Few words today… plenty on the video. This is my crossing over day, and while I’ll spend the next few weeks with the same side effects and many more months being restored to full health, I feel closer now than I have in the previous five months. To God be the glory… great things he hath done!

{heading out the door to the cancer center}

{greeted by volunteers}

{Coleen, nurse practitioner, not even a hundred pounds… made her sit on my lap}

{Mrs. Ann/ Jadon’s tutor saves the day and babysits, bringing the kids by with my surprise}

{my surprise}
{precious Vic}

{a woman I will love for life, Sarah, who soon will make her way home to Montana with her husband who has just returned home from his second tour to Afghanistan. They both have served our country well. Now I have a good reason to visit my Montana dream!}

{saying good-bye}

{saying good-bye some more}

{and more to the blood collectors}

{and more… I love this place; I will miss it!}

{and more to the gals at the registration desk}

{and finally out the door, crossing over to home!}
Friends, I can’t even begin to process all that I am feeling in this moment, but time will reveal my heart in the matter. I have spent some of the best weeks of my life at the Cape Fear Valley Cancer Center. The folks there (patients, nurses, drs., and volunteers) have significantly changed my life, and I am forever in their debt. I’d like nothing more than to serve them with my heart for my remaining days in Fayetteville. Thus far, they have been the best, most gracious reward of my cancer journey. I love you each one. {For the record, they scored two honey bun cakes, Sassy Granny cookies, Krispy Kreme donuts, Preacher Billy’s applesauce cake, candy Christmas chex mix, Starbucks, banana nut muffins… never hurts to win their favor with some food!}
Now, in regards to the video, I know it is lengthy. I thought of breaking it up into smaller segments, but honestly, it takes so long to do that. I changed my mind. If you want to skip over the preliminaries and get to my main thoughts, you can fast forward about 5.20 minutes. I will be collecting all the videos into one to serve as a “stone of remembrance” for my family for the years to come. Thanks, again, for all your prayers. More to come after a few days of much needed rest and healing. I still have to weather the effects of this round of chemo.
PS: On my way out of the cancer center, I saw a precious young 20 something gal sitting outside the bloodwork bay. She had tears in her eyes and was getting her instructions to start her chemo. I briefly stopped, offered her my “you can do this thing, by God’s grace you can do this thing; I just did this thing, and before you know you’ll be a pro at this.” I wish I had more time to spend with her, but I promised her my prayers. Her name is Serena. Just another tender soul now a part of club she never wanted to claim as her own. I know she’d appreciate your prayers as well. Thanks.
Oh sweet Elaine, I'm already crying just looking at the photos. I'll have to watch the video in the morning as I'm trying to balance my checkbook and I want to give it my undivided attention. You have given me such a new perspective on chemotherapy. I always used to say, if I got cancer, I would not have it, because all I've heard about were the negative effects. Obviously there is much, much positive that has come from your suffering and you are finishing WELL! I'm so proud of you, if I may be so personal as to say that! Your cheerfulness alone is a powerful witness to all…I'm just in awe at how you are handling this. To God be ALL the glory, honor, and praise!
To Him be the GLory indeed!! Whoohoo! He is so amazing…and so are you! I loved the pictures!!! Like Jacquelyn, I will watch your wonderful video in the morning. I'm falling asleep sitting up! Mercy…getting old! Just know how happy I am for you that the chemo is over and how happy I am for your precious friends who got to see Jesus in you. God is good!
I love ya!
My dearest sweetheart of a daughter, your blog is a new chapter in PEACE FOR THE JOURNEY…your thoughts about suffering is a theological case study for biblical understanding…. The tenor of your thoughts were 'not in spite of this cancer, but because it' newness of life and vitality for living came through loud and clear. And yes, "I'm next" is just like saying "the yesterday, today, and forever" of my life has always been in His control. Love you more deeply as all of our journeys for peace continue. Dad
I have just watched your video and I rejoice with you and for you in today! The purple outfit and the pink flowers just celebrated this day, but your words…
I know that I do NOT have the words to tell you how you minister, to me and to each one who comes here. And then I saw your dad's comments… it sounded like what my own dad would have said, and it gives me a glimpse of the kind of home you grew up in and the things that you learned that have taken root in your life.
This cancer has opened up so many new chapters in what God has planned for you. Your heart and your voice are extending to so many.
