Category Archives: marriage

sacred preservation…

sacred preservation…

I was fully prepared to write another post today, a post that God has graciously allowed me to tuck away for a season; maybe forever. Today he gave me a “pass” on something. Today his favor has come to me and my household in tangible measure, and I am humbled and grateful for his notice.

This is my man.

He is my strength and has been my able arms over the past week. We’ve created a beautiful home together. When God gave me Billy, he gave me a portion of heavenly grace—love as love was meant to be received. I’ve never known a better earthly love. Sure, my parents love me unconditionally. Parents do that, at least they should. But when another human being makes the choice to love unconditionally, well, that’s the stuff of earth’s movement, of hell’s frustration, and of heaven’s notice.

Our love has deepened over the past week; I look forward to more seasons with my man. To marking our grey hairs together and our ills and aches as well. I love you, Billy.

These are my children.

They are the reason behind my pressing on and pressing in to Jesus. The more I know him, the more I’m able to give him to them. They deserve my faithful pursuit of God. They are and will continue to be the recipients of my earnest chase and capture of the Divine. I love you, Nick, Colton, Jadon, and Amelia.

And you, blog readers, you are my friends. I have no doubts that the peace I’ve known over the past week has come to me in large part through the prayers of the saints. You are those saints. You know who you are. I called upon you for prayer, and your prayers have been felt … been heard and been answered.

Today I got a “pass” from God, and that is enough for me. Day to day living with Jesus is all that is required of us. Not tomorrow; not next week, but this very moment we hold in our hands. God reserves the right to all of those moments, no matter their length of earthly time.

When I awoke in the early morning hours, God impressed upon me a few words that I would like to share with you as I close. I thought them profound, even before I got my “pass.” I still think that to be the case…

“It doesn’t matter how long God chooses to preserve my earthly life. What matters is how I choose to preserve him in the earthly life I’ve been given.”

Preserve him well this week, and I will do the same. Nothing in this life, and I mean nothing, is worth losing the flavor of Jesus in us, on us, through us, all around us. Nothing. Tend to his divine preservation within your heart this day, knowing that the aroma you spread has the capacity to shake the foundations of hell. In doing so, the heavens sing their refrain, as our Father bends low for a listen. As always…

peace for the journey~


On the Back Side of Eleven

“This is what the LORD says: ‘When seventy years are completed for Babylon, I will come to you and fulfill my gracious promise to bring you back to this place. For I know the plans I have for you,’ declares the LORD, ‘plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.’” (Jeremiah 29:10-11).

1997 …………………………………………………………………………………….2008

On the front end of things, I couldn’t have known…couldn’t have fathomed how it all would go. I simply walked it. One foot in front of the other until I found myself face to face with the man I now call husband.

Eleven years have passed since that hot July afternoon when Billy took me as his bride and my two sons as his own. If I had only known then what I know now I would have…

fought less for control.
accepted personality quirks as normal.
blessed instead of criticized.
admitted my wrong without needing to be right.
loved “as is” instead of loving when fixed.
praised his heart before picking it weary.
prayed for him instead of praying for God to change him.
showed more affection in front of the kids.
showed more affection behind closed doors.
made more of his good intentions instead of expecting perfection.

Yes, if I had known then what I know now, I would have been a better wife on the front end. But on the front end, I didn’t know how to be a better wife. In fact, I’m not sure I even believed we would get to this day—the backside of eleven years. The only thing I did know on July 19, 1997, was a simple faith that breathed with a little hope that love would carry us all into a better future.

It has. Love has covered a multitude of sins and selfish to bleed a truer red into the hearts of the family I call mine. Only by the gracious grace of God have we arrived from our years of captive living to know a spacious and breathing joy that delights in the journey of a “two as one” kind of yoking.

We fit…Billy and me. To those on the outside looking in, it may seem an odd fit. There are times when it felt strangely peculiar to me as well. But these days, our love wraps like a favorite quilt—comfortable and perfectly molded to the shape beneath its layers. God has given us our layers. I see them now, and I am thankful for the strength they harbor. They will carry us into the next season of loving one another.

