Chasing a Dream

Chasing a Dream

She Speaks, 2008

“But Jesus immediately said to them, ‘Take courage! It is I. Don’t be afraid.’ ‘Lord, if it’s you,’ Peter replied, ‘tell me to come to you on the water.’

‘Come,’ he said.

Then Peter got down out of the boat, walked on the water and came toward Jesus.”
(Matthew 14:27-29).

I chased a dream this past weekend.

It’s been chasing me for a long season.

Instead of lurking in its shadow any longer, I turned around to embrace its linger. A faith not yet required became my requirement because long-seasoned, God-ordained dreams will only be birthed…

through an obedience that walks hard.
through a trust that roots deep.
through a faith that looks forward.

Dreams birthed in the easy and in the shallow and in the rearview mirror are never really meant to breathe. But dreams birthed in the recesses of a timeless creation are always meant to find their voice. God dreamed them first on our behalf. He planted their seeds within our souls. He tends them with his time. Not ours.

And when his time comes…when the arrival of fruition begins its advance on the horizon…God intends for us to move forward.


The language of invitation.


The word of possibility.


The breath of culmination.


The one obedience that separates a dream from its realization.

Four months ago, God whispered his words of invitation for me to come…to simply leave the comfort of my current and to embrace the tumultuous of an unchartered sea. With hard steps and loosely rooted trust, I fixed my gaze on the horizon, and I began the pilgrimage toward my dream.

I’m so glad that I did. Now, less than twenty-four hours on the other side of this boat ride, I ponder the mystery of God’s design. I think about all that I would have missed I had forgone my Father’s summons. I would have missed a holy lot. Things like…

True worship.
Moments at the cross.
Communion at the table of grace.
Sacred intimacy.
Tender tears.
Answered prayers.


Dreams renewed, freshly rooted in my now.

Yes, I would have missed a great deal if I had knelt to my natural, and in the natural, this flesh is prone to the safety of a boat rather than the wild of a wave.

The apostle Peter understood the pull between known things and unknown embraces. Like me, he carried a few dreams in his pocket—dreams that exceeded his current and dreams that challenged his faith. If he would have stayed as he was—content on the shores of faithless fishing—he would have missed a holy lot. He would have missed Jesus. He would have missed everything. But Peter knew something that all true dreamers know.

Dreams that sing real are dreams that breathe faith.

The same is true for us. Our dreams may voice different, look different and read different, but every dream worth dreaming is always rooted in Jesus Christ. At the end of the day…at the end of a life, if our dreams aren’t scripted in the annals of heaven and through the pen of our Father, they perish as dust.

But those penned by the Almighty will remain. They will find their voice, and they will sing as eternal. And my friends, I want to sing. I want you to sing alongside. God created us for the song; thus, the chase becomes our requirement. We must press on to take hold of all of that for which our Savior has taken hold of us.

He stands on the horizon of our water’s edge. Some of us are currently sailing the calm. Some of us are living the ravages of a storm’s embrace. No matter. His word of invitation cannot be hushed by the water’s divide.

Come. Simply come.

Dreams are birthed when we step out in faith, and so I pray…

Thank you Father, for your invitation to come and to participate in your plan for my life this past weekend. Thank you for showing me your presence through your servants at every turn. Forgive me for the times when my faith is weak, and my doubt is strong. Keep my eyes fixed on your horizon, and keep my feet planted upon your waters. And when the storms rage hard and the waves beat fierce, remind me of what awaits me on the other side of my obedience. You, God, are my reward, and this heart is ready for the chase. Amen.

My new best friend, Joy, from Canada. Love u sister!

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I’ve traveled far and wide in Gatlinburg to find a place to link up tonight! We’re on vacation this week; thus, my communications will be limited. Shalom!

29 Responses to Chasing a Dream

  1. I’m glad you followed your dream, your heart, and your God.

    May you now have a restful vacation with your loved ones.

  2. Sounds like you had an awesome time. Me, too! It was so great to see bloggy friends in person. 🙂 May God bless you as you follow your dream!