Long comment, but not even nearly what I wish I knew how to tell you. Thank you Elaine, for being steadfast and faithful in the midst of…
Love you and can't wait for what's coming!
Elaine, I'd never heard that explanation of the word "woven" — so amazing! And you, my friend, are amazing, too. You have a gift for speaking and expression that is so obviously God-given. Love hearing your messages. Am also looking forward to seeing what God is going to do in the next leg of this journey of yours. Love you!
the video wasn't working for me, but I will return to check it out! I so do love the pics!! congratulations on your cross over, my friend and hero!! You pressed through a storm that will never leave you the same…but to His glory you have brought MUCH glory to Jesus through it!! Hugs and prayers to you this week!
(PS, my books will be here tomorrow…looking forward to sending your books to you tomorrow!!)
Praise to our Faithful Father for bringing you through the season of chemo! Thankful to know you finished well. Thanks so much for sharing the pictures and the videos along the way. I know there is much for you as you sow His seed in the coming days. Take care and rest up. Much love and prayers for you.
Celebrating with you regarding your last chemo treatment! What an honor to view your pictures and video, and what a blessing to see the joy on your face and in your voice as you shared your day with us.
God has moved mightily in your journey thus far, Elaine. Know that Bill and I continue to pray with you and Billy as you begin the next phase of your journey. We sure do love y'all and look forward to seeing you soon.
Big hugs…
Elaine, just know that your journey and your courage in that journey is giving so many people the help they need right now! Praise God!I am blown away by the gift God has given you to be able to articulate so beautifully in the midst of all that you have been through! I know that every person in that treatment center was blessed beyond measure just meeting you and getting to know you…what a gift for them! I am blessed just reading your story..thanks for stopping by!
You have touched so many lives during this journey–changed so many lives!!! I am so happy this part is over for you!!! AMEN!
MANY MANY BLESSINGS ON YOU TODAY FRIEND!! I love reading your post!!
IT'S SO WONDERFUL N ENCOURAGING to know how many special people Our Lord has brought into your Life thru this time.
WHAT A PRECIOUS GIFT you are to those all around you on this journey… so like my Special friend John!!
Thanks so much for sharing this journey with us!!
Oh Elaine. You are so amazing. What a light you shine for our Jesus! SO many people are seeing Him through you!! You are a testimony to who He is!!
Love you sweet friend!!
Oh Elaine I am soo happy that this part of the treatment has come to an end. You have done it with such courage and dignity that you have inspired just countless amounts of people and me right at the top of the LONG list. It has been a real privilege to share in this journey with you and I will continue to pray for your full recovery. I just know He has GREAT things in mind for you. Your family is precious!! Much love to you today, Debbie
I'm studying what God has to say about healing in His word and I always come back to you and how He has given you the mercy and grace to weather this storm. I'm not sure I would be able to but know that if it came, He would do the same for me.
I continue to pray for your complete healing.
Tears were in my eyes before I watched the video. Your words on the post were enough to bring on the waterworks.
Rejoicing with you today and wishing I could hug you face to face.
Oh Elaine,
I love you my friend. Your heart for Jesus just shines out. If I ever have to walk this road, I will be calling you to pray with me. Hugging you.
Praising the name of Jesus today.
Oh Elaine! I'm so proud of you and happy for you to reach this leg of your journey!! God is so good. May He continue to bless you and use you to bless others who are traveling this same road. I'm celebrating with you today from GA! WOOOOO-HOOOOOOO! 🙂 Praise God.
I am hating this, because my computer will not let me watch your last four videos. 🙁
However, I LOVED your smiles in all the pictures and the flowers were beautiful and my favorite color. 🙂
Praying for the next step in the journey. God is good.
What a beautiful journey and what a beautiful celebration post! I know those peoople are going to miss YOU so much! I'm so grateful you've shared this journey with us. It has impacted me in ways I can't even describe in words. Jesus has shined forth so incredibly through you. I'm inspired and awestruck by your courage and grace. No doubt countless others are as well. We love you so. I love the way the Lord even allowed you to bless this young woman as you departed the hospital. I will definitely uphold her in prayer. Sweet blessings & hugs…
I haven't even gotten to your video yet, and I'm crying! Your post of sweet thanks touched my heart. Congratulations on your last day of chemotherapy…and crossing over to home. You are on the way to recovery – and as you said to Serena, "By God's grace you can do this thing!" I am joining you in praise for the journey thus far and am continuing to pray for strength and restored health!
