From sheep tending to gift bearing.
From the least of these to the highly favored.
From shepherd to king.
A life’s journey, filled with all manner of detours along the way. We don’t come into our kingdom inheritance by accident. We don’t just “happen” upon our crowns. Rather, they are bestowed upon us, as a result of our faith—of our living witness to the fact that God’s kingdom come is working itself out in the likes of you and me.
When Jesus willingly sacrificed his life for the kingdom cause, he did so knowing that the momentary surrender of his crown would pave the way for our eternal coronation. He laid his down, so that we could pick ours up. So that we could share in an inheritance that, not only allows us the royal mantle, but that also cloaks us with the unimaginable and longed for penchant of every king’s heart.
An everlasting kingdom. A reign without end. A day in and a season out when the scepter no longer passes but, instead, remains.
But until then, until we reach the final Word on our final reward, we are given the sacred trust of tending to this side of God’s kingdom with a shepherd’s heart. With a rod and a staff that aren’t afraid to poke and to prod as necessary because a shepherd understands the worthy weight of his/her assignment.
The safety of the sheep.
Perhaps that is why Jesus began his life amongst the shepherds. Why he nestled his first night within their hills and interrupted their night’s watch with the cries of his feeble flesh. If anyone could have understood the weight of Christ’s kingdom assignment, they could … at least in part; for like them, he came to earth with a solitary purpose in mind.
The safety of his sheep.
With a rod and a staff that weren’t afraid to poke and to prod because he fully understood the ramifications of his willingness to do so.
An everlasting kingdom. His. Yours and mine, if we allow him his heart in the matter. And his heart always beats in our favor and on our behalf.
The summation of Bethlehem’s announcement, Calvary’s necessary, and Easter’s proclamation. As simple as it gets, yet far more profound than our understanding often allows.
You and I have been entrusted with this profundity. With the shepherding of a story that exceeds reason, but that breathes with the truest Truth of the incomprehensible. We may not always speak it with eloquence or with the wisdom of the sages, but when we allow God’s story our voice, we blanket our flesh with the mantle of our Father’s kingdom come. We’ll never look more like royalty then at that moment.
We’re coming into our inheritance, friends. There is a happily ever after for those of us who’ve cast our hearts with King. You may not see it now, but if you’ve been listening to his story over the past few weeks, I bet you’ve felt it. One tiny heartbeat after another, pressed in and multiplied until your eyes have found their wet and your voice has found its expression.
If you haven’t, if this Christmas season has been your bane more than your blessing causing your eyes their dry and your voice its silence, then I pray for you the pause of a night sky. A night’s watch in Bethlehem, where the lowly of the fields gather together with the threshold of heaven’s illumination to receive the summation of our Father’s love.
“‘Do not be afraid. I bring you good news of great joy that will be for all people. Today in the town of David a Savior has been born to you; he is Christ the Lord.’”
And with that proclamation, there comes of mantle of incomprehensible wealth that clothes each one of us with an everlasting inheritance … that will walk us safely home to our Father’s care, where crowns and kingdoms are common fare and the continual feast of all of God’s children.
Rags to riches. All in a single pause, when King Jesus momentarily surrendered his crown so that we could receive ours. What wondrous love is this? Thus I pray,
Bring us to Bethlehem, Father, for a night’s illumination and your song’s witness. Forgive us for thinking that we can decorate you into our Christmas. You, alone, are more than enough to fill our hearts with the treasure of your kingdom. Decorate us with you. With your love and grace. With your staff and rod. With your story and the telling therein. There is nothing more sacred than a heart filled with the Truth of your Word. Penetrate our lowly with your highly favored, and move our spirits into a place of sacred worship this Christmas. May the Peace of your kingdom come be the Peace that rules our hearts until then. Amen.
Copyright © December 2008 – Elaine Olsen. All rights reserved.
“From Rags to Riches”… that is what I’m looking for this season. I sure have some rags I need to exchange. Praise God He gave the Way.
Loved the pictures–love the grandson! Grams
“Forgive us for thinking that we can decorate you into our Christmas. You, alone, are more than enough to fill our hearts with the treasure of your kingdom. Decorate us with you.”
Amen. Forgive me, Lord. And YOU alone, are more than enough.
Thanks for sharing these words, Elaine. Merry Christmas.
I just finished posting on my own blog, thinking of you the whole time as I wrote.
Then I come here and read your words. Now I know why.
We each had shepherds on our hearts.
Merry Christmas to you, Elaine. Your words speak to me of true glory and what it means to be met with the holiness of heaven here in the midst of all things temporal.
These words speak truth. Bless you Elaine as you continue to bless us with each and every word you pen. Merry Christmas and may 2009 be a “From Rags to Riches” year filled with all the treasures of his kingdom. Amen and Amen!