  3. “A dream is a wish your heart makes…” Your dream is safe and you can follow it when your heart is His. The Lord truly does give us the desires of our heart. He places His plan and purpose in our ponderings and fulfills each one beyond our expectations.

    Elaine, it was an honour and a joy to stand beside you this weekend and watch your dreams taking steps to fulfillment. We laughed, we cried, we prayed, we laughed some more – memories at every turn and friendship cherished and grounded in Christ forever. You are a treasure!

    Miss you and love you,

  4. Wow, your writing goes straight to my beautiful..just like Joy…read on Lisa’s blog that you love Ravi Zacharias…how interesting…just finished reading “East meets West”..could not put it down…related on so much levels…his BIL is my pastor..his sister Shyamala is so witty…
    I’m definitely linkin to your blog..
    Blessings, Sita
    P.S. I am on that journey to reconnect with my heart and His…

  5. With continuing prayers as you follow your dream. I just knew She Speaks would be an amazing experience for you.

    Have a fun and relaxing vacation with your family!


  6. Elaine,
    Loved this post. Great writing. Great insights.

    I think you have convinced me to become a “regular” at Peace for the Journey. The only beef I have with you at this point is that I thought I was your new best friend, but it looks like a Canadian sister took that top billing. Sigh. I’ll settle for runner-up, ok? 🙂

    Oh, and one more thing. Did I tell you that Alicia Britt Chole is my email friend? Yep. She’s another amazing writer, isn’t she? I like to keep company with really good wordsmiths, if you can’t tell. You are now a part of that very inclusive group. 🙂

    Thrilled you are reading my book. Let me know your thoughts…and please keep me posted on the status of your book. I’ll expect a signed copy in the future. You can make it out to “My runner-up new best friend who thinks I’m a great wordsmith.”


  7. Great to hear from you after your weekend. God’s plan for our lives always take us further than we thought that we could go. Only with Him.

    Thanks so much for sharing with us. Can’t wait to hear more about this amazing weekend that I missed… and it was so close to me. I didn’t realize that it was actually in Charlotte. I am minutes from Charlotte when I am at home… and in Charlotte when I am at work… like right now and all weekend. I was so close to all of your bloggy friends and didn’t even realize it.


  8. What wonder to look through the window and visit someone else’s dream… perhaps you can help me find one, too?

  9. I am sure you had a wonderful experience at She Speaks. I wish for you a very relaxed, but fun vacation this week. Much deserved I might add. Looking forward to more from this past weekend. Love you!

  10. Wow, how did you get so many readers for your blog? Your writing style is incredible. Come visit us in middle Tenn! 🙂

  11. I just knew this would be a great experience for you. I know God has a plan. I cannot wait to hear all the details!! Give me a call when you get back in town. For now, have a FUN time in TN and eat at the Old Mill in Pigeon Forge for me!!

    Love, Kim

  12. Elaine, I’m so thankful that you, like Peter, got out of the boat.:)

    Peter is one of my favorite people in the Bible….I relate to him on so many levels.
    So many times, like Peter, I have been criticized by people many times for taking my eyes off of Jesus during a storm.
    But all of those people were still in the boat (holding on for dear life) while I am out in the storm filled waters.
    I look at Peter and think, he may have taken his eyes off of Jesus for a moment, but he was the only one with enough faith to get out of the boat, amen?
    Anyway, I love that you had such an amazing weekend with a lot of women, like yourself, who love the Lord!
    Have fun on your vacation, Friend!
    God Bless,

  13. Never, ever give up on what God has placed deep in our hearts/minds/souls.

    He so provides and opens the door to a delightful journey as we take one step at a time, forward not backwards. It makes me giddy as I do so, I love how He woos me. And how He woos others.


  14. Hi Elaine,
    I am right there with you on stepping out in faith to follow God’s dream for my life. I had a wonderful time at She Speaks. I was hoping to meet you in person, but somehow in the crowd of 560+ women, our paths didn’t cross.

    Maybe next year!

