Good to Me

“Mom, I need to tell you something about that song. It just touches my heart.”

Her assessment was correct as evidenced by her hand over her heart, tears rolling gently down her cheeks.

“Just imagine, mom, people hearing those words for the first time and asking ‘Who … who has been good to me?’ Just think of how many might come to know Jesus for the first time if they took the time to ask (and then answer) the question.”

And then I did … think about it, all night long in fitful sleep and now this morning.

What about that particular question (in identifying the Giver of all goodness) might lead a person to move within arm’s reach of God?

Audrey Assad’s song Good to Me is a new favorite in our home. My daughter is learning to play it on her guitar. Somewhere in the midst of the E chord, A and F# chord, correct fingering, and strum patterns, Amelia’s heart was moved beyond the mechanics of the song to wrestle more deeply with the meaning of its words:

“I put all my hope in the truth of Your promise

And I steady my heart on the ground of Your goodness

When I’m bowed down with sorrow I will lift up Your name

And the foxes in the vineyard will not steal my joy

Because You are good to me, good to me

You are good to me, good to me

You are

Good to me.

I lift up my eyes to the hills where my help is found

Your voice fills the night – raise my head up to hear the sound

Though fires burn all around me I will praise You, my God

And the foxes in the vineyard will not steal my joy

Because You are good to me, good to me ….”

(Audrey Assad, from the album Fortunate Fall, 2013)

Steadying our hearts on the ground of God’s goodness, in sorrows, through fires, even when foxes lurk in the vineyards threatening to consume the fruit of our labors. Even in these, joy can exist. Why? Because God is good, and God gives good gifts to his children, even when they are unaware of his generous dispensation. How might they begin to figure it all out?

Well, maybe by asking this simple question:

Who … who has been good to me?

Go ahead, ask the question. Make a list of the many goodnesses in your life if you’d like. And, if you’re brave, ask the question:

Who … who has been good to me?

Trace it back as far as you’re able and, then, allow the Holy Spirit to finish the drawing. No doubt and with 100% accuracy, he’ll land you back at your roots, your firm foundation—the solid rock of God through the saving grace of his Son. God is where all goodness begins. He is where all goodness resides.

And therein is our salvation. Therein, lives our answer.

“Every good and perfect gift is from above, coming down from the Father of the heavenly lights, who does not change like shifting shadows.” –James 1:17

Sing it like you mean it. Live it like you know it, and see if God doesn’t move your heart and the hearts of those who sit beneath your influence into closer proximity with his.

Just imagine … how many. I know my daughter is. I know the Father is as well.

Peace for the journey,


11 Responses to Good to Me

  1. Oh Elaine!!! I need you to tell your sweet, wise beyond her years, Amelia, that I so very much needed this reminder of how good God has been to me!! Heading to my notebook now to make a list of my many blessings!!! Thanks also for sharing the beautiful song. I am going to have to check out more of her music!!!

    • It was such a beautiful moment for me as a mother last night, Lori. This is one of the reasons I keep writing–these experiences will long fade from my memory and the memory of my children, but maybe by preserving them in word, they’ll serve as rich reminders of God’s grace in the seasons to come. How I pray for her to never lose the tenderness and touch of God she feels so profoundly over her soul in this time.

  2. Amelia has such a tender heart for Jesus and for others. God can cause good to come out of every situation, even though we may not see it at that time…I, too, needed that reminder. Please let Amelia know just how much she has blessed me this day!

    Thank you for sharing such a sweet mother-daughter moment with us. You and Billy are wonderful examples of goodness for your children. It blesses me to see them grow in their faith. God’s got a plan for each one of them, of this I am sure.

    Love you…

  3. Elaine, It has been precious over the years to watch your children grow. Your daughter has a servant’s heart. What a blessing to hear her talk that way!

  4. I’ve got some tears in my eyes right now, too. Both at the tender-spirited heart of your dear Amelia, and at the Truth of this song (and your post). A post I read yesterday challenged me to look back and remember. And I did. I looked back at just the last four years, and I was rather humbled and awed at the many wonders that God has done. Tending to focus on the worries and troubles, I sometimes miss the miracles.

    I truly believe that the most insidious lie of the enemy, the one lie that began in the Garden, the one lie that ruined us was this:

    “Is God really good?”

    I am reminded of this exchange in The Lion, the Witch, and the Wardrobe – when Lucy asks Mr. Beaver about Aslan, the great and mighty lion of Narnia:

    “Is he—quite safe?”

    “Safe?” said Mr. Beaver. “Who said anything about safe? ‘Course he isn’t safe. But he’s good.”

    I am thrilled by a Savior who isn’t tame, but whose goodness knows no end.

    GOD BLESS, Elaine.

  5. Your sweet girlie has discovered something that many people never get. God’s goodness. All too often we focus on the foxes and not the goodness of our God. Sure, foxes will come into our lives, but God’s goodness overshadows them. His mercy, His grace, His faithfulness, His love….all part of His goodness. Bless you Amelia. Your heart blesses me!

  6. Hi sweet friend!! I just love the sweet innocence from Amelia. What an amazing example of a pure affection for The Lord. That had to be an amazing moment! Thank you for sharing that with us. It’s so sweet to see your beautiful draughters heart. My prayer is that my children will draw close to Jesus too and have a great affection for Him.
    This made my heart smile! Love you!

  7. This post touched my heart, Elaine. First of all, I am touched by the tenderness of your daughter’s heart. Then your words… and the words of this song. Such a timely one for me as I remember Ernie today, the fifth anniversary of his homegoing. Truly God has been good to me. I will add these words and song to my anniversary blog post. I thank God that you are in my life, dear friend.

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