Sacred Tuesdays

Sacred Tuesdays

“As you come to him, the living Stone—rejected by men but chosen by God and precious to him—you also, like living stones, are being built into a spiritual house to be a holy priesthood, offering spiritual sacrifices acceptable to God through Jesus Christ.” (1 Peter 2:4-5).

Sacred days. Days set apart as extraordinarily different. Special. Unique and consecrated for purpose. Sabbath days. Twenty-four hours given to God for God’s intended end. Some would call it Sunday, and indeed, Sundays are meant for all things sacred. But there is another day in my week…a Tuesday…that receives the seal of God’s sacred authenticity.

What makes a Tuesday sacred?

Tuesdays are my stone laying days. Days when I stand alongside my sisters in Christ to build a spiritual unity. Days when we lay our precious stones beside and upon one another because our Architect has a plan in mind. A building he’s building. A spiritual house resting on the foundation of his Calvary love and built with the nails of his surrender.

A holy priesthood of believers. A collective unity comprised of unique individualities. Living… breathing…flesh-walking stones. Stones with names. Stones I call friends. Stones who are willing to lay their lives alongside me as a corporate sacrifice to our God.

Sacred Tuesdays began soon after my arrival to this community four years ago.

They began with a group of women called the “lunch bunch.” It was an accidental gathering. A first lunch shared with two of my senior friends at a local café. God stirred our hearts for fellowship on that warm summer day, and rarely has there been a Tuesday when we have neglected that stirring. The lunch bunch has grown to include anywhere from six to twelve women. I pride myself on being the youngest, but I am humbled by their exceedingly great wisdom.

Years of walking with God have taught them much about living life at a sacred level. I glean abundance from their teaching. They don’t impose it upon me. They simply live it. And through our laughter and eating and talking and listening, God is pleased to continue with his build.

He joins us at the table and consecrates our lives for sacred living. One stone after another, until a sturdy portion of faith finds its home along the walls of his house.

These lunches are a gift to me and would have been enough to qualify any of my Tuesdays as sacred. But my God is a “more than enough” kind of God, and he decided to punctuate my Tuesdays with another portion of his sacred build.

He gave me Bible study. Just as quickly as the “lunch bunch” weaved their way into my hearts, so did my Bible study group. Tuesday nights seemed a good fit with our church’s schedule of “doings,” and thus began our gatherings to study God’s Word. Ten Bible studies and 103 Tuesday nights later, we are still gathering. We number in the 20’s, 30’s, or 40’s on any given night. It matters not our numbers. What matters is that we come seeking God, offering up our worship to him as sacred sacrifice.

God is faithful to meet us around our tables. He consecrates our lives for sacred living…one stone after another…until a sturdy portion of faith finds its home along the walls of his house.

Indeed, from beginning to end, my Tuesdays are sacred. They belong to God and to the women he has so graciously scripted into my life. Apart from him, Tuesdays would simply be another day. A day when all manner of lunches and gatherings take place. But days and moments that include him? These are sacred days. And when he graces them with fellow pilgrims alongside, we are in for a build of the most sacred kind.

We are being built into a kingdom. A kingdom that cannot be shaken or destroyed. A kingdom constructed by the hands of a King who lays our stone alongside another’s and cements our purpose with sacred and sturdy surety.

Alone, my stone remains simply a solitary piece of rock incapable of supporting little more than my lofty ideals and feeble faith. But my stone alongside another and another and another? Well, we become a wall in the great house of God! The temple where he chooses to make his dwelling. And for that consecrated privilege, I willingly cast my stone at his feet.

Sacred Tuesdays. They are worthy of my obedience. They are God’s gracious gift to me. I pray that you know a similar portion. If not, then you are welcome to this table of grace. Come and sit awhile with my Father and me. It is my great joy to lay some stones alongside you as we yield to the Builder. He is after a masterpiece my friends, and in the end, we will marvel at his handiwork. Your story…your stone…weaves its way into mine. And so I pray,

Weave me, Living God, into your story of grace. This day, I come to you as a living stone, asking for your hands to place me within the wall of your spiritual house. Thank you for sacred Tuesdays—for moments in my life when I stand alongside my fellow pilgrims to build your kingdom. You knew I needed them, Lord…my Tuesday girls. I think they may have needed me, too. Together we are doing far more than we could ever do alone. We are being built into a holy priesthood, and this day I offer you my stone for the laboring. Let it not be in vain, Lord, for I long to be used for kingdom purpose. Guide me to such a sacred end. Amen.

And without further fanfare…allow me to introduce to you some of my Tuesday girls of grace!

peace for the journey~elaine

4 Responses to Sacred Tuesdays

  1. I enjoyed the pictures Elaine and was quite thankful to only appear in the large group!! Thinking back to losing baby fat….
    I want to ask your permission to use your baby fat message at my women’s group tomorrow night. I just bet it will bring you some new bloggers. Thanks.

  2. Lisa:
    Feel free to use the piece. Pray for me…I’m sick with some sort of bug and want to heal up before Tuesday night.


  3. Sorry to hear you are not feeling well. I will be praying for you also. Looking forward to Tuesday nite. This weeks lessons have really helped me (esp. day 4). God was once again right on time. :)Angie

  4. Hi Elaine,
    I’m visiting your blog after reading your comment to Renee. I was stirred by what you wrote, “His thirst led him there. Her thirst kept him there.” I just love that!

    I read your “Sacred Tuesdays” post. You have caused me to reflect on my Tuesdays. I lead a ladies Bible study in the morning and evening every Tuesday, and I must confess I often look at Tuesday as such a busy, demanding day. Thank you for causing my heart to pause and see all that these sweet ladies give to me each week. I won’t look at Tuesdays the same anymore.


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