Tonight, we sit on opposite sides of the equator. I don’t know if he is thinking about me, but I am thinking about him. Thinking about the back side of eleven years and how grateful I am to God for dreaming some dreams for me that included a young preacher man named Billy.

As a people in search for a better tomorrow, we are prone to contextualizing Jeremiah 29:11 for our seasons yet to come. Rightly so. But in our searching for the next best promise, I wonder how many of us take the occasion to frame this verse within the context of our seasons past? To look back one, five, ten, even eleven years ago and think about the hopes and dreams that our Father seeded on our behalf?

I’m living some of those dreams now. I bet you are too. Problem is, we didn’t see them on the front end. And what is often unseen rarely breeds our thankfulness. Rather than acknowledging the fulfilled promises that reside in our current, we busy ourselves with our “yet to be.” Our now is not enough, but our next? Well, surely it holds the milk and honey and prospering plans of our Jeremiah 29:11, God.

This is faulty thinking. Not because it’s not true. It is. There is still so much more to come—more plans, more dreams, more hopes, and more forever. But now—this day—we are living and breathing the milk and honey of some long ago planted promises. Our now pulses with the cultivated seed of yesterday’s sacred sowing. God is forever tending to our soil and bringing to fruition his plans for our lives. His tending is rooted in a lavish and unprecedented love. Because of his love, we know the love of others.

And tonight, I am thankful for the love of a man who has faithfully loved me for over eleven years. We share the seeded hope that God planted on our behalf on the front end of a hot, July afternoon.

July is still hot, my friends. And my marriage?

On fire…

for one another and for God’s magnificent schemes for our life together!

So tonight, dear husband, I tell you again, that I do. I will. I promise, for as long as God allows us this side of eternity. You cannot read my words on our special day. It doesn’t matter. Some things simply need to be spoken even when continents preclude the listening. May our Father carry the love of my heart to yours in those Bolivian mountains as you rest. Dream dreams for our tomorrow, and breathe thankfulness for our today. We have come to the backside of our eleven years.

If I had only known then, what I know now…

I’d still say yes.

I love you. And so I pray,

Thank you Father, for dreaming Billy and for allowing me the joy to dream him also. He is your lavish expression of love to me. Keep us Father, close to your hands and your heart. Give us sense enough to allow you your molding and your vision over our lives. Teach us how to love better, and grow us in our understanding of your purpose for marriage. Thank you for dreams that come on the front end of our experiences and for the dreams you seed this day. Grow us Father, into the likeness of those dreams until we taste the full measure of your sacred intention. Amen.

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My Ephesians 5:25

My Ephesians 5:25

July 19, 1997
“Husbands, love your wives, just as Christ loved the church and gave himself up for her to make her holy, cleansing her by the washing with water through the word and to present her to himself as a radiant church, without stain or wrinkle or any other blemish, but holy and blameless.” (Ephesians 5:25-27).

My dad was waiting for me that morning—that hot July morning nearly eleven years ago. He waited on my front porch as I laced up my shoes to head out for my morning walk. I would not walk alone this particular day. My father’s pace would accompany mine.

We walked in silence, longing for the words to benchmark this occasion. I could not find them, but my daddy did. And when he spoke, I listened for his wisdom.

“Elaine, you are giving your boys a good gift today. By marrying Billy, you are giving them the best chance of understanding just exactly how a man should love a woman.”

I know those were hard words for him to speak in that moment. True words, yet difficult because of what lie ahead on the other side of their release. For all of the slight reservations that my parents might have had about my marrying Billy, they never opposed our decision. If they had, I would have listened. But they saw something in Billy…something long and enduring and trustworthy…that allowed them to let go of their daughter for a second time.

