the preceding effects of Presence

for the one whose pain caught my attention…

I recently received an e-mail from a stranger. She needed a safe place for her thoughts; I was privileged to receive them. If ever anyone needed a “passing by” from the Lord, it was her. I imagine it still is her, for there are no easy answers to the heartfelt pleas… just a lot of pain and partial peace wrapped up together in a life that belongs to her.

I pondered her situation throughout the night hours and awoke the next morning to a familiar Scripture text found in 1 Kings 19. A long ago story about a man who deeply desired a “passing by” from his God. His “weary and well-worn” led him to the comfort of a mountain cave—a place known for its proximity to the presence of God.

“Then the LORD said, ‘Go out and stand on the mountain in the presence of the LORD, for the LORD is about to pass by.’ Then a great and powerful wind tore the mountains apart and shattered the rocks before the LORD, but the LORD was not in the wind. After the wind there was an earthquake, but the LORD was not in the earthquake. After the earthquake came a fire, but the LORD was not in the fire. And after the fire came a gentle whisper. When Elijah heard it, he pulled his cloak over his face and went out and stood at the mouth of the cave. Then a voice said to him, ‘What are you doing here, Elijah?’” (1 Kings 19:11-13).

God would not disappoint Elijah. Instead, God would come to him in full measure… in a way that is often missed by most of us. Whenever we read this story, we tend to focus on the whisper of God—the gentle, tender voice of comfort that is most needed in times of great despair. But in doing so, in relegating God’s whisper above the preceding manifestations of his presence, I think we miss a valuable teaching about the existence of Almighty God.

God’s living presence radiates from the core of his being, mirroring (in much smaller measure) the ripple effects we witness after a pebble is thrown into water. Where God is, isn’t defined by his frame. I have no idea what God looks like, but in my wildest imaginings, I’m tempted to give him a body—a contained perimeter in keeping with something that makes sense to me. But God is bigger than my imagination and far surpasses any box I am content to wrap around him. When God walks, the ripples of that walking extend far and wide announcing (well in advance) his arrival to the world.

And here’s what I think.

Could it be that the winds and earthquakes and fires that precede his arrival are just God’s way of letting us know he’s coming? That he is, in fact, on his way to us? That the wind cannot help but sway with the reality that his feet are on the move? That the rocks cannot help but split and crack because they better feel the weight of his gravitational pull? That fires cannot help but fan into flames because of the intensity fueling his intention? Why are we surprised when we experience the wind, the movement of the earth beneath our feet, and the heat of a fire around our souls prior to his arrival?

Earth, better than humanity, recognizes the approach of its King.

“Clouds and thick darkness surround him; righteousness and justice are the foundation of his throne. Fire goes before him and consumes his foes on every side. His lightning lights up the world; the earth sees and trembles. The mountains melt like wax before the LORD, before the Lord of all the earth.” (Psalm 97:2-5).

God’s presence extends beyond his whispers. We do not often see him in these preceding moments of our sometimes excruciating circumstances. Many of you, this day, are in the midst of some earth-shattering situations. Pain and conflict are your portion, and you are tempted to keep your eyes fixed in the present rather than looking beyond to the Presence whose comforting whispers are soon to follow.

If we could get that, if somehow we could begin to see the wind, the earthquake, and the fires of our today as the beginning manifestations of God’s rippling presence, then, perhaps, we’d anchor ourselves tighter to the truth of a soon and coming sacred whisper. Our faith would grow with the expectation that what is currently seen and felt will soon be tempered and relieved by the unseen breath of God speaking his comfort into our chaos.

God is on the move, friends. He is in the business of “passing by” your way. He comes with intention and purpose and with the rippling effects that have always preceded his arrival. This doesn’t mean his coming has caused your earthquake, it simply and profoundly means that his presence cannot be separated from the world’s notice.

And the last time I checked, the prince of this world (the one whose sole intent for our lives is to steal, to kill, and to destroy) was very disturbed by the coming of the King. When God moves, so does he. Satan is the author of chaos and confusion, and he will go to great lengths to make sure you miss the arrival of your Father.

