Category Archives: a quick word



This morning, I found myself wishing that I was anywhere else but there… in that sterile environment, awaiting my turn at the scan machine. The milky cocktail I was given to drink (at least a quart by my estimation) messed with my stomach, more so with my mind. The “IV”? Just another reminder to me that pricks and pokes and prods will be the order of the day for the season to come.
And it was cold. And I was shivering… even through the two layers of warm blankets kindly extended to me by the radiologist.
Tears found their way down my cheeks on several occasions, and when I went into the round doughnut to play “dead” for at least forty minutes, my arms were strapped to my side. I had to remind my radiologist of my recent double-mastectomy that currently limits my range of motion. Holding my arms in the normal posture (over my head) was out of the question, thus the large velcro binding that fastened them to my side. And while I know in my head that this is nothing compared to what is coming in just a few days, it all felt too much, too scary, too “out-of-the-way” for the path that I’m on.
And I wished that it was over. All of it. That, perhaps, I could skip this “layer” and let my heart “catch up with the last layer” before moving on. That what is would quickly morph into what was and that my life didn’t have to walk this particular bend in the road.
But then ten o’clock arrived. Needles were removed; warmth re-established; hunger abated by a cookie at the cancer lounge before my departure. And I was thankful for the finish, for completing this layer and for its finishing work in me. I’m not keen on repeating it, but something tells me it’s now woven into my story and should it require an encore somewhere down the road, it will hold less mystery and more normalcy for my pilgrim heart.
Thanks for your prayers. Thanks for allowing your heart to walk this layer with me. I want to leave you with a beautiful “gift” my Uncle Bill gave to me this week… another poem! Laura, I know you’re laughing out loud, because you know my penchant for poetry in general. But this one is special—written from a tenderness and depth of understanding that pulls at my pain while alleviating it… all in the same breath.
What layers are you living this day, my good, kind, and compassionate friends?
Live them with the end in mind. As always…
Peace for the journey,
Layers –
whether it’s a cake
or a life,
Time takes time
to do its thing,
Chapters, changes,
Sometimes they stack up
too fast, too high,
and when we try to peel them back
the new ones get in the way,
Lord, please hold the next one –
I would like to catch up
with the last one.
I’m lost in the
From a far,
the strata of my life is textured
with beautiful pain
that cries me to sleep
into a perfect dream,
a dream of
of colors that will not quit,
of sound and scent
that usher me toward the Holy
and helps me lean into the morning,
into the
of a new day
where awareness whispers
My gratitude is greater than my pain,
my attitude is whole, and I shall remain…
Elaine – now and forevermore –
layered with a joyous childhood,
enriched through study,
toughened by circumstance,
blessed with romance,
fulfilled by family,
and completed by faith –
yes, I am Faith Elaine Killian Woods Olsen,
and don’t you forget it!
In those five names,
there are enough
to carry me for a thousand years.
{written by Bill Killian, Sr.
a poem for Elaine Olsen, my niece
Sunday, September 19, 2010}
update on "wifeforthejourney"

update on "wifeforthejourney"

I have received a gift that far exceeds being the guest blogger on my favorite website: the gift of Elaine.
From the day her father (unwittingly) introduced us on the campus of Asbury Theological Seminary some fourteen years ago, through marriage, parenthood and pastoral ministry I’ve always known Elaine was the best thing I have going for me. Last Monday August 23, 2010, I sat in a doctor’s exam room, listening in shocked silence as a PA told us that the result of Elaine’s recent biopsy was cancer. I felt a chill like someone had poured ice water over me. As a pastor I had been with numerous families in the aftermath of a cancer diagnosis, stood at many a bedside in both pre-op and post-op with cancer survivors and done multiple funerals for cancer victims. Suddenly I’m on the other side of the hospital bed and I was having my own “you-don’t-know-what-you’ve-got-until-it’s-gone” moments.
How could my wife have cancer? Elaine’s answer at the time was, “Billy, instead of me saying ‘Why me?’ I should be saying ‘Why NOT me?’ Since when does my being a Christian mean that I’m exempt from suffering?” See why I think Elaine is the best thing I have going for me?!?
A little more than thirteen years ago I asked Elaine’s parents for their blessing because I wanted to ask Elaine to marry me. When we married in 1997 I had my sights set on being with her for the rest of my life, and yesterday I learned that a golden anniversary is still in my future!
During a post-op meeting with my wife’s surgeon yesterday afternoon, I found out that everything is looking positive for Elaine’s “long term.” Though there are final test results to come, the preliminaries all seem to indicate that her cancer has not spread. Though Elaine will still have to endure chemotherapy, she may be able to avoid radiation. And even though she’s stuck with me as her chief nurse, today they told me I could take her home.
Thanks to every one of you that has prayed, loved, cared about, supported and encouraged Elaine. She has needed you all for this season, and still does. Jesus has always been her “peace for the journey”; today I’m celebrating that I have her as my wifeforthejourney.
Caravan of love…

