Not long ago, my friend, Melanie, asked me a few questions regarding my “running” life. She has recently started a new blog for running moms and graciously allowed me a post all my own. You can read it here. One of her questions centered on my running route—the place I best liked to run. My answer?
The neighborhood behind my house.
When responding to her questions, I still lived there… on a busy highway that prevented my running endeavors. Accordingly, most days I opted for the brief walk through a field behind my house in order to secure a safe running path in the neighborhood that bumped up against my backyard fence. For nearly six years, it was my path. It no longer is my path. Instead, my path has led me to a new neighborhood… one with tree-lined streets and landscaped yards and the sounds of sprinklers and lawn mowers and birds desperately trying to make peace with the scorching summer temperatures. I took to those streets a couple of days ago… paying close attention to landmarks and being careful to notice my surroundings.
I had a good run; I was relieved to get it behind me. There’s a bit of mystery attached to this unknown path. Taking to it rather than retreating from it has been a good approach for me as I navigate this continuing journey of faith. It doesn’t serve the kingdom or my fears to stay isolated within my four walls. Hibernating… hiding only prolongs the process of my becoming, and for those of you who know me at any level, I’m all about my becoming. I cannot abide a stagnant heart and life. Staying stuck in yesterday isn’t an option for me, even though there are moments when I long for the safety of its embrace. Thus, I took to the streets of my new community, and I thought about Melanie’s question and what it means for me as I begin to turn the pages of this new chapter in my journey.
Running the neighborhood.
We all have one, you know… a neighborhood. A place given to us by God for the generous dispensation of our hearts and his kingdom seed. He doesn’t intend for us to stay isolated in our lives, removed from the world and safely entrenched in personal confinement. Instead, God means for us to lace up our shoes and to hit the streets with the witness of our willing faith. To put pavement beneath our feet because, in doing so, we move our faith forward rather than keeping it buried in our ellipses.

Your neighborhood may not look like mine. Yours might be altogether different from mine. I will never “live” there with you, and you will never “live” here with me, but all of us share a common interest—a single connection that requires us to move past the fear in order to take hold of a rich faith. To see beyond the old that has kept us and to embrace the new that God has parceled out before us.
For most of us, that’s a scary prospect. Living with the unknown is a difficult abiding for those who enjoy reading the last page of the novel over taking the necessary pains to get there, one page at a time. Some would rather skip the mystery and live the sure reality that precludes any measure of uncertainty, any growth in personal faith. This has been my temptation in recent days, but when I bow my head before the Father, when I engage his heart in the matter, I see a Jesus who didn’t skip the mystery but who was, instead, deeply invested into every page of the story… not just the conclusion.
Jesus didn’t miss anything in his earthly tenure. Jesus laced up his sandals and took to the streets of his neighborhood, paying very close attention to the landmarks and giving special attention to his surroundings. He didn’t miss a thing… not one moment, not one person. Wherever he walked, he lived. Whatever he saw, he touched. No day in the life of Jesus was wasted. He was never “not” in the mood to be Jesus. He didn’t forsake the journey of faith for fear of his making a mistake. He simply did what he came to do… to run the streets of his neighborhood and to elevate his heart rate in accordance with his Father’s.
That’s neighborhood running, friends. That’s what it means to be a kingdom runner, regardless of the soil that claims the soles of your feet… the soul of your heart.
I don’t have clue what this means for me in the days to come; I only know and fully believe that I can run my “neighborhood” because there is One who has gone before me and given me a perfect example of how I might more perfectly and deliberately live my faith on the pavement of real life. I will not let my fear keep me bound within these four walls. I will, instead, let my fear drive me to my knees and to my Father who has promised to run my neighborhood with me and to make sure that I don’t miss a thing.
Oh for the eyes and faith to see and to live like my Jesus! That is the prayer of my heart this night; the prayer I hold for you as well. Keep to the road, friends. Run your neighborhoods and live your faith in the strength and grace of your Jesus who has promised you his courage and perspective for the road ahead. In the midst of all the changes that are going on in my life, I am thankful that my blogging address remains the same—
a good and loving neighborhood to run with you in this season. Thank you for loving me as you do and for allowing me a few moments of gracious entry in and around the streets surrounding your home. You are a landmark worthy of my notice… worthy of our Father’s as well. I love you each one and will endeavor to jog past your place sometime this week. As always…
Peace for the journey,
"… and He determined the times set for for them and the exact places where they should live." Acts 17:26
It's so good to know that God has you right where He wants you.
