I have received a gift that far exceeds being the guest blogger on my favorite website: the gift of Elaine.

From the day her father (unwittingly) introduced us on the campus of Asbury Theological Seminary some fourteen years ago, through marriage, parenthood and pastoral ministry I’ve always known Elaine was the best thing I have going for me. Last Monday August 23, 2010, I sat in a doctor’s exam room, listening in shocked silence as a PA told us that the result of Elaine’s recent biopsy was cancer. I felt a chill like someone had poured ice water over me. As a pastor I had been with numerous families in the aftermath of a cancer diagnosis, stood at many a bedside in both pre-op and post-op with cancer survivors and done multiple funerals for cancer victims. Suddenly I’m on the other side of the hospital bed and I was having my own “you-don’t-know-what-you’ve-got-until-it’s-gone” moments.
How could my wife have cancer? Elaine’s answer at the time was, “Billy, instead of me saying ‘Why me?’ I should be saying ‘Why NOT me?’ Since when does my being a Christian mean that I’m exempt from suffering?” See why I think Elaine is the best thing I have going for me?!?
A little more than thirteen years ago I asked Elaine’s parents for their blessing because I wanted to ask Elaine to marry me. When we married in 1997 I had my sights set on being with her for the rest of my life, and yesterday I learned that a golden anniversary is still in my future!
During a post-op meeting with my wife’s surgeon yesterday afternoon, I found out that everything is looking positive for Elaine’s “long term.” Though there are final test results to come, the preliminaries all seem to indicate that her cancer has not spread. Though Elaine will still have to endure chemotherapy, she may be able to avoid radiation. And even though she’s stuck with me as her chief nurse, today they told me I could take her home.
Thanks to every one of you that has prayed, loved, cared about, supported and encouraged Elaine. She has needed you all for this season, and still does. Jesus has always been her “peace for the journey”; today I’m celebrating that I have her as my wifeforthejourney.
Praise God!! I just love Elain's heart and attitude so today when I got the call that my pap showed abnormal cells I went straight here and re-read her last few posts. Such an encouragement. Will continue to pray for her and you all!!
PRAISE GOD!!!!! Yesterday at work me and a fellow blogger stopped at 1:00 to pray for all you!!! Thank you for posting today, we have been thinking and praying daily!!
Much love!!
OK, now that I'm blubbering all over the place…
What wonderful, wonderful news that the cancer has not spread!!!
As a cancer person myself and having gone through chemo not once but twice (6 sessions each) I'm here to tell Elaine that she can do this! It's tough! But it's do-able. And God holds us safe every step of the way.
Billy, thank you for the update. Elaine is precious and rare. I'm sure you know. 🙂 What a rich blessing from the Lord to have the gift of each other … partners for the journey.
Lord, thank You in advance for Elaine's quick and complete healing!
Thank you for the update.
Elaine has been on my prayers and on my mind since I heard of her diagnosis from my Kentucky Junque Syster Liz.
Blessings for a continued recovery.
Praise God!! Thank you too for the update. I've been praying we would hear more. You are one blessed man!
I am soo glad to see this and hear your good news. My husband too found himself just recently in your shoes. It is not an easy place to be, but it does cause you to REALLY look at your life and realize what is important, and what just really is not. I will continue to pray for a speedy and complete recovery from the surgery for her. The pain is really not too bad, but the drains were so frustrating after a while. But it all did go by quicker than I thought. Much love to you both, Debbie Your wife btw is just such a good example of a godly woman. I just know the Lord is going to use her mightly through this whole journey.
Billy – thank you for this amazing update. Our God is so good! I am so thankful that Elaine has such a wonderful man to stand by her side.
elaine – i love ya my sweet sister! Praying for you and your recovery. I am just in awe at your faith and I am just so excited at what God is about to do in your life! He is using you even through this my friend and I am just hanging on to see the amazing works He will do!
Love to you – Beth
Thank you so much, Billy, for posting the update and the sweet smiling picture of Elaine. Am so relieved to hear that the report is looking good. Will be continuing to pray for you all!
Thanks for the update.
You truly were blessed Billy, we sure do love your precious wife!
I'm rejoicing with you all on this good report, believing for a FULL recovery.
Take extra good care of her, we need her too.
