… and encouraging. Speaking sweetly into my soul. Thank you for investing in my life… that I might invest into the lives of others.

    The "new" for me is walking in His truth… being bold… and contending… with the content of my thoughts and actions.

  21. I am looking forward to:

    More depth of understanding His character and experiencing the blessings that pour forth from my life as a result of it.

    New heights of accomplishments that the body of Christ can reach if we come together centering our focus on Jesus and Jesus alone.

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