remembering the story…

Apparently she has a re-telling issue.

My daughter.

Unable to re-tell the events of the story she’s just read.

Beginning, middle, and end mean very little to my precious little seven-year-old, at least that is what her teacher told me in a conference this afternoon (a teacher whom, by the way, I happen to adore!). I trust her “heads-up” regarding my daughter’s re-telling issue and will do whatever is necessary to make sure she gets some practice in this area. After all, what’s the point of a story if it cannot be remembered—can’t be retold so that others might enjoy its merits?

What indeed?!

It’s been nearly forty-four years since I first heard God’s story from my parents’ lips. And while you might think that I ought to remember it by now, there are times when a refresher is needed… times when I need to sit beneath my Father’s influence to hear him read it to me again. To tell me about the beginning, the middle, and the end so that I won’t forget its truth and so that I will better be able to share its witness with others.

How thankful I am for a Teacher who doesn’t grade me according to my ability to remember but who, rather, extends his grace along these lines. Rare are the times when I recall with perfect clarity all that he has mentioned to me over the years; in contrast, rare are the times when I forget to mention him. The longer I live with Jesus, the more prominent he becomes in my conversation. Where the details are sketchy, he comes alongside to fill in the gaps with his measure of understanding. Together, we re-tell a good story.

The best story.

The only story where the beginning, middle, and the end anchors in one, central thought… one truth… one Word.


Re-tell his story well this week. Live it all the more. As always…

peace for the journey,

post signature

31 Responses to remembering the story…

  1. We all can use a little "brushing up" on our retelling skills, can't we? I just prayed for you, Elaine, as you address another educational issue with wisdom, patience, and loving concern.

  2. A wonderful story.

    About a wonderful Savior.

    Sharing His story is a privilege and a command.

    May we enjoy the blessing as we obey in the telling.

    Sweet dreams.

  3. I have noticed myself having problems being able to "re-tell" things that I read or hear! This was a sweet, touching piece today Elaine. I do want to tell His story over and over to those I come in contact with!

    God bless you!

    Marilyn…in Mississippi

  4. Oh, I love this reminder. We ALL need those refresher courses in telling The Story. Thank you for this, my friend.

  5. Great encouragement. Not only should we be re-telling His story, but we each have a story to tell that includes HIM. Our testimony. we need to brush up on that story and use it over and over.


  6. I absolutely love it that the Lord is not constrained by chronology. All stories are in the NOW where He's concerned.

    How darling is your daughter. I'm thinking she could tell some pretty great stories about her equally darling mama!


  7. Oh Elaine…precious as always. Thank you for your faithfulness in retelling His story…retelling it in ways that make it easy to remember as we embrace it as our own…retelling it in ways that invite us to become part of the story and live it out every moment of every day.

    Just have to quote this old hymn. Cherish the lyrics.

    I love to tell the story of unseen things above, of Jesus and his glory, of Jesus and his love.
    I love to tell the story, because I know 'tis true; it satisfies my longings as nothing else can do.

    Refrain: I love to tell the story,
    'twill be my theme in glory, to tell the old, old story of Jesus and his love.

    2.I love to tell the story; more wonderful it seems than all the golden fancies of all our golden dreams. I love to tell the story,
    it did so much for me; and that is just the reason I tell it now to thee.


    3.I love to tell the story; 'tis pleasant to repeat what seems, each time I tell it, more wonderfully sweet. I love to tell the story, for some have never heard the message of salvation from God's own holy Word.


    4.I love to tell the story, for those who know it best seem hungering and thirsting to hear it like the rest. And when, in scenes of glory, I sing the new, new song, 'twill be the old, old story that I have loved so long.


    Love ya friend. Praying for my favourite little Miss Amelia,

  8. His story is the best story and I love it more each day. Your daughter is so lovely.

  9. I love this post.

    Isn't it wonderful that God loves us no matter what we remember?!!!

    I love to read. My best subject. So when I had a son who "thought" he "hated" reading, I was like "are you sure you belong to me?" I found that it wasn't actually reading he hated, just the pressure of grades and tests that came with it.
    We had to work on his mindset a little, but now he enjoys a book every once in a while. He loves stories of dogs. Old Yeller is a favorite.

    Now why did I tell you all of this…who knows. I guess since we were on the subject of our kids and reading…

    Have a great week, friend!

  10. Wow…you're right. The story of Jesus is one I will never forget, can always share, and is always fresh in my mind.

  11. What beautiful words and a wonderful reminder!
    Your daughter is adorable.

    until next time… nel

  12. His story — an amazing and active story that continues on as He works in our lives today. May I always be ready to tell it!

  13. What a great post to read as my last one for the day…

    The picture of your daughter is precious….

  14. Ahhhh.
    I am just about a month away from finishing my read-thru-the-Bible-in-a-year exercise. And I remember when I did it last year, I got so excited at the end. I mean, I KNOW the end of the story. But reading it again, thinking about it more, it's just so wonderful!
    Thanks for getting me to think about it some more. *grin*

  15. I have the world's worst memory…except for the times God moved on my behalf. THAT…I remember! I have carved His Words on my heart, and written His story in my journal. I may not always remember scripture references, but I remember all the times God spoke to me.

    My husband always laughs at me for this. He laughs, because I can't remember what we did last year, or even yesterday. He remembers everything, I only remember the things of God…

  16. wonderful – thank you so much for the reminder to share the greatest story that is continuing to be written in all of us!! I will make extra effort to share it this week! 🙂

  17. Amen, my friend! A worthy story, indeed. We can't ever share that one too much! Thank you for the wonderful ways YOU tell HIS story, my friend. What a blessing & challenge to us.

    Can't help but think of the old hymn… I love to tell the story, 'twill be my theme in Glory, to tell the old, old story of Jesus and His love…

  18. Amen! One Truth One Word tells the story "Jesus!!" The only story we really have to tell is how knowing Him touches and changes everything about us!! Everyone who knows Him can tell it!! 🙂 It is funny because it is the same story and yet it has many small chapters within it. But, in summary, In the beginning Jesus loved…..His Love came forth in action….And all that received Him lived happily ever after….the end! What a great story!!! The only true fairytale!! 🙂

  19. We've already chatted about my memory–or lack of–when trying to recall stories! Thank goodness God retells stories and directions to us over again and again in His Story! It all connects…right to Christ.

    I've got that precious little one in my prayers as well as her family.
    Love you!

  20. I love the positive parallel here, and in that parallel is His story. You could have moaned and groaned about the teacher's comment and concern, but instead you showed the bigger story, the larger context. One of the many reasons I love your blog!

  21. Beautiful sharing of what is important. I'm just sure this precious 7 year old is learning some deep and loving stories that are being written in her heart, and she will probably be the best story teller of all!

  22. I immediately thought of the same hymn that Joy shared.

    What an honor and privilege it is to share His story with others…


  23. Yes, live it all the more.

    Amen, and amen.

    And my, isn't she precious?

  24. Oh Elaine! How I loved this simple post of TRUTH!!! So precious!

    {{HUGS}} Stephanie

  25. I love that face!

    I've been doing some whispering of that story over and over to myself these past couple weeks. Still resting in it. Still here. Still …just. It's almost Easter time. I know I'll hear some good stuff then.

    Love you.

  26. Thank you Elaine. I tell His story and mine also mingles with His…in-between. Yet…He is the Beginning and the End. And we all join Him in the Mid and His story becomes our story…and the re-telling continues throughout generations. One story remembering…one at a time. Beautiful words.

    Blessings and hugs,


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