Let her know our prayers continue to cover the altar on her behalf.
"The people that do know their God shall be strong." Daniel 11:32
In tears. I've been checking in non-stop to get a word that you are doing okay, Elaine.
What a precious Billy you have.
You are an amazing man. I am so very happy that you 2 have found your soul mate in God. Of course, I am crying after reading your words.. I only hope to 1 day find my soul mate, like you both and my parents. God Bless You Both!! And I will be praying for you, sweet Elaine.
Cousin Carol Lynn
Praising God at the Good Report and Believing God for His Totally Healed Report soon to follow!
Thank you for sharing with us as your family walks out this season.
We have all been encouaraged by Elaine's love for her God and Faith for her Journey.
Blessings to all
Thank you, Lord, for the good news!
Thank you so much for the update, Billy! She is sooo loved! Gratefully rejoicing in this great post op report and continuing to lift her and your whole family in my prayers. Blessings!
Oh, thank you, Billy, for this news and a glimpse of Elaine's sweet face. Your wife is such a blessing to so many, and she is dear to my heart. I'm glad to know she made it through the surgery okay. I'm still praying. And isn't it just like her to ask, "Why not me?"
Send my love to her.
Singing hallelujah's here!!! SOOOO glad to hear that the cancer has not spread and that everything went well. There are so many people praying for Elaine, people she doesn't even know. Our God is great, and I know He will journey with Elaine through this walk!
Sending love, prayers, and well wishes from the Bratcher Family back here in Brewster, Ohio!
We love you Elaine!!!!
Preacher Billy: Thank you so much for the update on "our" Elaine ! I'm so glad that she is doing well. You are all in our prayers.
May God bless with strength and recovery in the days ahead!
Marilyn…in Mississippi
This brought tears to my eyes… thank you so much for posting the news for us. Praising God with you!
Praise the LORD!!!
GOD is so faithful!!
Billy, you both are very special to each other, to GOD, and to us. Thank you for sharing your heart of love for your wife with each of us. She's pretty special!!!!!!
Love and hugs to Elaine. Praying for her and for all of you. Rejoicing in knowing that GOD's will is and will always be done!!!
Blessings and love,
Just came across your blog. I am so sorry to hear that you have breast cancer…..I am walking the same road, hand in hand with our Savior…I had a double mastectomy in July and started chemo last week. Praising God with you that your cancer has not spread. It is a journey like none other, but God is faithful and He will see you through and show Himself strong in your weakest moments. I will be lifting you before God's throne of grace and mercy. You have a beautiful heart for the Lord. Thank you for sharing your heart with us.
Dear Elaine,
I still have the goosebumps all over me from reading this post by Billy and many of the posts you did previous to this one.
I had not visited you for a while, so this comes as a surprise to me.
But not to you, and not to the Lord.
I am in tears as I write. Actually sobbing. Having been a part of your life, and the many ways you have shared the reality of your walk with God, you have become a dear friend to me, a precious hand to hold in my own journey.
Your faith runs deep, and I want you to know you have been a faithful messenger of His love…to me esp.
I want you to know I love you, and we meet often at God's throne of grace.
Much love
All the folks in Little Washington are praying for the whole Olsen family. We love you guys.
This news makes my heart sing, and seeing my sweet sister's picture brings tears of joy.
Bill and I are praising God and breathing big sighs of relief. You and Elaine are more than just precious friends, you know…you're family.
Take care of my sweet sister. Bill and I will visit you as soon as we possibly can. Until then, know that we are praying for Elaine's quick and complete recovery. We are also praying for you, the children, and the rest of the family.
We love you…
Billy & Elaine:
First, thank you so much Billy for the beautiful update and picture of 'our girl'! It is MORE THAN WONDERFUL to see your face here Elaine!!
I am so thrilled for the news you have gotten, but not surprised. Let me just say that from only the prayers coming from Texas…heaven has been besieged!! And I know that my prayers have been multiplied all over this land!
I am so glad you will be heading home, and Elaine… I hope you will take full advantage of the loving care of your family, and do what the dr. says…
Thanking God WITH you tonight for His care and for complete healing in the days ahead.
Praising the Lord with you… I'm so thankful everything went well Elaine and Billy!
