innocence lost…

Today I’m writing with my tears.

It’s not always good to write from a place of strong emotion, but for some reason, I’m compelled to say something. To offer a few words on behalf of a young life that has passed from this world with little more than an on-line epitaph that reads…

“Body of four-year-old missing boy found in a dryer”

In a dryer, friends.

A young life disposed of and temporarily hidden in a place designed for wet laundry, not for the fragile frame of his innocent understanding.

It shocks me, repulses me, angers me, and reminds me that I am living in the middle of a world’s evil. It’s extreme and callous, prevalent and intentional. This is just one story amongst thousands with enough “sensational” value to land it on the front page of an Internet search engine, alongside rumors of “Scientology fraud” and a “rare murder in Mayberry.”

More evil. More senseless acts of violence. More sin. More depravity. Have mercy. Is that all there is these days?

This seems to be the case, at least to a public without the eyes to vision beyond temporal atrocity. Everywhere we turn, everything we read, every news’ broadcast that anchors in our homes and via our computers is littered with the stories of evil and the depravity of humankind. Why?

Because evil sells. Evil roots at our deepest fears, and while our “senses” warn us to run away from the invading headlines, we sometimes cannot help but be drawn to the story. If we’re not careful, we enter into the story and, before long, our minds and our hearts are filled with thoughts that run contrary to what God desires.

True, we cannot turn a blind-eye to the problem of sin in our world. Evil speaks to the very reason of its contrast … God’s good. Evil sets the stage for a final showdown between heaven’s grace and hell’s determined intention for destruction. And while, as Christians, we know how that’s all going to flesh itself out one day, today I cannot help but wonder when that might be.

I’m ready for God’s final showdown. For an end to the enemy’s temporary “reign” upon this earth. I don’t want to read any more headlines regarding evil being perpetrated against God’s children, especially those who are unable to retaliate and who blindly trust their “elders” because God has created their young hearts for trust.

I don’t want child sex offenders to receive a “light sentence” because of their perceived “rights” in the matter. They gave up those rights when they made the decision to give into their depravity rather than seek help for their problems. Their excuses regarding their own depraved childhoods hold little water with me.

I’m not unsympathetic to their need to find resolution to their sin; I am, however, unsympathetic to them finding that resolution in a half-way house or group therapy session that sits within reach of a neighborhood school or playground. God’s grace can and does mediate its way behind prison doors—a controlled environment that sometimes better serves the cause of evil’s transformation (just ask my friend Mike, who spends a lot of time behind those closed doors dispensing God’s grace to the needy). Some soils are better left untouched by evil—protected and “out of reach” for the enemy’s intention.

I don’t want any more babies to be aborted in the name of a “mother’s rights” to her body. Our bodies are not our own. We were bought with a price; time to get on our knees and find our thanks for the fact that we’ve been given this moment in time, these few breaths to live our purpose on this earth, because our mothers better understood the value of their seeded womb. There is coming a day when every murdered child will have his/her day in court. The King will hear their cries, and if grace hasn’t been pled over the perpetrator’s heart, then God will exact a sentence in keeping with the crime.

I don’t want any more children to know the physical abuse and torture from adults who claim their “mental instability” as the culprit rather than calling abuse by the name is deserves—evil… sin. Those who decide that having “control” over their children allows them unlimited authority in the matter are those who have never sat under the authority of Jesus Christ. Children were not created for beatings, for the hammering out of our own “issues” upon and within their feeble flesh. Children were given to us as a blessing from God to be a blessing unto him.

No life arrives upon this soil without God’s planning; God’s notice; God’s love. None. Kids are not our mistakes. They are our treasures and are meant to experience their own walk of grace and discovery upon God’s earth. To think otherwise, is to cast our lots into the cradle of evil that births these heinous atrocities like water from a faucet.

Like a young girl being gang raped outside a high school dance while others stood by and did nothing.

Like a child being chained as a prisoner for years in her basement while giving birth to several children, fathered by her captor.

Like a young boy dying after being tied to a tree for days as a discipline strategy to get him to comply with parental rules and regulations.

Like an unborn baby being extracted from his mother’s womb prematurely to meet out a woman’s fantasy about being a “mother.”

