The Painful Truth

“Thomas said to him, ‘Lord, we don’t know where you are going, so how can we know the way?’ Jesus answered, ‘I am the way and the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me.’” (John 14:5-6).

Her question paused my spirit last night. Not because I wasn’t prepared for its arrival, but rather because of the pain that was attached to its speaking. It is a pain that often fastens itself to questions that root the deepest—questions that linger hard and long in the murky waters of uncertainties. Questions that surround a soul with a needful longing for clarity. Questions that require our participation because our minds and our hearts are equally invested in the answers therein.

It’s not easy to entreat them … to be the recipient of hard questions. Still and yet, it is a privilege to be trusted with their asking, for in doing so, we are given the rare privilege of influence. Of speaking something of worth and value into a pain that is intent on consumption … on paralysis, on keeping a soul from moving beyond its confinement.

That is what I faced last night. A suffering moment that required a wisdom beyond my years and my limited understanding about why life sometimes seems to portion out raw and rough and rude, almost always with inadequate notice. Her question doesn’t breathe in isolation. I’ve been receiving many of them as of late. They seem to find me, despite my inability to “fix” anything to the contrary. And last night, as I tossed and turned and tumbled her question over in my mind, I had a thought as it pertains to this “answering” of pain. It has stayed with me throughout the day.

Pain deserves the truth. Not preferences.

Read it again, and pause to consider its worth.

Pain deserves the truth. Not preferences.

You and I are living in a pain-saturated society. If not our personal pain, then the pain of a people we love … a people we commune with, celebrate life with, go to church with, work with, shop with, “internet” with, share our resources with, partake in this world with. We are a people living with pain’s insistence, and when it comes knocking, it warrants our respect, our notice, and our involvement. It means to do so.

Pain’s knocking is our invitation to involvement. Rarely do we welcome its intrusion, but almost always are we forced to swallow its intention. Thus, pain deserves more than our menial attempts at soothing. Pain deserves more than our coddling preferences that band-aid the ache without ever touching the wound. Pain deserves more than our religious speak and our fast forward approaches to its release.

Pain deserves the truth.

And lest we think that any truth will do (for many are prone in their thinking that truth seeds relative), there is only one truth worthy of a pain’s trust … a pain’s receiving … a pain’s taking. It is not a truth embedded in philosophy. A truth not formulated by man’s attempt at having life make sense. A truth not vetted or promoted on the talk show circuit. A truth not rooted in a guru or a mantra or a set of rules for “becoming a better you.”

None of these “truths” are ample enough, strong enough, steady and sure enough to answer the problem of pain. They fall flat and soothe simple and, at the end of the day, inaccurately treat the intrusion of suffering.

Pain deserves better. Pain deserves the truth; not contradictions. Not maybes. Not a #1 best-seller, but rather, it deserves the certitude and confidence of all creation. Pain deserves the smoldering wick of an eternal flame—a truth that was lit on the front side of Genesis and that continues its watch through until forever. And that truth, my friends, does indeed exist. Truth has a name. It was given to Him before the very foundation of the world.

Jesus Christ, Son of the Living God.

The Word made flesh, living among us for a season; living within us for always through the power of his abiding and Holy Spirit. He is only Truth who is worthy of a pain’s holding. He is the only Truth who understands the depths of a pain’s intention.

Thus, when pain finds its way to our door, the only Truth that serves truthful, that proves useful, that lasts lasting, is the One who is well familiar with our griefs and our sufferings (Isaiah 53:3). He walked the road of suffering so that we could better walk ours. And if for some reason we think that our road should walk pain free, then we have missed a deeply rooted tenet of our faith.

To take up our cross and follow after Jesus is to resolutely walk the path of his intention (Luke 9:23-24, 1 Peter 4:12-13). To be like Jesus, we are called to walk like Jesus. And His walk, fellow pilgrims, was painted with suffering. Not suffering for suffering’s sake, but suffering for our sake, so that when it, too, becomes ours in smaller measure, we will better understand how to walk it through.

With a Truth that is transparent and real and willing to share in our sufferings and with a purpose that often times hides its intention but is, nevertheless, present and profitable for our sacred transformation.

Pain deserves the Truth. It deserves our notice, and then it deserves our release to the Truth. We may never understand pain’s grip on this side of eternity. We may never have the perfect words to offer on behalf of pain’s intrusion into the lives of others. But if we hold the light of Jesus Christ in our hearts, then we hold enough … more than enough … to lead us onward in victory.

Pain doesn’t get the final word in our many matters, friends. Neither do our preferences. Truth does. Thus, when pain comes knocking and brings her questions accordingly, may we always find our words and our trust anchored in the eternal Flame who lights us home and burns us brightly as we go. Thus, I pray…

Seed your Truth within my flesh, Father. Root Him deeply and burn Him brightly, regardless of the suffering going on around me and in me. Where there are questions, answer them with Truth. Where there are tears, dry them with Truth. Where there is suffering, cover it with Truth, and where there is doubt, replace it with the Truth. Keep my heart and my tongue ready with the Truth, so that on all occasions your Truth stands at the podium and my understanding submits to Truth’s shadows. May the words of my mouth and the meditations of my heart, always be found acceptable in thy sight, Oh Lord, my Strength, my Redeemer, and my absolute Truth. Amen.