You remain in our prayers.
It sounds to me like the gift goes both ways, Billy. Bless you for being there for Elaine in a way that honors the Lord. My prayers are with you both.
Praising God with you and for you both! Continuing to pray and trust God for even more ….one day at a time!
Thank You Jesus, Father God for allowing Elaine more time with us and with Billy and her children. Thank You Father God for loving us and for the testimony this brings. In Jesus' name, amen.
Thank you Billy for sharing your heart and this update on Elaine. I have, like so many others, been praying and will continue to do so.
I am thinking that you two make a wonderful team! Nurse her well Billy!
Love and prayers to you both!
Dear Billy
Thank you for taking the time to update us. And share the wonderful news. I will be continuing to pray for her… and you and the family.
Praise be to God!
What an awesome post. Thank you Billy for keeping us informed on my dear Sister in Christ. You guys mean the world to me. Praying for continued blessings to each one of you. Your faith is an example of the way each one of us should be. Trust in him. God is working a miracle through you Elaine.
Oh Elaine…when I rec'd your dad's update earlier, his message was met by tears…it was so precious…and now to see your face and hear from your husband-for-the-journey…my heart is overwhelmed with thanksgiving. I longed to see you…and there you are…my faith for what God would do has become sight. 🙂 My prayers continue. Sending more gentle hugs.
Love ya friend…so very much,
Relief, joy, and somewhere deep is an, "I KNEW IT!" So happy to hear the news. So happy to be a part of your lives. Thank you for inspiring all of us. Billy, you are amazing.
In Joy~
Jami Brown
What a love story…you two…so glad I was around when to see you fall in love with each other. So glad Elaine has such a sweet man to support her through all this. Elaine, you always made me laugh real hard! I loved being around you in Wilmore because of your wonderful gift of humor…you got it honest from your dad!…always loved it when he would stop by Beeson Manor and make me laugh, too. I know that your sense of humor will serve you well during this difficult time. You sent me some very supportive emails during a difficult time in my life. I am with you now in spirit during this tough time for you…love and miss you…thinking of you daily.
All praise to Jesus, as the news you share here is good. You are blessed to have each other as a support system.
Praise God!! Rejoicing in good news!
Continued prayers!
Thank you, Jesus, for preveniently walking before each of us. Continue pouring your peace and healing on Elaine and Billy…give them rest. Smooth the bumpy places and calm any child's worry…your river of love is being prayed as Elaine recovers…you are enriching her testimony 😉
I join in giving thanks for the wonderful news and the promise of continued prayers for all of you. Thanks so much for the update, and looking forward to more.
Much love,
Billy and Elaine – PRAISE GOD for the good report! Praise God for the beautiful love story He continues to write in your lives!
Our prayers remain with you!
God bless and love in Christ!
Thank You Sweet and Precious Jesus for Your Presence, Provision and Your Peace!!!
Thanks so much for the update Billy. Elaine is a gift to us as well. I can tell you will be a great nurse. I pray all of you get some rest. I am sure you need it. Give our love to Elaine.
Praise the Lord! Thank you for updating us. Continuing to pray! I always get such a blessing from Elaine, because God just pours our of her! I love her posts the way she shares her heart.
until next time… nel
I go to sleep tonight, rejoicing and praising God for this report! Elaine is so dear to my heart, and yes, she is real. I am so thankful to know her and have her share her peace and faith with me.
My husband and I have earnesly been praying for you all. Thank you for sharing your precious wife with the blogging world.
Elaine, take care, dear friend. So many love you and are praying for you. You are so near to the heart of God and very loved by Him.
Billy and Elaine,
I can see this is a day/night where I'm not going to be able to stop crying!
Thank you, sweet Jesus for the news that the cancer hasn't spread. I prayed specifically for that yesterday, and have been praying for you on and off as y'all have been brought to my mind.
Though I have never seen you face to face, I have watched the video posts you have done – and what a trooper you are, Billy to be going out on the day after Thanksgiving so stinking early with your wife!!!! What a sweet blessing Elaine has been to us all, and I am so glad that you have been given such a gift of such a "wifeforthejourney"
Love and prayers coming from central Wisconsin…..