Granted, these are extreme examples, but when children are diminished in the eyes of those who are charged with their keeping—with their “rearing” and their shaping—then intention plants a seed toward evil. And seeds of evil, when watered with years of neglect and a refusal to grow in a healthier understanding, eventually grow into a field of sin that harvests as tomorrow’s sensational headlines.

We must stop this, friends. All children of this world deserve better. They deserve our time and attention, our looking at them as our Father looks at them. Some of us are in the middle of our parenting years. Some of us on the backside of them. Some of us have never known the fruit of our own wombs. It makes no difference our “parenting” station in life. God’s children are meant for all of us. And I bet this day, there is a child within your circle of influence who could use your witness.

You prayers, your presence, your time, your gifts, and your wisdom that, in the end, will harvest toward kingdom gain rather than toward hell’s determined intention.

The only way that I know to combat this kind of evil in this present age is to invest my life in its contrast—in the lives of the children I’ve been given and in the lives of others who sit under my influence. Some of them are children. Some at other various stages in life. Regardless of ages, all of us are in need of a better response to the problem of evil in our world.

May the grace of the cross be the “rooting” that forces our contemplation in the matter and that leads us forward to make a change in our world. Any other “rooting” proffers little in the cause of God’s children.

And God’s children, well, the kingdom of heaven belongs to such as these.

Thanks for listening to my tears and my words today. How grateful I am for a public canvas that allows them both a safe place to land. As always…

peace for the journey,


41 Responses to innocence lost…

  1. Elaine, I just don't even know what to say. I am stunned and saddened beyond words.

    You know…I just posted something on my own blog a few minutes ago about a Christian-themed movie I learned about today. Its theme represents the counter to what you've just said. It is the story of an elderly widower who befriends and mentors a group of young men, using his Biblical faith to help them with their problems they bring to him.

    Heaven knows we need more of these movies! But even more, the world needs more GOD in it!!!

  2. A dryer. Lord Jesus, come quickly!

    "May the grace of the cross be the “rooting” that forces our contemplation in the matter and that leads us forward to make a change in our world. Any other “rooting” proffers little in the cause of God’s children."

    Until He does come, I'm echoing this prayer.

  3. You are so right in what you say. We are constantly sickened by the level of evil that is acted on daily. When we witnessed this depravity firsthand as foster parents I remember nearly vomitting when I discovered the twins bio parents were putting out cigarettes on these two year olds arms! I can't comprehend such evil. Yet, that is only the tip of the iceberg of the capability of Satan. We need to be on our knees in petition of these little ones constantly!

    Thank you for voicing your thoughts — we need more of this!

  4. Elaine,

    You captured my heart thoughts perfectly.

    My further comment is only in tears and prayers.

    I love you.

  5. Elaine,

    I, too, long for Jesus to split that eastern sky and call His children home. I often wonder how much more evil this world must get before He comes back. I really don't want to see the extremity of it.

    Come, LOrd Jesus! Come quickly!!


  6. Thanks to Lisa Shaw for pointing this article out on FB.

    This was a tough article, but one that needed to be written. These stories sicken me, they are so awful. But unless we are informed, we can't know just how depraved society is getting.

    Have you ever read the book, "The Franklin Cover Up by congressman John DeCamp? If you do, you will never ever, ever, ever, ever look at a national-level politicians the same way again. His book is about how high ranking political figures have actually covered up stories of abuse to protect certain 'buddies' who are popular in the public eye. They, of course, then gain important political support. I can't explain the book; it just has to be read by EVERY American in the interest of protecting America's kids.

    Thanks for this post.

  7. Oh my goodness Elaine, I am right there with you dear sister!

    I hear it in your "penned" voice – the passion and heart ache concerning the evil that waltzes unrestrained through the daily lives of the innocent! It sends my mind reeling – I can't comprehend it!

    I sense a similar passionate heart cry to the one I had last week in my post regarding the comedian urinating on a portrait of my precious Jesus! Why does evil seem soooo unrestrained now!?? So, "winked" upon on the edge of acceptable.

    I realize that before Jesus returns darkness will grow darker, but our Light will grow brighter and brighter……..I believe it's a time of "turning" – The Body of Christ, collectively and individually must take a stand in prayer against this unrestrained onslaught of evil and turn the hearts of those within our sphere of influence toward the Cross. I pray daily that our nation would be awakened and have a deep hunger and thirst for His Righteousness – Him and His Ways!