I do not fully understand the condition of human suffering, what’s allowed us by God and what we miss because of his grace. I don’t know the length of the leash that’s been extended to the enemy. It’s a hard wrestling for me, and at the end of the day, I concede those answers to my King. But just this night as I think about my new friend and her pain and the pain of so many who are desperately running to God’s mountain in hopes of receiving God’s whispers, I cannot help but imagine the rippling effect of God’s presence.

The winds … the earthquakes … the fires that precede his whispers. And somehow I am comforted, and all seems reasonable and acceptable to me.

Hang on for God’s whispers, friends. They are coming, just beyond these rippling effects of God’s approaching steps. The earth better understands the arrival of its King. It cannot help but be shattered by the thought and, therefore, bow in surrender to his steps. Neither can I.

May God’s good comfort and abiding presence be with you all this day as you seek him on his mountain. You are my friends, and you fuel my passion for knowing our Father at the deepest level. Thank you for sharing the road with me. As always…

peace for the journey,


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Please remember that “Peace for the Journey”- © Copyright protected 2008 – 2009. All rights reserved and used only by the permission of the author, F. Elaine Olsen. Thanks!

21 Responses to the preceding effects of Presence

  1. I have often thought the same, that the earth recognizes HIm more than we do. I often wonder how the atmosphere must have changed the night the Christ was born. Praying for your friend.

  2. What a comforting thought that when the earthquakes and winds shake our worlds, we can know that His tender, life-giving whispers are on the way. Joy comes in the morning… Thanks for sharing, Elaine!

  3. As one who has the unfortunate need to place things in "pretty little boxes", this post spoke volumes to me. God cannot be put in a box or relegated to a whisper – why have I not seen that!

    My family now is in the midst of a storm of epic proportion (see yesterday's post)…may we see His passing in every ripple, quake and fire that comes…that is my the cry of my heart right now.

    Thank you Elaine for this post!

  4. Elaine, I pray that today I will be more aware and sensitive to the "ripples" of God in my every day. What a visual for all of us. Thanks again for another wonderful post!

    God Bless!!


  5. Speechless!

    Going to go sit in and feel His presence now.

    I'll be back to read this again…


  6. Great thoughts! I hadn't really looked at that particular passage from that angle before. It sure caught my attention; then at once became the screen for flashbacks.

    Yes. Amen. From the vantage point of 20/20 hindsight I can see and then say God has definitely made His entry into my life with sweeping (and often noisy) storms – – some pretty scarey as well.

    My life is riddled with blessings, but I dare say I have profited most from the clamor that preceded them.

    May your visitor find as much comfort in her newly formed friendship as have I.


  7. "God is on the move, friends. He is in the business of “passing by” your way."
    Elaine–this really touched me! (As did the entire post.) I love that scripture about Elijah. I tended to focus on the Presence rather than what preceded! Thanks for refocusing me!! I'll be in prayer for your friend.

    Love you!
    (Getting ready to do last training run before Sat.'s Race for the Cure–wish you were here to run with me!)

  8. Elaine, that was so powerful. It's empowering to come into the knowledge of God's word.

    Thank You Father God.

  9. As I am leaving to attend my Mom's visitation tonight after her death, I find such comfort in those words. I want to grow closer to Christ through this. It's what my Mom would want. The pain seems so great…..But I'm looking and listenting.

  10. What a wonderful thought!! I love thinking that all the commotion is over the upcoming arrival of the King. I love it. Thanks for sharing that with us. Beautiful!!


  11. Elaine… You have a beautiful way with words 🙂 I used this same scripture in 1 Kings 19 last night with my junior high school girls! I thoroughly enjoyed your insight into this passage.

  12. Wonderful post, Elaine.

    I'm praying for your email friend. God is always present. He always sees us. He always acts.

    Thanks for writing.

  13. So beautifully written Elaine! I always leave so encouraged after stopping by. You are a gifted writer and it is a treat to read your thoughts.

    Thank you for sharing yourself.

  14. Oh How the ripples of His presence do touch and shape our lives in so many ways. Lord, don't let the earth recognize you more clearly than I do!

  15. Your words here have really spoken to me today, Elaine. Such a comforting way to view the struggles and earthquakes in our life for it is so true that in those times are when we are being led directly to HIM. Thanks so much for this post!

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