I send my love.
Hi Elaine:
So glad to see your post. As usual you have given encouragement and food for thought in a beautifully written post. Enjoyed the analogy and the reminder that Jesus walked his walk everyday while he was on earth and we have no excuse not to walk ours.
Continuing to pray for you and your family as you settle in to your new neighborhood and church.
Darn it! You got me. I am the one who reads the end of the book first. I just cannot abide with not knowing how it ends. I still take the journey but I know how it ends.
The good thing about life is that I have read the end of the book and I know how it ends!!
There are times I hate going out into the neighborhood. Not because of the danger that might be larking but seeing all the lost souls.
It's so overwhelming and at times I think "Am I making a different?"
Love this post! You are so right… I'm putting on my sneakers, lacing them up and going for a run!
love and hugs~Tammy
Elaine, so glad to hear you are getting settled in to your new "neighborhood." Something I will always remember from a wonderful minister that served at a local church here told me when I explained to him I was afraid of "new" things -new jobs, new journeys, etc. He told me to "bloom where God planted me." I will never forget his words and try to do that when I am faced with "new" situations. I am one of those people who reads the last page of the book – can't help myself!!! I KNOW that you will bloom where ever it is that God plants you, and especially where you are at now. The folks there are in for a real treat!!! Love you sister!!!!
Bloom baby, bloom!!
Oh, may you be blessed as your sneakers hit the pavement in your new neighborhood 🙂
This post is so good for me. What you wrote about not letting fear keep you from "running" and not hibernating within our own 4 walls – just speaks right to my heart. I've been pondering some new paths lately – praying about some new "neighborhoods" we might be jogging down soon. This post so encouraged me this Monday morning – on so many levels.
Thank you!
Have a wonderful week,
Kate 🙂
As always your blog just blesses me through and through. You always write something that touches me deeply.
Thank you!
For many years I've calculated my living in decades: the decade of the 50s found me growing beneath my mother's clothesline; the 70s raising yungun's; etc.
But now I actually calculate my life in houses (we've had a bunch), to which I can add neighborhoods., thanks to you.
Some and their photos) can still make me giggle; others bring a flood of tears. A whole lotta livin' gets done in those realms!
I'm running with you, friend. And I have a sense that your new neighborhood is going to provide for some runs that'll take you straight to the mountain top.
What a good season for running it is!
Blessings & hugs,
P.S. Love the photos.
May God bless you for blessing me!
So sorry we didn't get to see you before you left on your new journey, I'm sure it will take you to good places you've never been. Will miss the Bible studies..Tell Billy hello…love the pictures….Take care, I really enjoy your blog..love you.
"Oh for the eyes and faith to see and to live like my Jesus!" Yes, that too is my prayer. Your new church home looks sacred Elaine. Embrace it my friend!
Believing Him~Pamela
Born to Run!!!! Jennifer's comment about the Lord determining the times set for them and the exact places where they should live hits home doesn't it Elaine. Run girl! Claim that land. B
What a poignant post Elaine. God bless you!
A kingdom runner — love that image, Elaine. And running our neighborhoods — love that one, too! May God continue to strengthen you to run your new neighborhood!
May God bless you as you run for His kingdom.
Thank you so much for your courage. You are so inspirational to the rest of us who also sometimes want to hide in our four walls. You also remind me to enjoy every footstep of the journey even if the Lord hasn't shown me his plan for my life (and I am definately a make the plan and work the plan kind of a person).We should just keep trusting and putting one foot in front of the other and it's an awesome journey as long as the Lord's right there with you. Thanks as always for your insight!
Beautiful people, beautiful church, beautiful life!!!!
Blessings and peace~
You know that I LOVED this post!! I saw Melanie's blog with your sweet smiling face and that darlin' red shirt!!! 🙂 Had to come over and read about your running your neighborhood. Loved this…and when Jesus laced up his sandals, not His Nikes…great visual, my friend!
"God means for us to lace up our shoes and to hit the streets with the witness of our willing faith." I pray that I can witness as I run too! Thank you!
I'm so glad to see you in your new home! And before your boxes are unpacked, you're already challenging me. I think this is going to be a great new adventure Elaine, in so many ways.
I love the pics you you and Billy beside your warm welcome sign. The chapters will open one at a time, and they are going to be good!