    Didn't mean to get so "wordy"…..but I'm in total agreement with you and very passionate about the serious issues we are facing!

    Thanks so much for your post!


    Sweet Blessings!

  8. Oh, Elaine. I absolutely agree. I am SO ready for God to right these awful wrongs. You moved my heart deeply. Thank you for sharing your heart, which is mine as well. Blessings to you, my friend!

  9. There are just no words to express how awful these things are…its beyond human comprehension. I join with others who long for God to right the wrongs, and the sooner the better. I'll never understand how someone could torture a child or violently and intentionally kill the unborn. If Jesus wept over the death of his friend we know He must still weep. Come quickly, Lord Jesus!

  10. This is HEAVY blogging sister! So very true. So very tragic that it is true! I, too, have absolutely no pity for child abusers or molesters! I think the scripture that talks about anyone who hurts a little one will get a millstone hung around his neck may apply to those people! How it must grieve God to see how humanity as a whole deviates so much from Truth and Grace!

    Love you my friend!

    Marilyn…in Mississippi

  11. Elaine, I don't have any words to express. All i can say is thank you for expressing yours. They need to be spoken and heard.

  12. Elaine…
    My heart breaks everyday… and I am thankful that I have not become numb to the evil in the world. That the sin still shocks me to the core. I am so thankful for you boldy saying exactly what so many of us feel. When I think that scripture tells us that as the day approaches wickedness will increase… Lord, how much more wicked can it get? Yes, come Lord Jesus come!

    Love you friend… love your heart!

  13. It is hard not to see the world through – I'm not sure how to say it – but a lens of evil. Because it is there, so very prevelant all over the world. But I believe He is coming back soon, very soon – so I keep my eyes on Him, and pray – not so much that God would change the world around me, because He said that is the way the world would be, and that His kingdom is not of this world – but that He would make us effective in our calling, and help us to be encouraged and even, yes, cheerful in this time, because He is our hope and the hope of the world.
    Elaine, do not be discouraged!

  14. Thanks to all of you for weighing in on a topic that I knew would be hard to write, but even harder to reconcile in connection with our very good God.

    Sin is sin and hell is hot; we need to stop sanitizing the evil that is so prevalent in our world and call is what it is. Further still, we need to get busy with all the ways we can "seed" God's good into the mix. I'm always gonna call it like I see it, even when it steps on toes and messes up our neat and tidy views of doing life with Jesus.

    No one better understands the pain of a child's demise than the Father who created them. Yes, Jacquelyn, he weeps still. Even so, come quickly Lord Jesus.


  15. Very heartbreaking…this world we live in today. So many terminally ill people with unforgiven sins. We must shine our lights. I find it hard to even turn on the news these days. This world needs the good news. Amen? (((hugs)))

  16. In the profession that I am in Elaine not a day goes by that I do not see or get a call about child abuse. It is apalling to say the least. WE must take a stand here. Enough is Enough. I have said a many a prayer over those type of situations. We already know who will win the final battle….it is just getting to that point that is the hardest.

  17. Your voice needs to become a chorus as we all join you.

    Hardly a night passes that some new & disturbing report is featured on the news about a child abduction, torture, rape, murder … often at the hands of their own parents. It gags me and, like you, it drives me to tears before the Father.

    If ever the world needed saving, it is today.

    I love your heart!

  18. Your indignation is righteous.

    Let our hearts be broken with the things that break the heart of God, as (I believe it was) Bob Pierce said…

  19. Elaine:
    You dared to lift the corner of this heavy boulder and let light be revealed on these dark places that we detest and cry out against. I think the responses are an indication of what we all feel.More than ever before, we need God's light to shine in and change hearts. We can't just ignore all of these things. I especially feel the need to PRAY…more! Thank you for the heart that heard this message and shared it.

  20. Elaine – I feel that same pain in my heart that I feel is echoed in your words. This world is so full of evil and it is just a tragedy that the victims are young and innocent so many times.

    I continue to pray for God's mercy and hand upon this world.

    I am thankful for women like you who bring these to our attention so we can join together and pray.

    Love to you,

  21. The Bible warns of an increase in lawlessness, which clearly we are already seeing. When the unthinkable happens regularly, people's hearts and minds can become numb to evil. God's people need to pray like never before.