What completely blows me away is that He did it all for me!! and for you!! and for anyone who would bend their knee to Him!!
Praise You Jesus!!
Being decorated by God. Oh how I long to be adorned inwardly with a gentle, quiet spirit that is of great worth to God (1 Peter 3:4) Outwardly that I would reflect His glory as I’m changed into His likeness with ever-increasing glory that comes from Him (2 Corinthians 3:18).
I couldn’t help but think of King David as I looked at the pictures of Nick. Whether shepherd or King, he’s a man after God’s own heart.
Praying for that place of sacred worship,
“Rags to Riches”; I love that title, Elaine!
“… all our righteous acts are like filthy rags …” (Isaiah 64:6).
Praise God for “His glorious riches in Christ Jesus”! (Philippians 4:19; see also Ephesians 2:7, 3:8, 3:16; Colossians 1:27, 2:2).
This Advent, may we all remember our Lord Jesus Christ, who exchanged His riches at the right hand of the Father for rags on this fallen earth … solely to provide us with the incomparable riches of eternal salvation.
As we remember, may we exchange our filthy rags as did Joshua (see Zechariah 3).
PS-Love your precious shepherd boy and your handsome king! 🙂
God bless you, Elaine! These pictures are priceless!!! Your posts always take me to a place of peace and rest. Thank you for taking the time to share your heart – a mighty heart it is!
Hey Mrs. Elaine:)
I was blessed by another post that the Lord laid on your heart:) I really want to have the faith that can “move mountains”. He creates in us the will and to do for His good pleasure, which I would imagine, faith would be for His good pleasure. I have no good besides or beyond Him, Ps. 16:2
Blessed day to you,
First-class writing!
Exceptional pictures!
Outstanding son!
Wealth beyond description!
Love that sentence: “Decorate us with You.”
Reminds me of one of my memory verses. “He will beautify the humble with salvation.” (Ps. 149:4). What a precious promise!
I love the proclamation in Luke — the birth of our Savior. I never tire of those words. Have a wonderful Christmas, Elaine!
Oh, Elaine,
This is such poetry. I am wrapping up my blogging until after Christmas and it was so wonderful to stop here for a Christmas Eve-Eve visit.
Praise God for His amazing gift to us. Doesn’t it just blow you away? It does me.
Merry Christmas to you and your family,
That He wanted me so desperately to come after me is what is blowing me away this year like never before.
That He wanted to be touched by human hands..hands He created…amazing!
Have a tender Christmas!
You are a blessing, Elaine!
Merry Christmas to you and your sweet family!
In Christ,
That is my goal. To bring us to Bethelem like never before this Christmas!!
You are a blessing!
In His Graces~Pamela
Once again Elaine, you’ve given me much to think about. I love how you wrote “decorate us with You”. Instead of being overly concerned with the activities and busyness of Christmas, the decorating and shopping, I would love to simply decorate me with Him. Wow; how awesome is that? And yet He does live within me. I want to share His love and grace with others. Thank you for sharing from your heart. May you and your family have a blessed Christmas as you decorate you with Him.
Great post! Loved the pictures! Loved the thoughts!
I have trouble with “envy” most every time I read your blog Elaine! 🙂 When I write I struggle to find the words to describe what I want to say…..but even then they are never the exquisite, expressive versions of the words that you use! You truly have been gifted with writing! And we who read it are blessed.
Bless you….
Once again, I only can say “amen” in response. Thank you again for sharing your heart.
What an awesome, thought-provoking and perfect message.
Amen…amen indeed. I posted just tonight…I’d love for you to come over and read. Elaine, I pray you have a wonderful Christmas…full of Him. Merry Christmas!
What joy! Thank you for your beautiful scenic journey today.
Love the photos! 🙂
We don’t just “happen” upon our crowns. Rather, they are bestowed upon us, as a result of our faith—of our living witness to the fact that God’s kingdom come is working itself out in the likes of you and me.
Oh I can’t wait to cast that crown before His feet!!
Another incredibe post…
Merry Christmas my sweet Elaine♥
Amen, sweet friend! Finding my pause has been a bit more challenging this year than I had anticipated. Still, God is faithful, and sometimes in the most unlikely ways and places, He has delivered glimpses of His peace and presence straight into my heart.
May you and your family have a wonderful and Christ-filled CHRISTmas!
I would have posted something but what LauraLee said says it all. May we reflect not just now but every day on the glory of our precious Lord and all He means to our lives.
Bless you Elaine and your family.
Merry Christmas and happy New Year.
Elaine…Merry Christmas friend.
You are such an encouragement in the blog world! Merry Christmas 🙂