Oh, Elaine, this was wonderful ! I so loved hearing about your new neighborhood and seeing the church. Most of all I needed the encouragement to lace up my shoes and get out there and be a witness for the Lord!
Hope you are having a great week!
Marilyn…in Mississippi
It's so good to see your post, your pics, and the smiling faces of you and Billy! I missing y'all so much!
I have been praying for you often, friend, trusting God to lead you in this journey of new things.
Love you…
Wonderful pictures!! Beautiful church!
Your gift of teaching shines through your writing. I want to tell everyone I meet about Jesus! I wish you and your family blessings as you settle into your new town and leadership roles in the church. May God's hand be upon all of you in new and wonderful ways.
Thanks for the glimpse into your new church and neighborhood and life. I know you are still becoming.
Wow – that song was a Word for me today! It reminded me of my life history [HIStory] of rescue and restoration from
Psalm 40:1-4
1 I waited patiently for the LORD;
He turned to me and heard my cry.
2 He lifted me out of the slimy pit,
out of the mud and mire;
He set my feet on a rock
and gave me a firm place to stand.
3 He put a new song in my mouth,
a hymn of praise to our God.
Many will see and fear
and put their trust in the LORD.
4 Blessed is the man
who makes the LORD his trust…
You wrote:
" There’s a bit of mystery attached to this unknown path. Taking to it rather than retreating from it has been a good approach for me as I navigate this continuing journey of faith."
Indeed "TAKING TO IT" is the choice to make.
I love the journey of the unknown path – because God says in His Word that only He knows the way – so we must follow close behind as He knows the dangers – he knows the joys that lie ahead for us.
Welcome to your NEXT, Elaine! How excited I am for you! May God continue to show His favor over your life as you seek to please Him with all of your heart.
I've been at the crossroads in the desert section of your book Parts 1 & 2 – then today – onto the backside of forty…… can't wait to see what THAT one holds. Each chapter continues to speak right into my life! thank you for getting that message into print for us all to share a Word from God!
Choosing JOY, Stephanie
Hey Elaine! You've been on my heart lately and I've been praying for you and your family as you settle in your new "neighborhood".
Loved this post….it blew upon the embers of words spoken over me several years ago by my pastor….."Jackie, get your running shoes on and your pen and paper close by". I haven't thought about those words in awhile…..the pen and paper part I got, but always wondered about the running shoes part …..the shoes didn't "fit" then, but as I read this post, I sensed the Holy Spirit taking those words that have been simmering on the "back burner" of my heart begin to heat up. I'll be praying about all this and wait expectantly upon Him for the next "course" to run for Him! Thanks so much for sharing……This post was for me, Elaine!!
Sweet Blessings!
PS….So glad you and Diane got to meet! And I love the photo! Hope to see you sometime when I'm in NC!!
I am praying that God uses you both in such a powerful way in your new church home!
love to you elaine,
WOW. Such a powerful word straight from your heart (I felt it) to mine (and so many others!)
New neighborhoods. New people and experiences.
You've encouraged us to look at it as new opportunity. To walk as Jesus did…"never in the mood not to be Jesus". Ouch. But LOVED IT!
Keep running sister…and writing your heart out.
There is really not much I can add to this or the comments you've received. This blessed me tremendously. I also popped in and read the post of yours on Melanie's blog — awesome!
I have to agree with Tammy's comment below about being concerned about the lost souls when I go out into the neighborhood (for me powerwalking and prayer walking).
I love you Elaine and your heart in GOD!
This post reminded me of exactly where i am at in Experiencing God. My current memory verse. John 5:19Jesus gave them this answer: "I tell you the truth, the Son can do nothing by himself; he can do only what he sees his Father doing, because whatever the Father does the Son also does.
Thanks for the confirmation!
Welcome to your neighborhood! Give yourself time and give "your people" time. You are God's gift to them and they are His gifts to you. It will take a bit of time for all the wrappings to come off…k
Meanwhile,run! What a great way to keep the stress, the fears, (not to mention the weight!) under control — His control!
Beautiful, Elaine.
I was on my run tonight and got some inspiration on how to run my kingdom race since we have been at the crossroad with our Andrew having gone on ahead of us.
Truly I believe God inspired my thoughts to get back into running. 'So glad there are others, like you, running their path, too. The paths may vary but for those who call Jesus Lord, the destination is the same.