Blessings, Joan
You said it yourself Elaine… "After 16 weeks of chemo treatments Lord, I'm still with You." You described that as a "Forward Moving Faith", and I completely agree.
I'm celebrating with you on this wonderful turning point in your journey, and my prayers continue to be for your rapid healing.
Have a Blessed Day!
Elaine, what a profound post today. A great crossing over. Praise the LORD!
This is Serena i would like to say thanks for your words of encouragement and prayers it was well received. thanks
Oh, Serena, I'm glad you stopped by… and here I thought my husband was being obnoxious by handing you a business card! You've found a safe home here, with many wonderful Christian friends who will pray for you from all over the country! Let's be in touch. I'd love to be a "come-alongside" support for you in the days to come! You are a mighty warrior, and you will prevail over your cancer.
We're all cheering for you!
your cancer sister~elaine
Yea!!! You made it through…and victoriously I might add! I just picked you up from my sister Beth's blog and watched your video! You so ROCK!!! So thrilled for you and the celebration of completion of chemo! And to see you holding your banner high!!! PTL!!!
Elaine, you amaze me. It was so clear from the faces of those in the photos and the video that you have blessed the lives of those you've rubbed up against in this journey tremendously. Girl, you bless me in that same way. Keep telling the truth. You inspire.
prayers you'll never HAVE to go there again…only that you visit when you WANT to. May His peace wash over you and grow you into His fullness and completeness 😉
Thanks Elaine i would love that
As I considered your crossing over – taking in pictures and points – I couldn't help but wonder what of you has been left behind. The people you bid farewell to will never be the same because of you; and you enriched that place and those peoples in a way no one else could. How do I know? Because God sent you.
He's now summoned you elsewhere, and I – along with the others – am so very grateful for your having shared each step of the way. Simply beautiful.
I look forward to a telling of the view from "over" there.
Huge hug, and such great joy …
I am so proud of you and the witness you are of God's grace. Bless you, wonderful lady.
Glad, glad news!! I'm heading for a silent retreat at the Abbey of Gethsemane next Friday (a week from tomorrow). Being so near Wilmore puts me in mind of so many walks, talks and oh, the laughter. I will take thoughts of you and your family into the silence and snow. And I'll ask the monks to pray for you too. Love! Elizabeth
Elaine – I am so excited to see what your next is like – this next with God. Praying for my next as well.
You are a blessing to so many. I am grateful, so grateful for your friendship. I too was blessed by your sharing what "woven" meant in the original language… between that and what you talked about suffering, the combo of the two, they are going to provide a lot of food for thought in the walk I am in right now.
Love you so much –
And Serena, I just wanted you to know, I just spent some time right now praying for you.
Though the video is great, there's still no substitute for "being there." From start to finish Elaine, we are in this thing together. I know we are not done with the coming and going of January 12th, but this is an important mile marker and occasion for joy. Your friends and family, both near and far will continue to lift you up as you go through the "low time" that lies ahead as this last chemo treatment does its work. Knowing that Febuary has no chemo-days for you is a load off my mind! As others have already said, "whooohooo!"
NOTE ABOUT VIDEO: I know some bloggers have mentioned problems seeing Elaine's latest videos. As near as we can figure the culprit is the internet browser you are using, NOT a problem with Elaine's video itself. Internet Explorer in particular seems to have an interactive bug with videos posted on blogger – or at least some versions of Internet Explorer.
IF you are having "technical difficulties" try switching your internet browser to check out videos on peaceforthejourney – Elaine uses mozilla firefox and has no problems. Nothing saying you need to dump your current browser, just that Elaine's video is worth watching!
Much love to all of you for the way you have carried my wife through this time of hardship. We still have miles to walk on this journey, but you have been so good to walk it with us.
"Carry each other's burdens, and in this way you will fulfill the law of Christ." Gal. 6:2
~ Billy
I'm so blessed to share 'Blog Land' with you!! Thank you.
And amen and amen on Morning and Evening with Spurgeon. Last evening and this morning's readings were from the Mouth of ABBA to my soul and spirit!
Looking forward with you,
Yeah!! Celebrating with you on completion of this chemo step in the journey. Looking with anticipation on God's next for you along the road of faith. Trusting in Him for complete healing. You You are a magnificent expression of God's "manifold wisdom" (Eph. 3:10).