    Flood the hearts of every person in America with Your light, Your truth, and Your wisdom. Intervene in desperate situations. Protect the innocent, and grant Your people fervency in prayer. In the mighty name of Jesus, Amen.

  22. Elaine, your words speak the passion of my heart and purpose of my life. Thank you for so eloquently and passionately being the voice of the innocents.

  23. Preach it, girlfriend!

    I can feel the passion of your words and it stirs my own, requiring a response. Tears come, yes, at the knowledge of such injustices in this world.

    Thank you for your passion, Faith Elaine.

  24. Oh, Elaine..there are no other words! Mercy! My heart just goes out to the family members. I can't imagine the pain, shock and anger. Thank you for writing this extremely difficult post.

    Love you!

  25. And when Your people get serious about praying, begging, pleading on behalf, You will answer! Thank You Lord! May we truly be the light, the grace, the love, Jesus that overwhelms the evil! Amen

  26. My heart breaks as I ponder the evil done to this child. Yes, the depravity in our society is prolific. Each time I hear a story like this I am so stunned. My heart aches for this one who must have wondered what was happening and why his/her life was such.

    May God help us! Thank you for sharing truth so boldly!

    "Come quickly, Lord Jesus!"

  27. Thank you for your post today. It has reminded my that I personally need to be about my Father's business everyday. Yes there is evil darkness in this worlf but the only reason it is allowed to stay is because we, the salt and the light are not doing what we are suppose to. I pray for the family of this sweet childand may all that read the story be touch in a way that they can't deny.

  28. So very well said. How sad a nation as educated and blest as America is and has been to be so ignorant of the things of God.

  29. Evil and sin abound. I stand with you to be a positive influence to all of those around us to show them God's love can overcome. So very sad these stories of our world gone crazy again and again. I pray for the children too, all of them. Lord be with them.


  30. What a difficult post – my heart aches as well. There are times when I believe I have looked into the depths of depravity, only to learn of unspeakable and new evils perpetrated against the most defenseless of victims. Our desire is for swift and certain judgment, but God, in unfathomable kindness, continues to stay His hand, extending grace in the darkest places and to the darkest of souls, that we should glimpse grace unknown.

  31. I don't understand and I never will (nor do I want to) the evil that can do this to a child. And yet, as a nation we have devalued life to the point that these things happen and the only outrage is a 30 sec spot on the news. Thank you for carrying this little one's torch a little farther.


  32. Come, even today Lord Jesus, even today!!!

    I am with you on this one Elaine. When something like this happens, this child becomes all of ours. There are no words for the kind of sickness that exists in our world!

  33. Elaine, I had to return to this post and add my comments. My heart is so troubled when I read of stories of innocent children suffering needlessly because of adult's sin. If you listen to the news teasers on TV, they always use sensational words to grab your attention. I've actually stopped watching some of them and instead read online to keep up, except for the occasional Fox News.

    It reminds me of Romans 1 how the people of the world give in to their impulses and excuse their behavior. I've seen what a dysfunctional childhood can do to people (not mine but ones I love). Abuse is wrong! I'm amazed at how it impacts a person for life. The only hope is a relationship with Jesus who can take a wounded heart and heal it with His perfect love.

    Bravo for writing this one Elaine.

    Love you,

  34. I can't believe this happened. Here in Africa we see and hear about atrocities being done to kids daily. It get my blood boiling. These are innocent little lives that deserve to be loved, cared for, and protected.

    Thanks for visiting my blog and for your encouraging words. Amidst all of the evil, I hold on to the hope that we have in Jesus, knowing that He wants us to share that hope with these kids here in Africa!

    Blessings on you today!

  35. My heart joins with you in prayer…

    This morning, we found out that church member's sister and her two children were killed by the husband/father, who then committed suicide…

    "…come quickly, Lord Jesus."

  36. Elaine – Sometimes I feel like a coward because I cannot watch the news and listen to all the violence. But I know my past… I know my history… My heart is too sensitive, but I never want to hide from the truth.

    Thanks to a God who will take those who have fallen and broken His heart and then turn them around and use them to bring healing and a saving knowledge of Him.

    Seeking the Lord where He will be found…

  37. Wow. You are amazing Elaine. I wish they would give you some air time so you could read this.
    I cannot imagine what the Lord thinks of all the garbage on earth.
    Love your heart. Love you my friend.

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