Caravan of love…

A caravan of love showed up for morning worship today… twenty-three of some of the most faithful saints of Pine Forest UMC.
Not all of them are pictured here, but most of the Tuesday “ancients” arrived just on time with lots of hugs and love to go around. There were even a few non-“ancients”.
Together, we rocked the lunch room at Sammio’s and many of them returned to the parsonage for a quick tour. It’s been a long time since I celebrated the Sabbath in such lavish measure. God is present in the hearts of these good friends, and they aren’t a bit shy about sharing his love with us. Truly, there are few words to adequately express my gratitude for the generosity they’ve given to me today. Thank you sweet Jesus for the comfort of your “church.” And thank you, friends, for coming.
In closing, I want to share with you my children’s “moment” from this morning. It’s time to get Jesus “out of the box” and hang him on the wall of your heart for all the world to see.
Peace for the journey,

a prayer for my Amelia…

a prayer for my Amelia…

***See update below…

Would you do me a favor? Would you pray for baby girl… my Amelia? Today was the first day of school for my two youngest at their new school. Jadon fared pretty well, but Amelia… well, not so well. She got sick at lunch, played by herself at recess, and didn’t go to the bathroom all day. She’s extremely fearful regarding the making of new friends and of “doing” her papers correctly. She was inconsolable the entire evening, pleading with me not to make her return to school tomorrow. In addition, she’s experiencing bouts of anxiety that somewhat resemble panic attacks.

This tears at my mother’s heart, and I’m completely exhausted with it all. I don’t know how to help her; in many ways, I relate to her pain and have had my own difficulty navigating these days of change. It’s my heart’s desire to live with a “thumb’s up” approach to daily living. Some days, however, it’s tough to keep upright. I’m praying my way through this; I’d appreciate yours as well.

In addition, I’m awaiting word of recent, personal medical tests… never an easy wait.

May God grant each one of us the daily grace we need to push past the confusion and rest peacefully in his good and tender care. Blessed weekend to you and yours. As always…

Peace for the journey,


PS: To the relief and praise of her parents’ hearts, we were met with a smile this afternoon when picking up Miss Amelia. Thank you, friends, a thousand times over for blessing us with your prayers. It may seem insignificant to some, but to us it means everything. Blessed weekend to you all!


monday’s morning view…

monday’s morning view…

“For since the creation of the world God’s invisible qualities–his eternal power and divine nature–have been clearly seen, being understood from what has been made, so that men are without excuse.” {Romans 1:20}

A view from my window this morning…

The Killian family reunion has convened on the beaches of Garden City, SC, where we’ll spend the week frolicking in the waves, fellowship over meals, and feeling the breadth and depth of what it means to live in close proximity to God’s waters.

Romans 1:20 was the scripture focus of my morning’s devotional from Spurgeon’s Morning and Evening. As I listened to the welcome from the morning waves, I couldn’t help but think about the excuses that we collect for not being in connection/relationship with God, and none of them were enough to contradict the ebb and flow of the ocean that beckoned my notice. No single excuse for “not” believing in God can stand up against his morning reminder of grace.

So I say to you, my good friends, let nothing come between you and your connection with God this week. Live without excuses, and take notice of all the ways that God has painted his fingerprints into your day. I’ll be sure and do the same. As always…

Peace for the journey,

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