Praying you through the chemo recovery days ahead. Thank you for sharing this day in video to for all of us to see. Loved all the pictures and your words from the heart of God.
May His grace be poured out abundantly upon you!
Much love,
Thank you Heather for your prayers
And thanks to everyone who is praying for me thru my starting chemo and hope that Elaine you continue to heal with god's guidance may he continue to heal u and guide u thru.
This is my response to this post and the one before it.
Congratulations on your last chemo. Your crossing over has such deep implications. There is hope, there is assurance, and an expectation of good things to come out of this experience.
Your faith is contagious.
And yes, I certainly do agree with you when you say that faith is a lifelong process, dear Elaine. And as you have personally experienced, we need the struggles and the pain… the fear… the disappointments … to break, test and prove the strength of our faith. Like steel undergoing the stress test.
I have walked with you in your journey through reading your words, but being thousands of miles away is not the same as living under the same roof with you. Nevertheless, you have no idea how much I have appreciated the depth and the intensity of your sharing with us your blog friends.
Keep up the good fight of the faith, dearest Elaine.
Keeping you close,
thank you for taking us on the journey of your final chemo.
I enjoyed James at the start. What a heart of care he has as does everyone else you showed.
I enjoyed hearing you laugh in the start as well.
Your children are precious! Precious words by your son and daughter. I cried when your daughter spoke of her precious Mommy.
Beautiful prayer-shawl the lady gave to you! Beautiful pink roses!
Enjoyed your 'parting words' Elaine and the sharing of your families words with us.
Yes, I have Charles Spurgeon's Morning and Evening. Have used it for years. Amen on Psalm 139 and your sharing. Passionate about LIFE right along with you…across the board in Jesus Name!
Blessings as you move forward in your journey. Praying for you…
Serena… if you want to be in touch with me more privately, shoot me an e-mail: [email protected]
Well done, good and faithful servant!
I could see the victory in every single picture of you. Your eyes shone with the Lord's peace and presence, Elaine. Your smile is a testimony in itself.
You know the little "nonsense" words used in the comments section of blogs – the ones used to detect spam? Well, glancing down I see the word for this comment is "uncer." It occurs to me that this word applies to you – you have met cancer face-to-face and stared it down. You no longer have CANcer – you have UNcer (my crazy definition for UNarming the power of cancer!)
GOD BLESS you in the days ahead. Rest well.
Beautiful! Your daughter's comments and husbands remarks on the card brought tears to my eyes. And purple, a color for royalty looked so good on you!! You are His royal priest bringing His message to so many souls. Your an awesome women Elaine. I still continue to fit you each morning in our prayer time and will continue to do so.
I hope you are feeling well today.
Believing Him~Pamela
Sweet Friend, I am overwhelmed by the grace of God that lives, no radiates, from you. You are a true "written epistle," and all who "read" you know what it means to walk with God.
Your journey, Elaine, has revealed faith and faithfulness. It is mighty in God, and I am stunned by the beauty of your giving heart and joy of your candid sharing.
This "crossing over" will take you to new lands. And I know part of that will be your Montana, which I pray will be a feast for your physical and spiritual eyes.
I love you, friend. I am sorry I have not visited as much as I desired, but I have kept up with you through facebook, and in spirit, I have been with you through prayer and supplication.
Feast, now. God has provided this peace.
Thank you for the "invitation" to your party! I felt like I was IN the room.
Good for you! Good for God!
I felt like I was sitting right across from you and glad to have the extra time to hear from you.
Beautiful… "He" is our next. Praying for your next and my next.
With much love,
I love you beyond measure.
I love the purple.
And the moment you stopped in your tracks, to comfort another who couldn't see how it would ever happen and maybe be okay…
Hello Elaine!
You are the most inspiring person and reading your story has uplifted me in ways you cannot imagine.
My husband is a patient at the Cape Fear Valley Cancer Center and I know he is in the best possible hands-theirs and God's.
Yes as with all patients he gets a little tired from the therapy but overall he is doing well and i know he will continue to do so.
I have a "special" feeling that he will be coming home real soon-God tells me that through my heart. I think my husband feels it too. And of course he is a bit ansty, but I am keeping his together and when he gets flustered he calls the one he loves-me and we lift each other up.
You are the most beautiful person and finding your site has uplifted me in ways you cannot imagine.
God Bless you in all that you do!