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Copyright © April 2009 – Elaine Olsen

33 Responses to The Painful Truth

  1. You wrote one of THE most powerful posts I’ve read! WOW!
    “Pain deserves more than our coddling preferences that band-aid the ache without ever touching the wound. Pain deserves more than our religious speak and our fast forward approaches to its release.

    Pain deserves the truth.”

    Yes, JESUS is the way the TRUTH and the life! Give them JESUS to heal the wound!!

    WOW! Praise Jesus for this powerful post – the Holy Spirit has spoken through you sister!

    Looking Upward and Choosing JOY,
    [In Flight]

  2. My prayer today: “…and where there is doubt, replace it with the Truth.”

    How timely your words in this little life of mine.

    And where there is doubt, replace it with Truth.

    I need my doubt replaced this day for so many reasons, in so many ways.

  3. You are so, so right. Pain does deserve the truth–in a loving and Jesus-like way. May God grant you the wisdom you need to touch the lives of those who come to you with the truth of Christ.

    God bless you, Elaine.


  4. This was an amazing post, and one I really needed to hear; especially as I was just hurt deeply by someone I trusted implicitly. I have been so caught up in my pain and how this person made me feel about myself and my worth, basically feeling rejected and upset with how I was portrayed to some others, that I forgot to take a step back and focus on the truth.

    God knows my heart and knows my actions, and HE defines my worth. Not the people of this world, no matter how much we are “supposed” to look up to them when they are leaders.

    Thank you for your encouragement today!

  5. Elaine, my heart awoke with Thomas’s question on my mind. Yesterday my entire blog entry, entitled “Question”, consisted of these words: “…if the LORD is with us, why has all this happened to us?” (Judges 6:13). No answer.”

    “…if for some reason we think that our road should walk pain free, then we have missed a deeply rooted tenet of our faith.” *ouch*

    With tears my friend, I will resolutely walk the path of His intention. Father, work Your sacred transformation in me.

    Beautiful prayer Elaine. I’m holding on to Truth, clinging to Truth, surrendering to Truth, embracing Truth and sharing Truth,
    Love ya friend,

  6. We will be teach Ephe. 6:10-18 this weekend @ our high school retreat…we so want them to hear, see, ponder, talk to God about His truth…it will guide when the world takes them off the path in weak moments of wandering. Please pray for us as we teach them about the ONE hero!

  7. Elaine, thank you so much for sharing this truth today. Along the way, I have encountered many Christians who believe in the absence of pain, the freedom of total and complete prosperity, a type of heavenly existence on this cursed earth. How can we expect to escape suffering when Christ Himself and the saints of all the ages dealt with heart-wrenching pain?

    As difficult as it is to accept, pain is our instructor. It’s God’s instrument of refinement in our lives. But, oh, how excrutiating it can be, and how heavy it is to bear! I have born some myself and am very sure I will bear more. If only I could peacefully find that place of rest in Him wherein I pray with the Apostle Paul, “That I may know Him, and the power of His resurrection, and the fellowship of His sufferings.” Oh, to have such a love for Jesus and dedication for Him that I pray to suffer with Him in order to know Him more!

    How powerful that you said “Jesus is the truth” about pain. That is a very profound statement. The deeper we look at Christ, the keener our perception of Who He is and what He suffered and what He asks of us, the greater understanding we have of pain. Awesome! Powerful!

    Thank you for your words of truth. Many blessings to you today in Christ Jesus our Lord and our hope.


  8. Truth is compromised and clouded by our own understandings, often promoting confusion and more pain.

    Why do so many run from Truth? When faced with Truth as an option we bale out into something less rewarding.

    There is great pain in Truth. Truth stands alone on Hill. When we come to the cross we are faced with only one option and that is Truth. I ask myself often, when faced with pain if I am sitting at the feet of the cross or the mindless misgivings of something else.

    Wonderful post Elaine.

  9. So powerful I had to read this TWICE!!

    “Pain doesn’t get the final word in our many matters, friends. Neither do our preferences. Truth does. Thus, when pain comes knocking and brings her questions accordingly, may we always find our words and our trust anchored in the eternal Flame who lights us home and burns us brightly as we go.”

    Powerful message inspired by the Holy Spirit!

  10. Amen, precious sister! Our hearts are beating in unison on this one, too.

    Jeremiah 5:3 is one Scripture that the Lord led me to this week. It’s rather grim, so I praise Him for those who are aware of the pain, and I thank Him for faithful servants like yourself who will speak the Truth in love … the Truth, the whole Truth, and nothing but the Truth. 🙂

  11. Hi Elaine,

    Thanks for sharing that with us! That was an awesome post! Good job!!

    Hey. If you get the opportunity, would you mind praying for the prayer requests that are
    on our main page?

