lift them up

“ … lift them up.”

Chambers’ words have shadowed my heart today. They’ve stepped all around and into my thoughts, throwing down the gauntlet for obedience. I warm to them, slowly melt into them knowing that they are the remedy for this stretched-out submission to this certain calling. I need to remember why I’m doing what I’m doing. Simply and, yet, profoundly to …

lift them up.


To a higher place, a kingdom that includes them. A kingdom that some of them have yet to see, but a kingdom that I know, from time to time, shakes the soil of their souls and softens their heart-ground to receive the Father’s heart-seeds.

There are days when I forget to lift. Some days, there is less lifting and more maintaining … less holding up and more holding on for dear life. Some days, I think I’ll crumble beneath the weight of this load. These are heavy souls, freight far too weighty for my weakened resolve. Still and yet, I choose to try because there is a lot to lose by not doing so—another year of lateral living, seeing only at eye level instead of seeing from a higher perspective.

I will not cripple the view from the top. Instead, I will do my best to take them there – to give them that better vantage point. One by one, heart to heart, hand in hand, and crawling on all fours if need be. I will carry them forward and upward. Jesus Christ has done the same for me. Should I do any less?

I don’t often think of myself as a saint. I’m just doing my part on this little parcel of ground, this tiny speck of earth that lies beneath my feet and within reach of my heart. Are you doing the same? Doing your part in your little corner of the world? Are you …

lifting them up?

Lift them up, friends. Show them life from up above. Extend your heart and extend your reach so that others might be elevated into the kingdom sphere and might begin to experience a little bit of heaven on earth. There is no greater joy than participating in the King’s work. This is the highest privilege of a saint, the gift of sacred participation – when you and I link arms with the Father to lift the veil, revealing eternity.

Warm words, indeed. May they melt into your heart and surround your witness with the strength of our King. Lift often. Lift willingly. Lift always in the mighty name of Jesus. Somebody needs to see the kingdom today. As always …

Peace for the journey,

Do you or someone you know need a lift today? I’m giving away two copies of Peace for the Journey. I pray it will be an encouragement to weary souls. Leave a comment today indicating your interest. Share about the give-away on your social media sites, and you’ll receive an additional entry for this give-away (indicate your participation in the comment section below).

10 Responses to lift them up

  1. Elaine, I want to “lift them up”, too. With having encouragement as a spiritual gift, this is very much a part of my heart. Thanks for sharing that phrase. May God bless all your efforts in lifting them up!

    (I’ve already got a copy of your book, Elaine, so you don’t need to include me in the drawing.)

  2. My friend, such a good reminder. I fail to lift others up far too often. I get mired in ME and MINE. Instead I need to have kingdom eyes…especially today as I go to work. It seems to be the most difficult place for me to remember to lift them up. thanks so much.

  3. Makes me think of this old, OLD song (used to be sung as a “special” in the days of my youth….
    If I can help somebody, as I pass along,
    If I can cheer somebody, with a word or song,
    If I can show somebody, how they’re travelling wrong,
    Then my living shall not be in vain.

    My living shall not be in vain,
    Then my living shall not be in vain
    If I can help somebody, as I pass along,
    Then my living shall not be in vain.

    If I can do my duty, as a good man ought,
    If I can bring back beauty, to a world up wrought,
    If I can spread love’s message, as the Master taught,
    Then my living shall not be in vain.

  4. Oh Elaine,

    Once again you have powerfully and poetically confronted us with TRUTH!
    What higher calling do we have than to reveal our Savior King to those who are perishing.Young and old need HIS Touch.
    Thank you for encouraging me this morning.

  5. Lift them up… the gentle command to persevere in the hard work of intercession, and making a difference in what you are doing. A quote from Mother Teresa puts this beautifully, “Prayer is not asking, prayer is putting oneself in the hands of God…” And indeed, for these little ones entrusted to you, many, if not most, of them have never had anyone soften their hearts with prayer. Prayer that truly cares… God will reward you, friend. Lift them up indeed before God’s throne, place them in the hands of the Father, one soul at a time… This has been a most encouraging post for me. Thank you for taking precious time out of your full day to share your heart with us.

  6. P.S. I am interested in a Peace for the Journey giveaway… in case I am picked, would want it for my sister. Thank you!

  7. Well, Elaine, I was certainly lifted up by this post. So very encouraging.

    You know, I have to guard myself against my *natural* tendency to be negative and pessimistic. I think sometimes I can get caught up in looking to others to lift ME up. But we are called to be uplifters to others in the Body of Christ. And so, I try very hard to do that – especially in Blog Land.

    Might I just take this opportunity to let you know how I am always lifted up when I visit here. Your writing always blesses me. Thank you for sharing your heart, and for so faithfully pointing us to Jesus – for HE is the Higher Ground.


  8. wifeforthejourney:

    “Less holding up, and more holding on…” seems like a recurrent theme for so many of us. The demands of life, of responsibilities, duties, and obligations can reduce our experience of life’s goals to “survival.” I think of how often I have allowed myself to be reduced to survival mode at the expense of my faith-walk with Christ, when it is that same relationship with Christ that makes life meaningful in the first place.

    This is good medicine for the soul today. Your written testimony does not make me feel guilty for all the times I meet my own day with a half-hearted attitude, but instead reminds me both what and who makes life worth living. I want to be sure I’m experiencing “life from above” as much as I want to point others towards the high-ground of the Kingdom.

    Love you,

    • A husband’s comment:

      I am sorry my wife’s webpage seems to be plagued with some of these SPAM comments. She has been working on a solution, but until then I hope you will extend grace for whatever unsolicited and unwanted comments may appear.

      ~ Billy

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