Thanks, Billy for the uplifting news flash. Praise God for His wondrous blessings unfolding upon you and yourwifeforthejourney!
I am dancing in front of the King tonight with thanksgiving – for His continuous hand is upon you.
I'm praying the prayer that never stops praying, Elaine. God is good all of the time!
Praising Jesus with you
Patrina <")>><
Praise the Lord forevermore!!! Thank you Billy for the wonderful report…..I'm rejoicing with you and Elaine!!!
Continuing to lift Elaine and your family before the Throne of Grace and trusting Him for a speedy and complete recovery!
Love and Big Hugs!! :))
On your guest post "Wifeforthejourney": Preacher Billy, you did a great job! Thank you for the update on Elaine. What a wonderful report! She looks great, given the hospital setting. The WCS family continues to hold your family in our hearts and we continue to pray for the test results and a quick and complete recovery! The students have been so sensitive and faithful to pray.
Blessed and comforted, your good report gives my early morning gratitudes a buoyancy they didn't otherwise contain. Thank you!
You're quite a team, you two. I have long loved Elaine's perspective; and her way with words. She has an equal in you (and probably on more levels than I can even know).
I am so very thankful for all that God has wrought in your lives; and especially for His healing touch upon Elaine.
May you both continue long on this journey. It is obvious the Lord has MUCH for you to say and do. Oh how I praise and thank Him for that!
Huge hug,
Praise God! I am so happy for this good news for Elaine and her family!
Thanks so much for the update!
Wow she sure is a Godly woman, she has the right attitude indeed, it rains on the just and the unjust we are all humans and able to contract any disease, cancer seems to be the disease there is plenty of, spreading like wildfire in so many,these days too. My prayers are with you and your dear Elaine, she is such a encouragement to many, hugs and blessings, Barbara
She is a beautiful lady and you are one blessed man! Of course after reading this post, she is pretty blessed herself.
Please give her my love. I am praying. Her heart is encouragement for me daily.
She looks good.
That is GREAT news!
Oh yes, Billy… we KNOW what you mean… she is special to us too!!
So thankful for all the blessings that you share, are sharing and will con't to share!!!
So thankful too that our Amazing God has given you love for a Lifetime!!
As I told Elaine before, there are soooo many stories I could tell about friends who have walked this path… not the least of which is my own Beloved, 5yr.cancer free!!
Their stories and hers are the stuff of encouragement to others who so deparately need encouraging!! I have no doubt, that in this too, God will use Elaine's testimony for Good, and YOURS!!
Peace for the Journey!
In Him,
oh, that brought tears to my eyes! What a sweet post! Thank you for the update.
What a glorious post about a glorious God. It's what I always find over here, no matter the circumstance…Him – Peace – for wherever the journey leads.
Continuing to pray and sending big hugs from Texas (are there any other kind from here??),
Thanks for the update. Thank God for the encouraging prognosis!!!
You are a lucky man to have Elaine, but something tells me she's pretty lucky as well.
Praying for you all. Sending hugs to Elaine.
Billy, what a blessed man you are! I too praise God for those reports and will continue to pray for Elaine and your family. Ever since she told us about this journey she was going on I had an overwhelming sense of peace…and isn't that what Elaine is all about…Living in God's peace.
So thankful for this post!!
Believing Him~Pamela
PS I am sure you are the best nurse Elaine could ever have (coming from a nurse)!!
Elaine, I have been out of the loop and had NO IDEA about your cancer. My sweet friend. My love and prayers go out to you.
I know this is an evidence of God's hand on your life. My husband has often said that God always tests our convictions. When we take a stand for His name, God is going to test that stand, validate it, and then strengthen it.
You are going to come through this, sweet friend. "When He has tested me, I shall come forth as gold." A world is watching how you "do" this. Rest in the truth that it is GOD that will do it.
Prayers and love beyond words,
As usual, I have so little to bring to the comment party but do want to say that I have been helped rereading your book. I spent some time last night at "A call to the desert" (pg 42). You wrote "Deserts are sometimes the walk that God allows us because:
deserts require;
deserts remind;
deserts reveal;
deserts renew.
I have loved this vignette and want to affirm what you already know and have testified to: He loves to make new out of the old, does he not faith Elaine? And he completes what he begins. This cancer is not being wasted!