    May the Lord bless you and your family!!

    Mark, Lynn, Brooke & Carley Seay

    ps – please consider "following" our blog -or- atleast grab one of our free, linking, blue buttons. (see top sidebar at

    •´.¸¸.•¨¯`♥.Visit Us Soon!.♥´¯¨•.¸¸.´•

  12. Printed this for my bus ride today, and read it several times over. Couldn’t wait to get home and tell you what a powerful message. So many phrases seemed to leap off the page and resonate with my heart. Amen, Amen, Amen!

    Indeed “He is only Truth who is worthy of a pain’s holding. He is the only Truth who understands the depths of a pain’s intention.”

    Oh that I may live without questioning his intentions, but rather simply resting in them.

    Thank you for this beautiful and profound Word today.


  13. AMEN – Awesome, powerful post! It really ministered to me. And the prayer…what a blessing. Thank you so much, Elaine!

    P.S. BTW…I really like the new blog background. :o)

  14. Too Funny! I just ripped open a large bag of those little critters in the car today. And I said out loud for no one to here but myself, “It’s a gummy bear day!”


  15. I am reminded by how many times I throw out the “coddling preferences that band-aid the ache” because that is easy and to a certain extent “safe” in my dealings with others. It can be exhausting to go the full measure with people experiencing this kind of pain. Yet you are going, and in doing so, encouraging the rest of us to do so as well.

  16. Well my friend, I had to catch my breath as I read this, and at times I had to remind myself to breath. That same realization was presented to me as we tackled lesson 4 in the Esther study. Could the timing be so perfect? Remember the “what if’s” followed by “my God will be faithful”? Then I remembered another study from my past that referenced the two most powerful words in scripture….”BUT GOD”. I need to find that scripture again.

    Why is it the pain we carry blinds us from what our hearts know and how we need to preceive it all? No matter what this pain in my life has the ability to produce…forever condemnation…losing my daughter…I must respond “BUT GOD!” You are so very right…it is all about HIM-TRUTH.

    I love your mind, I cherish your heart friend.

    In His Graces~Pamela

  17. Incredibly insightful and timely. Pain absolutely deserves ONLY the truth – for that is the only thing that gets us through. Thank you, dearest.

  18. Hey Mrs. Elaine, this post reminds me of what I read in John 17:15-17 this morning in the Amplified version:
    “I do not ask that You will take them out of the world, but that You will keep and protect them from the evil one. They are not of the world (worldy, belonging to the world), [just] as I am not of the world. Sanctify them [purify, consecrate, separate them for Yourself, make them holy] by Truth; Your Word is Truth.”


  19. This is the best thing I’ve read in a long, long while. So powerful and so true.


  20. Very touching.

    Father God, I pray for understanding in this post. I ask that YOU show me and lead me into that understanding. Thank You Lord for this post & thank You for Elaine. I pray this in Jesus' name, amen.

  21. Elaine,
    Powerful. Raw. Poignant. Truthful.

    I think suffering is one of the hardest things for our human minds to grasp. “Why? Why me? Why her?”

    Within the circle of my life right now there is so much pain. Others’ pain is so deep it takes my breath away. One wonders at times how God can make good out of these situations.

    As my friend told me yesterday, this life is not all there is. We are but passersby on our way to eternal glory.

    Yet, even in the midst of our greatest suffering, God is faithful and loving and just.

    I’m praying for you, my friend,

  22. Popped over here from Tracy’s blog…and was blessed for doing so.

    Soooo many truths in this post, Elaine. Not surprisingly, the Lord has used this as sort of an ‘in stereo’ moment for me, having been at work on me in a couple of these same areas already.

    Love the title and header picture and verse of your blog, too.

  23. Wow,
    I just dropped by from Tracy’s and had to “meet” you.
    I’m glad I did.

  24. Oh, Elaine.

    My bruised and broken soul receives such salve when I stop by here. Your prayer brought me to tears.

    So beautiful.

  25. For my first 38 years, I tried to “fix” hurting people with the Truth.

    For the past three years, I have offered the Truth to those who are hurting… and there has been more power and change then I ever saw in my first four decades.

    God has told me to stop trying to fix people’s symptoms… and offer HIM alone.

  26. The fact of the matter maybe strong, but the Truth over rides fact… It is the truth that in HIS pain we have been set free…..

  27. Wow, yes. My heart aches for those around me who are in pain, for those who don’t know my Jesus… they don’t know the Truth. My greatest desire is to point them to Jesus.

    ‘We may never have the perfect words to offer on behalf of pain’s intrusion into the lives of others. But if we hold the light of Jesus Christ in our hearts, then we hold enough … more than enough …’ Your words are a comfort and a challenge to me.

  28. wifeforthejourney:

    Every believer will be confronted with the problem of evil and suffering in this life. How we choose to address suffering with others is one of the greatest challenges we face in living our faith. Thanks for another solid post about the truth of God’s grace, mercy, and strength when we and people we know are hurting.


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