This time, I would not walk the aisle on the arm of my father. This time, I would walk the aisle on the arms of my young sons, who adorned my simple gown with their charming smiles and handsome suits. They would give their mother away into the arms of the man who made them smile and who promised to love them and their mother as his own. With fear and trembling, I spoke my vows to Billy. I did not take them lightly this time, for in that moment, two sets of eyes desperately needed for me to mean them.

Ours has not been an “easy” love. We both carry some baggage. With divorce in my background, my bags hold some extra weight. Weight that includes…

Guilt. Insecurity. Anger. Control issues. Strong will. A caustic tongue. Unrealistic expectations. Fear. Suspicions. Condemnation. Selfish loving.

Marriage, for me, has been a difficult embrace. But Billy has always been here to shoulder my extra weight. Lovingly, and without restraints, he has patiently carried my luggage because his heart beats with the love of his Father’s heart. A love that mirrors an Ephesians 5:25 kind of love. A Christ-like, lay-down-your-life, kind of love.

His is a love that has kept my attention and has enabled me to lighten my load and to walk in the freedom of God’s magnificent grace. Billy was made for marriage, and his capacity for loving me has made me a better woman. A woman who loves deeper, clings tighter, and who more clearly understands the lavish love that Christ carries for his bride.

I have thought about my father’s words over the years. They have strengthened my resolve and given me clarity on days when I wanted to quit. Thankfully, I no longer want to quit. Somewhere between our beginning and our now, God’s grace permeated its way into my heart through my husband’s love, and my baggage has never carried lighter.

That is the way of a Christ-centered, Ephesians 5:25 kind of love. Over 2000 years ago, God released the gift of his Son to walk this earth in search of a bride. He found her in us. You and me…wrinkled and blemished and stained from sin. Our baggage was heavy, but our Groom offered his strength for the journey. Lovingly and without restraints, he shouldered our load upon his back until his steps carried him down the aisle to Calvary’s surrender.

There, he laid our sin upon the altar of sacrifice. There, he paid the bride price once and for all. There, he opened up his arms in anticipation of our arrival. His bride…dressed with the radiance of his righteousness. Spotless…without blemish or wrinkle…washed by his surrender to our sin. He tells us that we have been worth the wait…that we were made for such a marriage.

Ten years ago, I wasn’t sure if I was made for marriage. But there was something about my groom…my Billy…that anchored my hope in possibility. Indeed, my father was right. Billy was my best hope for understanding and for receiving the gracious love of a God who has named me as his bride. Love has found its home in our house, and grace has found its home in my heart.

I can never put reason behind God’s extravagant love for me. It is a profound mystery…an unreasonable portion of a second grace that is sometimes beyond my articulation, but I wanted to try. Wanted to tell you how marvelous and all-surpassing is the love of my God who specializes in second helpings. Thirds and fourths and fifths…as often as needed and always on time. God’s love doesn’t quit. He doesn’t look for the easy way out. Nothing can separate you from his pursuit of your hand in marriage.

No sin. No blemish. No wrinkle. No stain. No matter your past. No matter your present. No matter the road that lies ahead. Your God is after you, and his grace reaches deep into the darkest hour of your sin to find you and to bring you home as his bride.

God used a man named Billy to demonstrate this sacred truth to me. And just a few days ago, he took my hands in his, placed a new token of his commitment upon my ring finger, and told me that he would do it all over again. That I was worth the wait, and that, indeed, I was made for marriage. And so this day, in thankfulness I pray…

Thank you, Father, for scripting my life with a second helping of grace that breathes with an Ephesians 5:25 kind of love. I never imagined its embrace, but you did, Lord, and you called me deserving…worthy…bride of your heart. Thank you for giving me a husband who has modeled surrender, sacrifice, and unconditional love to me and to our children. Thank you for giving me your Son, who washes me clean from my sin and stands ready to receive me as his bride. A bride in life. A bride for all eternity. What wondrous love is this?! Amen.

Designed by Kim Maitland at Creative Metalsmith March 2008

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