  15. Elaine,
    I am filled with joy that this past weekend brought you so many blessings. I am confident the blessings will continue for many years to come. Keep dreaming your dreams, His dreams!

  16. Kudos! Why am I not surprised? I am eager to hear more, especially as it concerns your future as an author.

    Be blessed!

  17. Elain.

    Life Changing is all I can say…. I am bummed I did not meet you at the conference. One day we will hook up. God bless!

  18. There is nothing like a dream coming to life. How awesome for you to have such a great time at SheSpeaks! I wish I would have went!!!! : )

    <3, Kristen

  19. Elaine!
    You are a blast!!!! Thanks for taking me panty shopping at the mall! I’m so blessed I didn’t have to wear black undies with my white pants! 😉
    Who knew I’d be lured by the purses too! I loved the time spent with you although I wish it would’ve been longer.
    I’m with Lisa, I thought I was your BFF, but whateva! 😉 Lol…Joy is a pure joy!
    Have fun vacationing and digesting everything what you learned last weekend. Can’t wait for your thoughts to make it to your keyboard!
    Bless you!

  20. Elaine-it was such a pleasure meeting you!! I wish we could have spent more time together!! You are an absolute joy and I cherish your friendship!! Keep posting cuz you are such a blessing to me!!

    In His Graces~Pamela

  21. Another wonderful post. . enjoyed the pictures from She Speaks.
    Reading about “dreams rooted in Christ Jesus” I thought of something I heard a missionary say,
    God wants it
    Man dreams it
    And a work is born.

    I’m sure you are having a great time in Gatlinburg. We had a vacation there a number of years ago. We were there when the fall leaves were ablaze with color. It was like God said, “Let me show you what I can do with my paintbrush.”

    Look forward to your next post as God dreams through you!


  22. Looks like you had a wonderful retreat! I just stumbled upon your blog.. thank you for sharing your heart with us! Your words were very touching and just what I needed to hear!

  23. Elaine,

    I’m just thrilled to read about your adventure, I was anxiously awaiting this post!

    Sounds like you really stepped out of the boat.

    I’m sure many were honored to get to meet YOU!

    Thanks for sharing this journey with us.

    I just visited your friend Joyful, no wonder you two hit it off.

    Such gifted wordsmiths as some one said.

    Blessings my friend♥

  24. What an amazing post!

    It was so good to meet you this weekend, Elaine. I hope to keep in touch.

    Enjoy your vacation! (You must go to the Ripley’s Aquarium. And Christus Gardens.

  25. Hi Eliane:
    I was so excited to see a post about the conference. WOW! You are just oozing of Blessing. I am so glad you followed God’s call.
    The post was wonderful. I love your style.

    So glad you had the opportunity to meet so many wonderful sisters, to grow and learn with. AWESOME!!

    Are you in Gatlinburg, TN? My favorite vacation spot in the United States.

    Joy & Blessings,

  26. I can’t wait to hear more!!!!

    How awesome, in the truest sense of that overly used word….

    Big Hugs,

  27. Ok, Elaine. After reading Lelia’s comment, I’ll humbly take 2nd runner up BFF and give the 1st runner up to my friend, Lelia.

    I’d say panty shopping trumps a meeting in the hall, as much as I hate to admit it. I concede. 🙂

    Can’t wait to talk more…loving the newfound friendship.
    Lisa 🙂

  28. Oh how beautiful. I cannot tell you how many times the Lord has said to me “come.” I loved how you added more to this word of invitation.

    Thank you. And I am so happy you followed God’s dream for you. Keep sailing, sweet one. You will find much in the waters of his love. Dive deep. Swim long. Enjoy the sun. Embrace the waves. Go with the current when needed. Ride against it when needed. But most of all, live your dream.

  29. Hi Elaine. I know this is an older post but it is as fresh today for me as the day your posted it. Yes, we all have dreams but most importantly as you said…its the dreams that God has for us that really matter, that will count in eternity. Hence, my sister…I match forth into the dream God has for me. And thank you for allowing Him to accomplish His dream through you!

    Blessings as always,


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