Praise our wonderful God for this news. She's home and God is working out a miracle in Elaine's life.
Billy and Elaine, please know I am praying daily for you and your family.
Blessings to you dear one as you continue to recover. I know that you still have an enduring road ahead of you, but I am confident in the fact that you can and will endure it while holding onto your sweet Father's hand.
Prayers and blessings to whole family! I was so glad to get the good report! Your guest blogger is quite the writer–he writes clearly and with much love and compassion. 🙂
Billy, you are a precious man and blessed greatly. Thank you for sharing with us this wonderful report and be assured, we are and will continue to pray! God is so good!
Thanks so much for the fabulous update! Our Father is good and so gracious and full of mercy to us! Strangers in Kansas are praying for continued strength and healing for you all!
Another Whoohooo for God!! He truly is the Great Physician! Billy, your words are beautiful! I was truly doing a happy dance on the hill at the cross country meet when I heard your wonderful news! The boys still don't know that mama was out there in public dancing for joy!
We continue to lift all of y'all up in prayers. Your family is so precious, and we are blessed to have you in our lives.
And, how come Elaine looks so darlin' in that picture after having surgery? That is so not fair!!
Love you all!
Amazing news! Cameron and I have been praying for you Elaine! You are one special lady that definitely has a gift for the written word.
We will continue to pray for you daily!
P.S. Asbury and Wilmore are amazing. We are so excited about the community we are embracing and the individuals that are embracing us. We feel so blessed to be in the midst of such love! We are so excited about this season. Thank you for all of your kind words of encouragement in the past.
Brittan Bibb
What a relief! Thanks so much for the update, Billy. Please send Elaine my love and prayers.
Blessings,Marsha Harwood
Praise God!!!
We don't always know "why" but we do KNOW that this sisution is NO surprise to our God.
Still praying,
What a beautiful post from a man who loves his wife. So glad to hear that Elaine is doing better and will lift her up in prayer.
I feel so bad that I have not known this. Praise God that it sounds like all will be well! I love your wife.. even though we have never met. Her writings through her blog and personal notes of encouragement to me have blessed me beyond measure. I concur with the others who have commented on this precious lady of faith and grace. I know she will soon be blogging and sharing God's goodness during this season of endurance, patience and even pain.
What a blessing both of you are for one another, and that your faith carries you well. Why? Because that is what Jesus does!!! Your wife is so totally amazing and you always causes me to dig deeper and seek my Lord like never before. Continuing to pray here on the plains of Kansas.
With love,
Sending prayers today…..
Thank You Jesus!! Praying not only for you, but all you cross paths with. They have no idea who Jesus is sending their way!! May many souls be turned upside down after hearing your love and passion you have for Jesus that I know you won't be shy in sharing. Love you Elaine!
Your friend for the journey…
Found out about your blog from The Way We Are & am glad to have found you! I will join with other prayer warriors in standing in the gap on your behalf, and that of your family. Hugs & healing in His grace! ~ Merana
Thanks for posting dear husband of our beloved Elaine! You are a treasure to husbandhood!!
Someone once told me those very same words that you quoted Elaine saying, "Don't ask, 'Why me?' – ask, 'Why not me?'"
I prefer these days to say: "Don't ask 'Why, Lord?'… rather ask, 'What, Lord…WHAT do you want to do with this to bring our Your glory.'"
I know He will bring great glory to His Name through all of this journey that He has asked you both to bear for a time. He will be faithful and true to see you through it all!
Praying with you and for you.
Choosing JOY with many [hugs] for my girl,
PS: I sent Elaine an e-mail yesterday, too, in case you are checking those for her!
Elaine and Bill,
All I can say is.."for His glory"..He has entrusted you all with much for He trusts you much…how loved you are…
Love, thoughts and prayers,
This was so sweet…
Praise God for His hand of healing on Elaine's life! What a blessing she is to all of us in "blog-land" and to you at home. Thank you so much for the update!
Living for Him, Joan
This post… took my breath away. I am praying for you too Billy! As the sister of a breast cancer survivor I understand what it means to be a loved one of a family member with cancer.
I am thanking and praising God for her good diagnosis!
A husband and wife glorifying God together through the good times and difficult times. Thank you for sharing.